'Skippy' seeks to win the love of celebrities and a women by getting his photograph taken with as many famous people as possible.

Najdroższy film w dziejach rosyjskiej kinematografii. Ponad 7-godzinna epopeja wojenna, zrealizowana z niespotykanym rozmachem. Wielka Wojna Ojczyźniana pokazana została z uderzającym realizmem i dbałością o szczegóły, a sceny ostatecznego tryumfu wojsk radzieckich nad III Rzeszą, czyli upadek Berlina, uznawane są do dziś za jedne z najlepszych w historii kina. Unikalne materiały dokumentalne z archiwów radzieckich w połączeniu ze fragmentami kronik filmowych koproducenta epopei - NRD - i nieomal nieograniczonym budżetem sprawiają, że efekt końcowy nie ma sobie równych. Na uwagę zasługuje międzynarodowa obsada, w tym udział wybitnych polskich aktorów - Jana Englerta, Barbary Brylskiej, Daniela Olbrychskiego, Franciszka Pieczki.

Abstract painting and modern music create an animated soundscape. A succession of tangled, non-figurative images is punctuated by playful character animation.

A look at the aftermath and global impact of the docuseries `Surviving R. Kelly'

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

A depiction of the Wrangelkiez neighbourhood in Berlin. The people portrayed tell their life stories. One woman came to the neighbourhood a decade ago to work in Berlin’s still unfinished Brandenburger Airport, one man reminisces his childhood on a Tobacco farm in Kentucky, another speaks of an exceptional day in an otherwise monotonous workplace. These portraits are interwoven with the story of Elpi, a Greek woman who is waiting for the long overdue visit of an old important friend. The outcome of this mixture is a film which captures the lives and perspectives of some of Wrangelkiez’s most commanding citizens, while at the same time evoking the loss that change and time passing means for places and for people.

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

Trzech Amerykanów, Szeryf, Tony i Lewis, zaprzyjaźnia się podczas długich wakacji w Malezji. Dwóch z nich wraca do Stanów, a Lewis postanawia zostać. Przed wyjazdem koledzy wręczają Lewisowi kilka działek haszyszu. Dwa lata później Szeryf dowiaduje się, że jego przyjaciel od czasu ich wyjazdu, siedzi w więzieniu i został skazany na śmierć za posiadanie narkotyków. Jedynym sposobem, by uratować jego życie jest powrót do Malezji i przyznanie się przez Szeryfa i Tony'ego, że część haszyszu należała do nich.

A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.

Brigitte ucieka z Bailey Downs i aby nie stało się z nią to samo, co z jej siostrą Ginger zażywa specjalny specyfik. Kiedy zatrzymuje ją policja stróże prawa biorą Brigitte za narkomankę i wysyłają na odwyk. Pozbawiona jedynego lekarstwa dziewczyna z przerażeniem myśli o tym, co stanie się, gdy wzejdzie pełnia księżyca a ona zmieni się w krwiożerczego wilkołaka...

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Amateur filmmaker Kemal Mutlu captures scenes of everyday life with plans of making a film. He lives with his housemate Nuri in a small flat in Istanbul. One day,Nuri's friend from orphanage, Izzet, comes to visit unannounced. Just out of prison, Izzet's colorful character grabs Kemal's attention, and he decides to make a film about him. Unfortunately, it soon turns out that underneath his friendly exterior, Izzet is a psychopath. When he is refused entry into a bar, he gets in by force and kidnaps actress Oznur Kula. Kemal is happy to have found an actress to star in his film, however things soon get out of control as Izzet's sick plans unfold.

Pound x Pound introduces you to the world of boxing elite through the eyes of Juan Manuel Marquez, four-time world champion. It is a ringside ticket to the professional and personal life of Juan Manuel. An unique access to the truth behind the rivalry with Manny Pacquiao. Read the story behind the Mexican idol, who through work, effort, sacrifices and frustrations, has established itself as one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world.

Highland Sunset and a final look at Class 37s on the West Highland Line to Fort William before the introduction of Class 66s. Crewe Open Weekend with a tour of Crewe Works during the open weekend of the 20th and 21st of May with a variety of traction plus coverage of specials to the event with 33 and 37 hauage. Class 58 Profile with only half of the original class still in action we take a look at the class from the 1980s to the present day. Devon Contrasts and Class 67 and 47 motive power along the famous stretch of sea wall from Starcross to Dawlish.