When 11-year-old Riley moves to a new city, her Emotions team up to help her through the transition. Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness work together, but when Joy and Sadness get lost, they must journey through unfamiliar places to get back home.

Šoreiz Ītenam Hantam piedāvā kārtējo "neiespējamo" misiju – atgūt trīs plutonija bumbas, kas ir nozagtas krieviem. Pēc tam, kad Ītena Hanta un viņa IMF komandas jaunais uzdevums cieš pilnīgu fiasko, viņam kopā ar komandas biedriem un citiem sabiedrotajiem ir jādara viss, lai labotu kāda pagātnē pieņemta nepareiza lēmuma tālejošās sekas.

When Draculaura is led to believe she's the rightful heir to the vampire throne, she and her best ghoulfriends are whisked away to Transylvania for a royal coronation to die for. But they soon discover the hunt for the queen is not over yet. The Ghouls must locate an ancient artifact known as the Vampire's Heart in order to discover the identity of the true Vampire Queen. It's a fangtastic adventure that will lead them from the Tower of Londoom, to a haunted river boat in New Goreleans and finally to the glamorous boo-vie lots of Hauntlywood. Could this be the moment when Draculara finally receives her vampire powers and discovers screams really can come true?

Inspired by the isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes, Lava is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.

"Sliktie puiši" dzīvo katrs savu dzīvi — Maikam ir pusmūža krīze, viņš braukā ar sporta automobiļiem un regulāri iekuļas nepatīkamās situācijās, bet Markuss ir nodibinājis ģimeni, kļuvis par policijas inspektoru un arvien biežāk sāk domāt par pensionēšanos. Taču, kad pēc Maika dzīvības sāk tīkot noslēpumaini noziedznieki, leģendārais duets, atceroties savu nesalaužamo zvērestu – "sliktie puiši uz mūžu" – atkal apvienojas, lai veiktu vēl vienu bīstamu misiju.

Pēc viena eksperimenta Džonijs pārvēršas par briesmoni, un visi pārējie kļūst par cilvēkiem. Tagad ir jāskatās, vai viņi spēs mainīt šo eksperimentu.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed.

The mother of a severely traumatized daughter enlists the aid of a unique horse trainer to help the girl's equally injured horse.

When her mother falls for a wealthy man, Lina Cruz must move in with her new stepfather and transfer from an urban East Los Angeles public high school to an exclusive prep school in Malibu, where she struggles to fit in with her affluent new peers. After snooty cheerleading captain Avery blocks Lina from varsity, Lina recruits her best friends from her old school to help her whip the pathetic junior varsity cheerleading squad -- the Sea Lions -- into fighting shape.

Will Henry is a newly single graphic novelist balancing being a parent to his young twin daughters and teaching a classroom full of college students, all the while trying to navigate the rich complexities of new love and letting go of the woman who left him.

As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

When ambitious wedding planner Meg Mooreland is assigned the task of being in charge of her best friend Ellie's upcoming wedding, she has no idea a series of misevents will end up giving Ellie cold feet at the last minute. Together with her college nemesis and best man Tyler, they must team up to help save the wedding, and perhaps find some romance along the way.

1982. gadā cilvēki kosmosā nosūtīja laika kapsulu, pildītu ar Zemes dzīves un kultūras paraugiem. Starp citu, tur bija arī 80. gadu populāro videospēļu fragmenti. Taču citplanētieši uztvēra šo sūtījumu kā kara pieteikumu un nolēma uzbrukt Zemei, izmantojot videospēles kā iebrukuma stratēģiju! ASV prezidents ir spiests savākt bijušo videospēļu fanu komandu, lai uzvarētu citplanētiešus un izglābtu civilizāciju.

Uzcītīgai, bet nemākulīgai policistei tiek uzticēts eskortēt ietekmīga narkotirgoņa atraitni, kura ir vienīgā lieciniece kriminālprāvā. Uzdevums nav no vieglajiem, jo seksīgo un temperamentīgo latīņamerikāņu daiļavu vēlas novākt gan noziedzīgās pasaules elementi, gan korumpēti policisti. Abas dāmas tiek ierautas nebeidzamā piedzīvojumu virpulī, kad sākas pakaļdzīšanās cauri visai Teksasai.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.

Gene, a multi-expressional emoji, sets out on a journey to become a normal emoji.

Bijušais policijas komisārs Žibērs, kurš kļuvis par pašu vieglprātīgāko mēru Marseļas pilsētas vēsturē, uztic no galvaspilsētas pārceltajam jauniņajam Silvānam Maro notvert nenotveramo "itāļu bandu", kura pārvietojas ar Ferrari.