Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.

A monumental windstorm and an abused horse's refusal to work or eat signal the beginning of the end for a poor farmer and his daughter.

Katy Perry takes the stage at the 2015 Rock in Rio festival September 27 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Setlist: Roar / Part of Me / Wide Awake / Dark Horse / E.T. / Legendary Lovers / I Kissed a Girl / Hot N Cold / International Smile (With "Vogue" snippet by Madonna) / By the Grace of God / The One That Got Away / Thinking of You / Unconditionally / Walking on Air / This Is How We Do / Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) / Teenage Dream / California Gurls / Firework

Henry IV usurps the English throne, sets in motion the factious War of the Roses and now faces a rebellion led by Northumberland scion Hotspur. Henry's heir, Prince Hal, is a ne'er-do-well carouser who drinks and causes mischief with his low-class friends, especially his rotund father figure, John Falstaff. To redeem his title, Hal may have to choose between allegiance to his real father and loyalty to his friend.

The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.

Kolbeinn miluje Solveig a Solveig miluje Kolbeinn, ale Kolbeinn miluje svoju prvotriednu kobylu, obľúbenú Gránu. Tá je však posadnutá žrebcom Brúnnom. Vernhardur miluje vodku a kôň Jarpur miluje Vernhardura, svojho pána. Grimur má vášeň pre starú konskú dopravu, ale Egill obdivuje iskrivé elektrické ploty. Prichádza jar a celá miestna komunita ich sleduje. To nemôže skončiť dobre... Počas nakrúcania nebol žiadny kôň zranený a herci prežili. Otázkou však zostáva ich možná psychická ujma.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

A blunt, abrasive and yet oddly compassionate Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly, a small-time struggling lawyer who moves from Kanpur to the city of Nawabs to pursue his dream of becoming a big-time lawyer.

Haley Graham je 17-ročná rebelka, ktorá má rada punk a všetko, čo môže zvýšiť jej adrenalín. Nie raz sa dostala do konfliktu s okolím a autoritami. Keď však dôjde k poslednej zrážke so zákonom, dostane na výber. Trest alebo zápis na elitnú gymnastickú akadémiu vedenú legendárnym trénerom Burtom Vickermanom. Jej neskrotný duch a žarty rýchlo otrasú prísne vedenou školou...

Október 1941. Kadetov z podolských vojenských škôl medzi prvými vyslali do iljinskej obrannej línie bojovať po boku jednotiek sovietskej 43. armády, aby zadržali Nemcov, kým nedorazia posily. Mladí muži, vlastne ešte deti, takmer všetci jeden po druhom položili svoje životy v bitke, ktorá trvala dva týždne, aby znemožnili postup nemeckých jednotiek do Moskvy. Okolo 3.500 kadetov bojovalo aj napriek tomu, že na druhej strane stála ďaleko väčšia a lepšie vyzbrojená presila. Strhujúca snímka nerozpráva len o vojne. Je tiež o láske, skutočnom a pevnom priateľstve a ceste od chlapčenstva k dospelosti.

1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.

The evolution of adult cinema through the most influential films in history, a journey that begins in the 1970s and ends nowadays. An in-depth analysis of the success of the most prestigious erotic films, their impact on industry and society, and their influence on cinema and contemporary culture.

Rimania sa zúfalo snažia odhaliť tajomstvo nadpozemskej sily Gálov. Ich vodca sa prostredníctvom špióna dozvie o zázračnom nápoji a má na získaní receptu veľký záujem. Chce ho totiž využiť pre svoj vlastný prospech a dostať sa tak až na trón samotného Cézara. Popletený Getafix mu síce zázračný nápoj uvarí, ale s úplne inými účinkami! Po jeho vypití totiž vlasy neustále rastú.

Pikachu a gang sa počas letnej dovolenky na ostrove Pokémon Island učia zodpovednosti, tímovej práci a spolupráci.

An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.

After colliding with a pedestrian on her bicycle who loses his memory following the accident, Darcy Archer becomes determined to help the handsome guy figure out who he is. In the process, she finds out a lot more about who she is, what she wants from life, and how this too-good-to-be-true guy might just be the man she’s been waiting to bump into all her life.

Štadión, na ktorom má prebehnúť finálové stretnutie Stanley Cupu, obsadí komando vedené Joshuom Fossom a čaká na doručenie obrovského výkupného. Čo však teroristi nečakali, boli ťažkosti. Celý štadión bol podmínovaný, spojenie prerušené, rukojemníci uväznení. Na scéne sa objaví požiarny technik Darren McCord. Pred rokmi sa vzdal miesta v zbore a prijal prácu obyčajného požiarneho technika, čo ťažko nesie hlavne jeho syn Tyler. Všetko by snáď pre teroristov dopadlo priaznivo, keby jeden z nich nespravil chybu - ako jedného z rukojemníkov odtiahol do viceprezidentovej lóže i Darrenovu malú dcérku Emily, ktorú technik vzal na zápas i s Tylerom.

A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.

A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.

A unique horror film told from the first-person perspective of Grace - a naive, virginal college freshman trying to deal with campus culture and her outgoing roommate as an evil entity takes over her body and unleashes chaos.