Three brothers get the surprise of their lives when they are forced to work together to care for a baby over the holidays. As they slowly get the hang of things, they find themselves on unexpected journeys of self-discovery and begin to rebuild their relationships as brothers, as well as the damaged romantic and professional relationships in their respective lives…all while rediscovering their love of Christmas.

يتناول العمل السيرة الذاتية لناشط حقوق الإنسان نيكولاس وينتون، ودوره البارز في حماية وإنقاذ المئات من الأطفال في أوروبا الوسطى من الحكم النازي خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية.

Aza confronts her potential for love, happiness, friendship, and hope while navigating an endless barrage of invasive, obsessive thoughts.

To protect herself from a revolt by the workers on her family's farm, a reclusive designer locks herself in her armored car. The clock is ticking and the tension rises. Separated by an impenetrable layer of glass, two universes are about to collide.

يبدأ الاتفاق عندما تجد ماندي الطالبة المقبلة على الدراسة بجامعة هارفارد أن الموافقة على التحاقها بالجامعة قد تتأخر إلىوقت بعيد، حيث تضطر إلى التحالف مع أكثر شخص تكرهه، لمجرد أن أباه يعمل في مجلس الشيوخ ويمكنه مساعدتها.

بعد أن علم أن أمام زوجته المريضة ستة أشهر للعيش ، يرحب الرجل بدعم صديقه المقرب الذي ينتقل إلى منزلهم للمساعدة.

When a renowned architecture scholar falls suddenly ill during a speaking tour, his son Jin finds himself stranded in Columbus, Indiana - a small Midwestern city celebrated for its many significant modernist buildings. Jin strikes up a friendship with Casey, a young architecture enthusiast who works at the local library.

يدور العمل حول زوي ميلر، الفتاة الذكية المهووسة بالحواسيب والتي لا تؤمن بالحب، حتى يتعرض زميلها المحبوب بالمدرسة زاك لحادث يفقد على أثره الذاكرة؛ فيظن أن زوي هي حبيبته.

Molly Gunn, the freewheeling daughter of a deceased rock legend, is forced to get a job when her manager steals her money. As nanny for precocious Ray, the oft ignored daughter of a music executive she learns what it means to be an adult while teaching Ray how to be a child.

عقب خيانة أخيه المُرابي له، يحصل مجرم شرس على إذن تسريح مؤقّت من السجن، فيهرب عاقدًا العزم على الانتقام ممّن جعلوه قاتلًا.

خلال مهمة منفردة مرّ عليها ستة أشهر، يواجه رائد فضاء وحيد نقاط الضعف في حياته الزوجية بمساعدة كائن غامض يكتشف وجوده على متن سفينته.

In Imperial Russia, Anna, the wife of the officer Karenin, goes to Moscow to visit her brother. On the way, she meets the charming cavalry officer Vronsky to whom she is immediately attracted. But in St. Petersburg’s high society, a relationship like this could destroy a woman’s reputation.

She’s a young pianist preparing for an audition. He is a games inventor who can only concentrate in complete silence. Separated by only a paper-thin wall in conjoined apartments, will they learn to live in harmony with one another? Will romance blossom through the wall?

El Jeremías is a heartwarming comedy film about family love and the hard choices that come with opportunity. Set in Sonora Mexico, the film tells the story of Jeremías an eight year old who finds out he is a gifted child and initiates a journey of self discovery. When an opportunistic physiologist makes contact with Jeremías, a new world of experiences open up to him but at the expense of being away from the family he loves. Jeremías must choose between this exciting but lonely new world he finds himself in or returning home to his loving family.

تدرك "نيكا" و"ريجيل"، اللذان تم تبنيهما سويةً بعد أن قضيا طفولة صعبة في دار للأيتام، بأن هناك أحاسيس غير متوقعة تجذبهما نحو بعضهما على نحو يصعب مقاومته.

تسعى مؤرخة لتحدي مؤسسة أكاديمية ضخمة، ذلك خلال جهودها في العثور على رفات الملك ريتشارد الثالث والتي فقدت لأكثر من 500 عام.

In 1985, against the backdrop of Thatcherism, Brian Jackson enrolls in the University of Bristol, a scholarship boy from seaside Essex with a love of knowledge for its own sake and a childhood spent watching University Challenge, a college quiz show. At Bristol he tries out for the Challenge team and falls under the spell of Alice, a lovely blond with an extensive sexual past.

When their car breaks down, a couple on the run headed southbound for a fresh start in the Sunshine State break into a nearby house looking for a new set of wheels. What they find instead is a dark secret, and a sweet-as-pie pair of homeowners who will do anything to keep it from getting out.

يتأهب المتمردون لخوض معركة ضد قوات "الكوكب الأم" الشرسة، في الوقت الذي تتوطّد فيه الأواصر ويبرز الأبطال وتُولَد الأساطير.

Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.