Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.

Svijet se našao u čudu kada je grupa putnika kroz vrijeme stigla iz 2051. godine da bi nam uručila hitnu poruku. Po njoj, 30 godina u budućnosti, ljudska vrsta gubi rat protiv krvožednih vanzemaljaca. Jedina nada za opstanak je da se izabrani vojnici i ljudi iz sadašnjosti transportiraju u budućnost, kako bi se pridružili otporu. Među "izabranima" se nalazi i jedan srednjoškolski nastavnik i obiteljski čovjek Dan Forester. Odlučan da spasi svijet za svoju malu kćer, Dan se udružuje sa briljantnom naučnicom i njenim otuđenim ocem, u očajničkoj namjeri da spase sudbinu planete.

Njegova ljubav prema filmu počela je kao bijeg od teškog djetinjstva. U ovom dokumentarcu Sylvester Stallone priča svoju priču, od autsajdera do legende Hollywooda.

CGTN documentary Land of Diversity reveals the amazing state of life and ecosystems in the Himalayas, and the profound efforts of Chinese scientists to preserve them. It’s a CGTN Tech It Out Studio production

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Živjeti u Barbielandu znači biti savršeno biće na savršenom mjestu. Osim ako nemaš potpunu egzistencijalnu krizu. Ili si Ken. Vodeće uloge imaju nominirani za Oscara Margot Robbie kao Barbie i Ryan Gosling kao Ken. Impresivnu zvjezdanu glumačku postave čine legendarna glumica i oskarovka Helen Mirren, glumice America Ferrara i Kate McKinnon, Michael Cera, Will Ferrell i Emma Mackey. U filmu se, naime, pojavljuje i glazbena zvijezda Dua Lipa koja je u ulozi Mermaid Barbie, dok je Issa Rae President Barbie te mnoge druge slavne osobe iz svijeta showbiza.

Dvije žene, Janis i Ana, zajedno se nalaze u bolničkoj sobi gdje svaka očekuje rođenje djeteta. Niti jedna niti druga nisu u vezi, a obje su zatrudnile igrom slučaja. Sredovječna Janis ne žali za trudnoćom i poprilično je ushićena. Adolescentica Ana s druge se strane kaje, a usto je uplašena i traumatizirana. Janis ju pokušava ohrabriti dok se obje poput mjesečarki kreću bolničkim hodnicima. Nekoliko riječi koje će izmijeniti u satima čekanja do poroda između njih dvije stvorit će neočekivanu povezanost, a koja će razvojem situacije i novonastalim komplikacijama promijeniti njihove živote zauvijek.

Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.

One of the sons of late Dr. Henry Frankenstein finds his father's ghoulish creation in a coma and revives him, only to find out the monster is controlled by Ygor who is bent on revenge.

Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in with his homicidal surroundings or risk becoming the next victim.

Francuski kriminalac Phillip Douvier (Robert Webber) ima ozbiljan problem. Naime, nitko ga od njegovih kolega ne smatra vrijednim poštovanja, pa stvari odluči promijeniti naredbom da se ubije inspektor Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers), kojeg cijeli svijet smatra istražiteljskim genijem, osim inspektora Dreyfusa (Herbert Lom). Zahvaljujući neočekivanom spletu okolnosti, bomba u Clouseauovu automobilu raznese nekog kriminalca, a ne inspektora, ali zbog nemogućnosti identifikacije tijela, svi misle kako je slavni inspektor mrtav. Želeći ostati u potaji, kako bi lakše otkrio tko ga je i zašto pokušao ubiti, Clouseau nabavlja informacija od vjernoga Cata (Burt Kwouk) i Douvierove bivše tajnice i ljubavnice Simone (Dyan Cannon).

Claude and Marie Verneuil will soon be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. For the occasion, their four daughters - Isabelle, Odile, Ségolène and Laure - decide to organize a big surprise party in their family home in Chinon. They also decide to invite, each, the parents of their respective husbands - Rachid Benassem, David Benichou, Chao Ling and Charles Koffi.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

1956, in the north of France. A group of underground miners is forced to take a professor to take samples a thousand meters underground. After a landslide that prevents them from going back up, they discover a crypt from another time, and unknowingly awaken a legendary bloodthirsty creature.

A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.

Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund), serijski ubojica i demon iz snova, uspio je u svom naumu. Sva djeca Springwooda su mrtva i vrijeme je da se nađe novo lovište. No kako bi probio čarobnu barijeru koja okružuje Springwood Freddy odluči angažirati pomoć svoje davno nestale kćeri, Maggie (Lisa Zane), koja trenutno radi kao psihijatrica u centru za nezbrinutu djecu.

Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?

Bogati tinejdžer i njegovi prijatelji iz elitne privatne škole istražuju niz neobičnih natprirodnih događaja te otkriju mračnu zavjeru.

Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.

Iskradanja. Avanturice. Živčani slomovi. Postava i snimateljska ekipa franšize akcijskih blockbustera u karanteni u otmjenom hotelu pokušava snimiti novi nastavak.