The story of how three oddball teenage bluesmen became one of the biggest, most beloved bands on the planet.

A funny comedy based on famous Brandon Thomas' play "Charley's Aunt".

Klestintis verslininkas Luisas Vintropas vadovauja stambiai Volstryto kompanijai. Tačiau vieną dieną visas jo gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojom. Kompanijos savininkai broliai Djukai susilažina. Vienas brolis teigia, kad kompanijai gali vadovauti bet kas, net neišprusęs pasaulio perėjūnas. Sukirtę rankas, broliai susiranda smulkų gatvės sukčių ir pasiūlo jam vadovauti kompanijai. Broliai net neįsivaizdavo kaip jie rizikuoja sukeisdami šiuos du vyrukus...

Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type.

Sandro was a boy who loved to sing rap, to kiss, to stare the statue of Christ the Redeemer and dreamed to go visit Copacabana. Growing up on streets, the story culminates at the infamous episode of 12th June 2000, when Sandro hijacked bus 174.

The story of a young mother who loses her husband in Afghanistan and struggles to raise their young daughter in his absence.

Beverli Hilse gerai užsimaskavusių nusikaltėlių gauja apiplėšinėja juvelyrinius salonus. Jų grobiu tampa nepaprastai vertingi papuošalai, o bylą tiriantis kapitonas su dviem padėjėjais nušalinami nuo bylos. Akselis priverstas mesti savo bylą apie padirbinėtojus ir vėl skubėti į pietų Kaliforniją pagelbėti draugams. Kaip visada policininkas patenka į įvykių sūkurį. Kumščiais ir ginklu jis greitai sutvarko visus piktadarius…

While trying to expose corruption and greed, television reporter Edison Carter discovers that his employer, Network 23, has created a new form of subliminal advertising (termed "blip-verts") that can be fatal to certain viewers.

As he copes with the death of his fiancee along with her parents, a young man must figure out what he wants out of life.

Police commissioner Lo Gatto is in charge of the local Italian police station within Vatican State. During an investigation, following the murder of a Vatican priest, he decides to question the Pope! For this reason Lo Gatto is sent to a Sicilian remote island Favignana. There is very little for the commissioner to do on the quiet island, so Lo Gatto decides to investigate the vanishing of a tourist which quickly becomes a very complicated affair.

Vienam nugvelbti didelį laimikį – sunku. Tam reikia sugalvoti didelę aferą. Štai keli sukčiai ir sugalvojo neįmanomą dalyką: aplošti legendinį Stivensą...Taigi sukčiavimų genijus Čarlis Mileris, kortų virtuozai Vernonas ir Laris Dženiksas susirinko, kad sugalvotų lošimo planą. Kiekvienam iš jų tikslas pateisina visas priemones, juk nusikaltėlių pasaulyje, kai kalbama apie didelius pinigus, gyvybės kaina tokia niekinga...

I Don't Like The Boys is a project inspired by the international campaign "It Gets Better" that brought together people from all different backgrounds and life stories to shine a light on same-sex relationships. It is a brilliant initiative that represents a growing effort in Brazilian cinema to demystify and de-stigmatize homosexuality in that country.

A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district, who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise- Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists.

Redžiui pirmoji diena laisvėje nebuvo sėkminga. Kalėjimo autobusas sprogsta, jį bando nužudyti, o jo prabangus automobilis tampa metalo krūva. Todėl jam vėl tenka susivienyti su senu pažįstamu policininku Džeiku Keitsu. Džeikas ir toliau nemoka gyventi, turi daug problemų ir jam reikia sugauti pabėgusį iš kalėjimo žudiką maniaką. O dabar jiems su Redžiu reikia per 48 valandas rasti ir likviduoti pavojingą narkotikų prekeivį. Buvęs kalinys ir nenuorama policininkas vėl stoja į kovą...

A medicine man is sent looking for the son of his tribal king, and brings back an American golfer and a host of goons intent on keeping him in the golf tournament.

Carlo, a police officer, after intercepting a call conducts a drug bust at a private party at the upper class apartment of Rosanna Clerici and she is arrested. Just as the police and party guests are leaving, Giulio, Rosanna's six-year-old son, comes out of his room and asks Carlo where his mother is. Seeing that Carlo is the person responsible for his mother's arrest, Giulio tags along with him until his mother is freed. Carlo does everything possible to have Social Services or somebody look after the kid but is told by the Courts that he is the best candidate for his custody until a better one is found. Even though Giulio manages to turn Carlo's life inside out he ends up getting to like the kid and falling for the kid's mother, Rosanna, while she is in prison. It ends with Rosanna being released from prison and the three of them going out for dinner.

Markusas dirba vienos stambios firmos reklamos skyriuje. Jis turi mielą žmoną, tačiau turi ir kitų moterų. Trumpai sakant, Markusas pašėlęs mergišius, o moterys tiesiog limpa prie vaikino, nenori palikti jo ramybėje. Turi vyrukas ir keletą draugų, su kuriais mielai dalijasi savo meilės nuotykių pikantiškomis detalėmis. Na, beveik su visais draugais... Juk jis sugebėjo atmušti ir savo draugo merginą...

In 1930s Australia, Anglican clergyman Anthony Campion and his prim wife, Estella, are asked to visit noted painter Norman Lindsay, whose planned contribution to an international art exhibit is considered blasphemous. While Campion and Lindsay debate, Estella finds herself drawn to the three beautiful models sitting for the painter's current work, freethinking Sheela, sensual Pru and virginal Giddy.

A beautiful black gangster's moll flees to Harlem with a trunkload of gold after a shootout, unaware that the rest of the gang, and a few other unsavoury characters, are on her trail. A pudgy momma's boy becomes the object of her affections and the unlikely hero of the tale.

High school student Jane Shipley seeks to mend her splintering relationship with childhood best friend Merritt, and fit in with her rebellious peers. When Jane's math teacher oversteps his bounds, an apathetic high school administration forces Jane and Merritt to take matters into their own hands, driving their relationship into further turmoil and inciting deadly consequences.