These NFL Films produced highlight DVDs take fans on the NFL roller coaster ride each week, from game 1 through the team's playoff campaign. The DVDs recap the 2003-04 campaign, as well as provide a look at the upcoming 2004-05 season.

The year 2099. The place 'Volcania', center of the bionic universe. It is shortly after the titanic struggles of the metal wars in a world of Darkness, Destruction and Terrifying Evil, ruled by "Lord Dread" and his bionic creations. Due to the twisted mind of this evil creature, the very machines designed to end war for all time are now the executioners of civilization. History tells us that such times produce heroes and heroines, dedicated to turning back the darkness and creating a brave new world of Power, Wonder and Mystery. The World has only one chance "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future". Aided by their power suits, which turn each soldier into a one man specialized attack force, they give hope once again to civilization. The World once more has a future! A future where legends are born!

Kurt Sloan asistă la toate meciurile fratelui său, Eric Sloan, campion al Statelor Unite la box cu șuturi (lovituri de picioare). Kurt este martor ocular la cel mai dur si necinstit meci al fratelui său, în urma căruia acesta din urmă rămâne paralizat. Dornic de răzbunare, Kurt se antrenează pentru meciul vieții sale împotriva celui care i-a nenorocit fratele, campionul Thailandei - Tong Po. C aută o sală unde poate învăța stilul Muay Tay, însă nimeni nu-l primește. În cele din urmă, găsește un antrenor Xian Chow, care se va strădui să scoată ce-i mai bun din Kurt pentru marea înfruntare.

Recorded at Bray Studios, England before a small audience for the MTV Unplugged series, Eric Clapton performed a live acoustic set which included his successful 1991 single “Tears in Heaven” and an acoustic version of “Layla”. The accompanying album became the most successful live album ever released.

A doctor uses special eye drops to give himself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.

The story of Jerry Lee Lewis, arguably the greatest and certainly one of the wildest musicians of the 1950s. His arrogance, remarkable talent, and unconventional lifestyle often brought him into conflict with others in the industry, and even earned him the scorn and condemnation of the public.

Louis Burke (Jean Claude Van Damme), un politist canadian, primeste una dintre cele mai dificile misiuni din viata sa: sa investigheze crimele care au avut loc intr-una din inchisorile de maxima securitate din Statele Unite. Insa Lou nu trebuie sa realizeze investigatia de pe pozitia omului legii, ci din postura unui condamnat. Pentru a intelege mai bine adevarul ascuns de autoritatile inchisorii, Lou trebuie sa traiasca viata unui condamnat, cu tot ceea ce inseamna ea. Odata patruns in infernul din penitenciar, Lou va trebui sa se lupte pentru viata sa, facand uz de toate abilititatile sale in domeniul artelor martiale. Louis se angajeaza intr-o lupta extrem de dura, pentru ca in acea inchisoare singurul drept garantat este cel de a muri...

Van Damme intr-o postura inedita. El joaca rolurile a doi gemeni, despartiti la nastere printr-un nefericit concurs de imprejurari, soldat cu moartea parintilor lor. Cei doi gemeni isi urmeaza fiecare calea in viata, nici unul nestiind de existenta fratelui sau. Primul, Chad, este un instructor de karate din California si duce o existenta lipsita de griji. Al doilea, Alex, este un cunoscut contrabandist din Hong Kong, implicat intr-o serie de afaceri necurate. Frank Avery (Geoffrey Lewis), confident al familiei, este cel care ii aduce fata in fata cu misiunea de a-i razbuna pe parintii lor.

Jeff, a young delinquent, is enrolled by his father in a kenpo school, in the hopes of teaching the boy some self-discipline. Years later, Jeff's mentor, Kim, is being threatened by one of the Korean mafia families. Jeff tries to help his old friend, but is too late to prevent Kim's death at the hands of an unknown hitman. Vowing revenge, Jeff takes on all of the families, using his martial arts skills to find the man who killed his friend.

An ex-prisoner moves to an old apartment, where one gets to see in the middle of a domestic problem between a police officer, his wife and his daughter. When he tries to intervene, he will be caught in a mysterious curse.

Ceschi and Stamm's documentary tells the incredible story of Monika Krause, a former East German citizen, who became Fidel Castro's Sexual Education Minister. After 20 years in Cuba, Krause set the Cuban sexual revolution in motion: in favor of a woman's right to sexual fulfillment and legal abortion, and against exclusion of homosexuals, she acquired the title "Queen of Condoms". A film about potent female agitators, staunch macho men and Caribbean love lives.

Tells the story of Rainbow Randolph, the corrupt, costumed star of a popular children's TV show, who is fired over a bribery scandal and replaced by squeaky-clean Smoochy, a puffy fuchsia rhinoceros. As Smoochy catapults to fame - scoring hit ratings and the affections of a network executive - Randolph makes the unsuspecting rhino the target of his numerous outrageous attempts to exact revenge and reclaim his status as America's sweetheart.

Alain Lefevre is a boxer paid by a Marseille mobster to take a dive. When he wins the fight he attempts to flee to America with the mobster's girlfriend Katrina. This plan fails and he seeks escape by joining the foreign legion. As part of the legion he tangles with abusive lieutenant Steinkampf and bonds with legionnaires Luther, Mackintosh and Rosetti.

A serial killer, plagued by the memory of a fatal car accident, uses various tools to murder female tenants of a Los Angeles apartment complex, then abducts a teenaged girl who lives there with her family. When the police express doubt that the murders are connected to the girl's disappearance, her brother sets out to search for her on his own.

When Rudy, an artifacts smuggler, goes to Jerusalem to rescue his kidnapped archeologist father, he faces deportation by a scheming police chief. Now, to find his dad and recover a sacred scroll, he'll have to outwit officials and a ruthless sect. With the help of a beautiful Israeli cop, Rudy battles a faction of religious zealots determined to see a holy war at all costs.

Aventura unor corporatiști plecați în team building în sălbăticie o ia pe arătură și se trezesc hoinărind pe nicăieri.

The LA police department have a special team of officers with a talent for reducing big-time crime. The team leader has an excellent track record for crime reduction in other big cities, but his methods are unconventional, and so is he - he's a werewolf.

Un avion din US Air Force, unul dintre cele mai moderne din aceasta companie, un F-100, cu un nou sistem de ghidare cu laser, s-a prabusit in mare langa Malta, o regiune in care fortele sovietice sunt foarte prezente. La aceasta veste, cei din CIA trimit imediat unul dintre cei mai buni agenti ai lor, pe Ken Tani (Sho Kosugi), pentru a face scufundari sa vada de ce s-a prabusit aeronava inainte ca rusii sa descopere ultima tehnologie a avionului. Ken Tani va avea insa un foarte greu obstacol de trecut si anume super luptatorul agent KGB Andrei (Jean Claude Van Damme).

Driven by biological excess, a young man and woman search for sexual fulfillment, unaware of each other's existence. Unfortunately, they eventually meet, and the bonding of these two very unusual human beings ends in an explosive and ultimately over-the-top sexual experience, resulting in a truly god awful love story....

After earth is taken over by an army of robots, the small number of humans left are forced into hiding. In the nuclear winter, only droids walk the face of the earth, in fear of the rumored human resurgence, and in search of a hidden cache of weapons. One robot, his evil circuits destroyed, enters a small town where a robot civil war is taking place.