The saga behind this modern horror classic. Featuring Wes Craven, Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, Amanda Wyss and many more.

Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. However, when punk girl and self-styled 'Yanki' Ichiko comes calling, her days as 'ordinary' are most certainly numbered...

Nensė užaugo ir tapo psichiatre, kuri specializuojasi sapnų terapijoje. Vietos ligoninėje ji susitinka su grupe vaikų, kurie susiduria su Fredžiu Kriugeriu - tuo pačiu demonu, su kuriuo ji kadaise susidūrė sapnuose. Viena iš jų - Kristen, kuri turi galią į savo sapnus pritraukti kitus žmones. Bendradarbiaudama su šiai bylai paskirtu gydytoju Nensė padeda vaikams suvokti savo ypatingus gebėjimus košmarų pasaulyje. Kai Fredis pagauna vieną iš globotinių, ji vadovauja gelbėjimo operacijai į Kriugerio valdas, tikėdamasi visiems laikams pribaigti jo dvasią.

Cast and crew from A Nightmare on Elm Street are terrorized by Freddy Krueger and his razor-fingered glove as he crosses over into the real world.

A young boy lives with his mother on a farm surrounded by deep forest in the remote wilds of the Finnish countryside. From time to time, the boy visits his father - a man of great violence - in prison. Locked in the stable is an unruly horse, the boy´s only other companion. Their simple life is disrupted when a stranger appears, with a note from the father and a bullet in his side. Reluctantly, mother and son offer the stranger refuge.

Jessica, the daughter of an impoverished apple farmer, still believes in Santa Claus. So when she comes across a reindeer with an injured leg, it makes perfect sense to her to assume that it is Prancer, who had fallen from a Christmas display in town. She hides the reindeer in her barn and feeds it cookies, until she can return it to Santa. Her father finds the reindeer an decides to sell it to the butcher, not for venison chops, but as an advertising display.

After their mother dies, three brothers must live together in order to get their inheritance — and soon start to uncover dark family secrets.

Freddy Krueger is resurrected from his apparent demise, and rapidly tracks down and kills the remainder of the Elm Street kids. However, Kristen, who can draw others into her dreams, wills her special ability to her new friend, Alice.

Louis made his fortune selling candy, but no one buys them anymore. He steals grandpa's love serum to put in his candy which can turn people into devoted slaves. Mega Mindy has to stop him before it's too late..

Josh meets a young woman who shortly afterwards collapses and is rushed to hospital in an ambulance. He follows after her only to find that there is no record her being admitted, and he soon learns that her roommate also vanished after being picked up by the same ambulance. Convinced of a conspiracy, Josh proceeds to investigate, despite the discouragement of the police.

Praėjus 5 metams, ten kur košmaruose lankydavosi kruvinasis Fredis Kriugeris, nežinodami apie šių namų praeitį, čia atsikrausto nauja šeimyna. Netrukus jis ir vėl apsireikš jaunojo Džesio Valšo sapnuose, bandydamas užvaldyti ne tik jo mintis, bet ir kūną. Džesio mergina Liza, bando padėti atsikratyti įkyrių vizijų, tačiau ar užteks jos meilės nugalėti įsikūnijusį demoną.

A group of young adults visit a boarded up campsite named Crystal Lake where they soon encounter the mysterious Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions.

In Miami, Florida, biker gang leader Edward "Diablo" Santer is about to be executed for murder when he proclaims his innocence and vows revenge from the grave. When a mysterious biker comes to town during Spring Break festivities, leaving several teenagers electrocuted to death, some begin to suspect that Santer has made good on his promise.

Visi žinome Fredį Kriugerį... Pilkai raudonas megztinis. Apdriskusi skrybelė. Naguotos pirštinės. Monotoniška klaiki dainelė. Legendinė Weso Cravino siaubo juosta „Košmaras Guobų gatvėje“ tapo žanro klasika. Išleisdamas šį filmą dar 1984-aisiais režisierius sukūrė vieną didžiausių piktadarių Holivudo istorijoje. Praėjus 26-eriems metams nuo vieno labiausiai atpažįstamų kino siaubūnų atsiradimo Fredis Kriugeris sugrįžta. Sveiki atvykę į savo naują sapną! Perdirbinio siužetas beveik nesiskiria nuo 1984-ųjų originalo: mes vėl išvysime serijinį žudiką, kuris tampa tikru košmaru grupelei paauglių. Jų sapnuose ima lankytis kraupus personažas. Susivieniję jie gali vienas kitą apsaugoti, bet sapne jie vis dėlto lieka akis į akį su juos persėkiojančiu Fredžiu Kriugeriu. Siaubo apimti jaunuoliai suvokia, kad yra saugūs tik tol, kol nemiega. Tačiau kas nutiks, kai nuovargis įveiks juos? Jie supranta, kad šansų išsigelbėti beveik nėra, nes nužudyti sapne jie miršta realybėje...

After the mysterious death of his Aunt, a confirmed skeptic lawyer, Bryan Becket, dismisses reports that her house is haunted and moves in. Immediately occurrences begin he cannot explain. And beyond the occurrences there is something about the house which gnaws at Becket - some strange connection he senses he has with the house's past. Soon, the haunting turns personal.

Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring nightmares, meets a patient with the same horrific dreams. Their quest for answers leads to a certain house on Elm Street -- where the nightmares become reality.

Su-hyeon, a patient with terminal cancer, gets a wig as a present from her sister, Ji-hyeon. Strange things happen as Su-hyeon wears the wig and horror starts to sweep over Ji-hyeon as she watches her sister getting slowly possessed.

Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?

A space commander sends a female android to Earth to destroy an escaped convict.