Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.

Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau Kin Ming, a young mafia member, infiltrates the police force. Years later, their older counterparts, Chen Wing Yan and Inspector Lau Kin Ming, respectively, race against time to expose the mole within their midst.

A family gathers together for a commemorative ritual whose nature only gradually becomes clear.

Before he was a protector, Kenshin was a fearsome assassin known as Battosai. But when he meets gentle Tomoe Yukishiro, a beautiful young woman who carries a huge burden in her heart, his life will change forever.

Nicholas Angel on Londoni edukaim politseinik, kelle tulemused on kolleegide omadest ligi 400% paremad. Ta on lausa nii suurepärane, et kõik teised tunduvad tema kõrval kahvatud. Seetõttu otsustatakse mees saata väikelinna Sandfordi, kus ta täht ei lööks niivõrd särama. Algul näiline tagasilöök saab aga väärt kulminatsiooni, kui Sandfordis hakkab juhtuma rida kummalisi ja veriseid juhtumeid. Uinuval väikelinnal on aeg saada tubli annus suurlinna õiglust.

Linus and David Larrabee are the two sons of a very wealthy family. Linus is all work – busily running the family corporate empire, he has no time for a wife and family. David is all play – technically he is employed by the family business, but never shows up for work, spends all his time entertaining, and has been married and divorced three times. Meanwhile, Sabrina Fairchild is the young, shy, and awkward daughter of the household chauffeur, who goes away to Paris for two years, and returns to capture David's attention, while falling in love with Linus.

Zen, an autistic teenage girl with powerful martial arts skills, gets money to pay for her sick mother Zin's treatment by seeking out all the people who owe Zin money and making them pay.

A mysterious video has been linked to a number of deaths, and when an inquisitive journalist finds the tape and views it herself, she sets in motion a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.

Four teenagers in detention discover an old video game console with a game they’ve never heard of. When they decide to play, they are immediately sucked into the jungle world of Jumanji in the bodies of their avatars. They’ll have to complete the adventure of their lives filled with fun, thrills and danger or be stuck in the game forever!

Löömamees Lee (Jackie Chan) ja lobamokk James Carter (Chris Tucker) on taas koos, et Hong Kongis puhkust veeta. Paraku ei tule sellest midagi välja, kuna nad satuvad rahapesu otsa, millesse on segatud Fu-Cang-Longi jõuk, pealikuks Ricky Tan (John Lone) ning tema surmav, kuid kaunis parem käsi Hu Li (Zhang Ziyi). Paarimehed peavad võitlema vastastega Hong Kongis, Los Angeleses ning Las Vegases, et lõpetada juurdlus, milles on mängus miljardid.

After a lightning bolt zaps a robot named Number 5, the lovable machine starts to think he's human and escapes the lab. Hot on his trail is his designer, Newton, who hopes to get to Number 5 before the military does. In the meantime, a spunky animal lover mistakes the robot for an alien and takes him in, teaching her new guest about life on Earth.

JJ, aka John Shaft Jr., may be a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, but to uncover the truth behind his best friend’s untimely death, he needs an education only his dad can provide. Absent throughout JJ’s youth, the legendary locked-and-loaded John Shaft agrees to help his progeny navigate Harlem’s heroin-infested underbelly.

Eriagendil Ethan Huntil on uus missioon: hoida ära halastamatu endine agent ja nüüd rahvusvaheline terrorist, et ta saaks kätte surmava viiruse, mis võib Austraalia vallandada, põhjustades miljoneid ohvreid. Selle ärahoidmiseks on tal taas hindamatuks abiks arvutigeenius Luther Stickell, asjatundlik autojuht Billy Baird ja sensuaalne ning eksootiline rahvusvaheline varas Nhye, kellel varem olid kurjategijaga sentimentaalsed suhted ja keda nüüd Hunt meelitab.

Cowboys Beauregard Decker and Virgil Blessing attend a rodeo in Phoenix, where Decker falls in love with beautiful cafe singer Cherie. He wants to take Cherie back to his native Montana and marry her, but she dreams of traveling to Hollywood and becoming famous. When she resists his advances, Decker forces Cherie onto the bus back to Montana with him, but, when the bus makes an unscheduled stop due to bad weather, the tables are turned.

After his family is killed by a Serbian gangster with international interests. NYC detective Nick goes to S.E. Asia and teams up with a Thai detective to get revenge and destroy the syndicates human trafficking network.

It’s been three years since we last met Janne and Inari. Since then, they’ve had a daughter named Lumi. Janne and his friends experience a new adventure, this time on an autumn night. The boys go to a party but end up chasing Lumi who has disappeared. Meanwhile, Inari enjoys a girls-night-out and has an adventure of her own.

The young monk Taka and his three disciples are captured by a demonic tree. Taka manages to escape thanks to the magic stick of Monkey King and decided to go free his companions. En route, he encounters a strange ally called Meiyan, a girl who is half-human and half monster. As Taka and his new friend set off on a fantastic adventure they will face many hardships and battles and may very well decide the fate of humanity and the entire universe...