Zen, an autistic teenage girl with powerful martial arts skills, gets money to pay for her sick mother Zin's treatment by seeking out all the people who owe Zin money and making them pay.

London, 1843. Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter old man, despises the Christmas holiday. Over the course of Christmas Eve night he is visited by three ghosts to show him his past, present and future.

He fought his first battle on the Scottish Highlands in 1536. He will fight his greatest battle on the streets of New York City in 1986. His name is Connor MacLeod. He is immortal.

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول 5 من أصدقاء الطفولة يجتمعون بعد 20 عاماً من محاولتهم الملحمية لارتياد عدة حانات متنوعة في الليلةنفسها، ويحدث هذا بعد أن يقرر أحدهم أن يدخل ماراثون الشراب مرة أخرى، فيجدون أنفسهم بصحبة صديقهم القديم "جاري كينج" الذي لا يزال يعيش في فترة المراهقة وهو في سن الأربعين، ويقوم باستدراج أصدقائه إلى المدينة التي تربوا فيها، ثم إعادة المحاولة للوصول إلى الحانة الأسطورية التي تحمل اسم The World's End، وبينما يحاول الأصدقاء توفيق الماضي والحاضر سوياَ، يدركون أن الصراع الحقيقي هو من أجل المستقبل، ليس فقط مستقبلهم، ولكن مستقبل البشريةكلها، وأن الوصول إلى The World's End هو أقل مشكلاتهم أهمية.

تدور الأحداث حول شقيقين يعيشان في مزرعة عائلية كبيرة في مونتانا، وسرعان ما تتدهور العلاقة بينهما فينقلبا ضد بعضهما البعض مع زواج أحدهما.

Mere seconds before the Earth is to be demolished by an alien construction crew, Arthur Dent is swept off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher penning a new edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Teenager Winnie Foster is growing up in a small rural town in 1914 with her loving but overprotective parents, but Winnie longs for a life of greater freedom and adventure.

Haunted by memories of a patient's death, a nurse takes a job at an antiquated hospital for children. Soon she learns that the kids fear a ghost that prowls the floors and will not allow anyone to leave. Amy tries to protect them and convince the other staffers of the evil that lurks there.

An orphaned child's dreams—and nightmares—manifest physically as he sleeps.

يتم وضع مقدم البرامج التلفزيونية المالية "لي جيتس" ومنتجه "باتي" في موقف متطرف عندما يستولي مستثمر غاضب على الاستوديو الخاص بهما.

مسلحون يختطفون قطار أنفاق في مدينة نيويورك ، ويحتجزون الركاب رهائن مقابل فدية ، ويحولون يوم عمل عادي للمرسل والتر جاربر إلى مواجهة مع العقل المدبر وراء الجريمة.

When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia among American CIA officials, so CIA director Bill Cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation. Then the unthinkable happens: a nuclear bomb explodes in a U.S. city, and America is quick to blame the Russians.

A world of the very near future in which cattle, fish, and even the family pet can be cloned. But cloning humans is illegal - that is until family man Adam Gibson comes home from work one day to find a clone has replaced him. Taken from his family and plunged into a sinister world he doesn't understand, Gibson must not only save himself from the assassins who must destroy him to protect their secret, but uncover who and what is behind the horrible things happening to him.

يقوم (روبن) وقائده المغاربي (ليتل جون) بتنظيم ثورة جريئة ضد التاج الإنجليزي الفاسد، في مغامرة مثيرة مليئة بمنافسات ساحقة في ساحة المعركة.

The quiet family life of Nels Coxman, a snowplow driver, is upended after his son's murder. Nels begins a vengeful hunt for Viking, the drug lord he holds responsible for the killing, eliminating Viking's associates one by one. As Nels draws closer to Viking, his actions bring even more unexpected and violent consequences, as he proves that revenge is all in the execution.

مع قليل من الأكسجين المتبقّي في أسطوانتي الغوص، تُحاصَر شقيقتان داخل قفص في قاع المحيط، بينما تحوم حولهما أسماك "القرش الأبيض" الكبيرة.

Deeply ensconced in a top-secret military program, three pilots struggle to bring an artificial intelligence program under control ... before it initiates the next world war.

بعد أن قامت أربع فتيات جامعات بسرقة مطعم لتمويل إجازتهن الربيعية في فلوريدا ، يتورطون مع رجل غريب في أجندته الإجرامية.

Eric and Kurt Sloane are the descendants of a well-known Venice, California-based family of martial artists. Kurt has always been in older brother, Eric's shadow, as he lacks the instincts needed to become a champion. Against Kurt's concerns, Eric accepts a paid offer and travels to Thailand to challenge the Muay Thai champion Tong Po and fails with dire consequences. Kurt sets out for revenge. He trains with his brother's mentor, Master Durand, for a Muay Thai fight against the merciless champion, Tong Po. Durand first thinks Kurt is impossible to train, but through a series of spiritual exercises and tests, Durand discovers that Kurt has a deeper strength that will carry him through his final showdown with Tong Po.

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.