Recap film focusing primarily on the match against Shiratorizawa from the third season.

With its armies sweeping across the continent, the Empire seems unstoppable. After securing victory over the remnants of the Republic's army, the Empire's ultimate victory is finally within reach. However, dark clouds are gathering in the East. The communist-led Russy Federation is mustering troops on its western border, preparing to enter the war. Supported by a detachment of Allied volunteer magicians—among whom is Mary Sioux, the daughter of a soldier killed by Tanya—the Federation is determined to spread the communist creed and bring the Empire to its knees. Meanwhile, Tanya and her battalion return to the imperial capital from the southern front. Upon their arrival, they are tasked with investigating troop movements on the border with the Federation. Any escalation of violence at this point may lead to new conflicts, plunging the world into a global war. Will the Empire eventually emerge victorious from its struggle, or will it crumble in the face radically different ideologies?

Nuori Mahito-poika kaipaa äitiään ja päätyy etsimään tätä elävien sekä kuolleiden jakamasta rajamaailmasta. Siellä kuolema päättyy ja uusi elämä voi alkaa.

Clyde Sheltonin elämä romahtaa kahden murtovarkaan tappaessa hänen perheenjäsenensä. Syyttäjä Nick Rice ei pidä todistusaineistoa tarpeeksi pitävänä ja tekee sopimuksen, joka passittaa toisen varkaista kuolemanselliin toisen kärsiessä minimaalisen rangaistuksen. Shelton ei voi niellä tapahtunutta ja palaa kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin ottamaan oikeuden omiin käsiinsä: toteutettava suunnitelma on nerokas, mutta samalla mielipuolinen. Tämä kosto on ennennäkemätöntä suuruusluokkaa, eikä kohteena ole pelkästään vapaalla jalalla elämänsä viettävä murhaaja, vaan myös kaikki muut oikeusmurhan osalliset.

A long-running conspiracy is swirling over a mysterious power wielded by the Queen in Raja, a small country west of Tempest. When a slime who evolved into a Demon Lord named Rimuru Tempest crosses paths with Hiiro, a survivor of the Ogre race, an incredible adventure packed with new characters begins. The power of bonds will be put to the test!

Gru ja Lucy ja tyttäret – Margo, Edith ja Agnes – toivottavat tervetulleeksi Gru-perheen uuden jäsenen, Gru Juniorin, jonka aikeena on piinata isäänsä. Grun uusi perivihollinen, Maxime Le Mal ja hänen femme fatale -tyttöystävänsä Valentina, pakottavat perheen pakosalle.

Paris, 1930. Luis Buñuel is penniless after the scandal surrounding the release of his last movie. Sculptor Ramón Acín, a good friend, buys a lottery ticket and promises Buñuel that he will pay for his next movie if he wins the prize.

Following the death of her estranged father, Iris learns she has inherited a run-down, centuries-old pub. She travels to Berlin to identify her father’s body and meet with The Solicitor to discuss the estate. Little does she know, when the deed is signed she will become inextricably tied to an unspeakable entity that resides in the pub’s basement – Baghead – a shape-shifting creature that can transform into the dead.

Kuumana kesäpäivänä Oslossa kuolleet heräävät henkiin. Äiti menehtyy auto-onnettomuudessa, ja perheen täytyy käsitellä kuolemaa ja henkiinheräämistä samanaikaisesti. Vanhempi nainen saa rakkaansa takaisin haudattuaan hänet samana päivänä. Isoisä yrittää epätoivoisesti saada lastenlastaan takaisin lievittääkseen tyttärensä surua.

28-vuotias taiteilija Mina eksyy suureen aarniometsään läntisessä Irlannissa. Päästyään vihdoin suojaan Mina jää tietämättään loukkuun yhdessä kolmen ventovieraan kanssa, joita mystiset yölliset olennot tarkkailevat ja vaanivat.

Berlin, the Prenzlauer Berg district. Daniel is a movie star accustomed to success. His loft apartment is stylish and so is his wife, and the nanny has the children under control. Everything is tip-top, bilingual and ready for him to jet off to an audition in London where a role in an American superhero film awaits the celebrated German-Spanish actor. Popping into the local bar on the corner, he finds Bruno sitting there. As transpires by the minute, Bruno has been waiting for this moment for a long time. And so this eternally overlooked man – one of reunification's losers and a victim of the gentrification of what was once East Berlin – takes his revenge. With Daniel as his target...

Deshu, a mechanic from Dubai, comes home to Mumbai, and gets embroiled in a crime by accident. The film shows his meteoric rise from common, law-abiding man to underworld kingpin.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Iris has a seemingly flawless husband, two wonderful daughters, a dental practice with a relentless stream of customers, a nice apartment in an area she loves, friends who understand her... And she’ll soon be 50. And then a stranger plants a seed in her head: "Take a lover". Iris open Pandora’s box and candidates emerge as if from nowhere – as if it were raining men.

After Police Chief Carter discovers the remains of eleven women, FBI Special Agent Petrovick is recruited to profile the serial killer responsible for the infamous "boneyard" killings. As the police force, narcotics agency, and FBI lock horns, a tangled web of intrigue turns everyone into a suspect.

Members of an elite security team deployed to rescue a VIP on an exclusive island.The rescue mission becomes a desperate attempt to survive, escape the island and elude the sinister presence that seeks to harm them.

Vuonna 2048 sodat, ydinlaskeumat, ympäristökatastrofit ja räjähdysmäinen väestönkasvu ovat aiheuttanut sen, että kohta puolet maapallosta on asumiskelvotonta ja puolet väestöstä tulee kuolemaan nälkään. Ihmiskunnan uusi koti voisi olla Titan, Saturnuksen suurin kuu, jonka olosuhteet muistuttavat ainakin jossain määrin alkuaikojen maapalloa. NATO käynnistää salaisen operaation ja yksi mukaan valituista koehenkilöistä on armeijan lentäjä Rick Janssen. Tarkoitus on lääketieteellisten kokeiden ja ns. pakotetun evoluution avulla muokata ihmisestä sellainen, että hän pystyisi selviytymään Titanin vaativissa olosuhteissa. Onnistuneiden kokeiden tulokset ovat hämmästyttäviä, mutta sivuvaikutukset ovat vielä pahempia…

A troubled actor begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film, leading his estranged daughter to wonder if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.

Mayandi Kudumbathar (English: Mayandi's family) is a 2009 Indian Tamil film written and directed by Rasu Madhuravan, who directed Poomagal Oorvalam and Paandi previously. Starring 10 Tamil film directors, including Manivannan, Seeman, Tarun Gopi and Ponvannan, in lead and supporting roles. The film, scored by Sabesh-Murali and filmed by Balabharani, was released on 5 June 2009, going on to become successful at the box office.

Mateo, Belén, and María José, three siblings that have grown apart, are forced to meet again in order to close the deal to sell the house they spent their childhood in. Therefore, they will need to set off on a trip to their old town in their father's old car. But the road awaits them with obstacles that will force them to deal with their own buried conflicts.