Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Saabastega Kass avastab ühel mitte üleliia heal päeval, et tema armastus riskide vastu ning hoolimatu suhtumine ohutusse on jätnud oma jälje. Nimelt on ta oma üheksast elust ära raisanud juba kaheksa! Alati oma edus kindel olnud seikleja pole lihtsalt arvet pidanud. Nende elude tagasivõitmine saab olema Saabastega Kassi senistest seiklustest suurim. Kuna alles on üksainus elu, peab ta alla neelama oma uhkuse ning palum abi endiselt parterilt/konkurendilt Kitty Siidikäpalt. Kolmandana liitub nende seltskonnaga väsitavalt rõõmsameelne lobamokk Perrito. Üheskoos peab kange kolmik andma endast kõi, et püsida sammu võrra eespool Kuldkiharast ja kolmest karust ning maailma kardetuimast pearahakütist, Suurest Kurjast Hundist.

As a lionhearted boy who can't wield magic strives for the title of Wizard King, four banished Wizard Kings of yore return to crush the Clover Kingdom.

Kõiksuguste imetajate elupaik Zootropolis erineb kõigest, mida seni nähtud. Paik, kus asuvad kõrvuti luksuslik tulikuum Sahara väljak ning jääkülm ja lumega kaetud Tundralinn, on otsekui suur sulatusahi, kus külg külje kõrval elavad loomad, kes looduses kunagi üksteise lähedusse ei satuks. See on koht, kus pole tähtis, kas oled elevant või hiir, on sul võimalus saada kelleks iganes. Värskelt Zootropolisse saabunud jänesetüdruk Judy Hopps näiteks tahab saada... politseinikuks! Ta avastab peagi, et suurte karmide loomade seas on väga raske oma kolleegide lugupidamist ära teenida, aga ta ei loobu proovimast. Selleks haarabki ta endale lootusetuna näiva kadunud loomade juhtumi, mis tähendab aga, et ta on sunnitud tegema koostööd Nick Wilde'i nimelise rebasest pisisuliga, kes pole vähimalgi määral huvitatud südi jäneseplika aitamisest.

In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity’s fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet collide in a spectacular battle for the ages.

Enne Amityville’i oli Harrisville. Tõsieluline “Kurja kutsumine” jutustab loo paranormaalsete juhtumite uurijatest Ed ja Lorraine Warrenist, kes lähevad appi üksildases farmis elavale ja mustade jõudude küüsis vaevlevale perele. Võimas deemon, kellega Warrenitel tuleb rinda pista, osutub nende kõigi aegade koletumaks juhtumiks.

The world is stunned when a group of time travelers arrive from the year 2051 to deliver an urgent message: Thirty years in the future, mankind is losing a global war against a deadly alien species. The only hope for survival is for soldiers and civilians from the present to be transported to the future and join the fight. Among those recruited is high school teacher and family man Dan Forester. Determined to save the world for his young daughter, Dan teams up with a brilliant scientist and his estranged father in a desperate quest to rewrite the fate of the planet.

A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a masked killer who targets her and her friends by using scary movies as part of a deadly game.

Bill O'Neal infiltrates the Black Panthers on the orders of FBI Agent Mitchell and J. Edgar Hoover. As Black Panther Chairman Fred Hampton ascends—falling for a fellow revolutionary en route—a battle wages for O’Neal’s soul.

Kaks Ameerika astronoomi üritavad hoiatada inimkonda läheneva komeedi eest, mis hävitab elu planeedil Maa.

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

The chilling and relentless Jigsaw killer returns to terrorize the city once again. When a gruesome murder victim emerges with unmistakable traces of Jigsaw's sinister methods, Detective Eric Matthews is thrust into a high-stakes investigation. To his surprise, apprehending Jigsaw seems almost too easy, but what he doesn't realize is that being caught is merely another piece of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle.

“Jääaja“ ja “Rio“ loojate film jutustab loo ammusest võitlusest, milles on vastamisi headuse jõud, kes kaitsevad loodust ja hoolitsevad meid ümbritseva keskkonna tervise eest, ning kurjuse väed, kes püüavad seda kõike hävitada. Kui teismeline tüdruk leiab end korraga sellest varjatud kuningriigist, peab ta ühinema naljakate ja kangelaslike tegelaskujudega, et päästa nende maailm… ja seda tehes ka meie oma.

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

A long time ago in a distant fairy tale countryside, a young girl leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil.

The story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend–and gets the chance to become a legend himself.

A prisoner in a state-of-the-art penitentiary begins to question the purpose of the emotion-controlling drugs he's testing for a pharmaceutical genius.

Batman must battle a disfigured district attorney and a disgruntled former employee with help from an amorous psychologist and a young circus acrobat.

A crew of miniature aliens operate a spaceship that has a human form. While trying to save their planet, the aliens encounter a new problem, as their ship becomes smitten with an Earth woman.