1993年,仁川,高利贷追讨者头石(成东日 饰)和宗培(金熙元 饰)想从明子(金允珍 饰)处拿回欠款,却因为明子的窘迫只得将她的女儿承利(朴昭怡 饰)带走作为担保。因为被人举报,作为非法滞留者的明子遭到驱逐,临行前拜托头石将承利送至其大伯处。本以为承利会被有钱人家收养的头石却发现承利被送到了不该她待的地方,他毅然决定把承利夺回。此去经年,正在中国作为中韩外交事务翻译的承利接到宗培的电话,得知了失踪已久的头石的讯息。

A tomato is planted, harvested and sold at a supermarket, but it rots and ends up in the trash. But it doesn’t end there: Isle of Flowers follows it up until its real end, among animals, trash, women and children. And then the difference between tomatoes, pigs and human beings becomes clear.

The story follows Maria - a teenager whose mother used to be a hoarder. Now (set in the 90s) she lives in a foster home where a previous resident Michael inspires her to revisit her childhood memories and passions that she has repressed.


Newspaper men compete against each other to find a serial killer dubbed "The Lipstick Killer".

June 27, 1980: a DC–9 flying over the Tyrrhenian Sea breaks up mid-air and crashes near the Italian island of Ustica, killing all 81 people on board. The official version blames the "structural failure" of the plane, but a young journalist smells a cover-up and starts to uncover the truth out of the 'invisible wall' of lies built by politicians and air force higher-ups.

  天使戴米尔为爱情变成了凡人,与玛丽亚结婚、生了女儿朵瑞娜、开了一家披萨店与家人过着幸福快乐的日子。   另一位与戴米尔一起的天使卡西尔这回与一名女天使拉斐尔一起倾听人类的心声。卡西尔觉得人类似乎很少思索到生命的本质,每日忙忙碌碌却不知真正的目的何在?于是卡西尔渐渐升起了想帮助人类的欲望。   卡西尔看见名叫瑞莎的女孩不小心从高楼坠下,卡西尔大叫,就在瞬间卡西尔正巧救了女孩,但也变成了凡人。但上帝送他的一副盔甲很快就被人以障眼法的骗术 骗走,甚至被警察误为歹徒而抓入看守所,所幸戴米尔来保释他。卡西尔第一次尝到人间美食、咖啡、干爽的衣服,但没多久又被引诱喝了白兰地,于是逐渐陷入自 我麻醉的泥淖中,甚至为了喝酒还以枪抢了小商店。   卡西尔还记得战争时期一名叫安东的小孩随父亲逃到美国,虽然成为走私商人,但还不忘回来找他 失散的姐姐汉娜。卡西尔有心助安东‧贝克尔走回正途,遂藉一次抢劫中认识贝克尔,并在贝克尔被对手帕兹克陷害前救了他。贝克尔为了感激他,遂答应将百分之 五的股权让给卡西尔,但卡西尔在机场的地下水道中发现贝克尔不只盗拷光碟,甚至走私枪火,于是不接受这份报酬而离去。   虽然如此,卡西尔还是引 导照顾汉娜长大的克纳德带着汉娜与女儿瑞莎与贝克尔相认,但也暗中请玛丽亚与特技团的同事以空中飞人的绝技搬走了藏在地下水道的枪械。卡西尔以为他终于完 成帮助人类的心愿,但另一名守护天使却告诉他,整艘船又被歹徒帕兹克拦劫挟持。心焦如焚的卡西尔赶到船坞,以弹跳的方式像天使般跃下,从容地救了瑞莎,但 卡西尔却在蝇索上遭受帕兹克以枪击毙。   事实上卡西尔是接到上帝召回天使的旨意,由他的守护天使拉斐尔迎他回去。戴米尔与杂技团的伙伴制伏了帕兹克三名歹徒后,抱着卡西尔的尸体不胜唏嘘。虽然贝克尔终于与姐姐汉娜相认,但人类的事情似乎像永远潺潺而流的河水一样永不歇止。

  诺斯艾利斯,拜访失联已久的哥哥泰特罗(文森特·加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)。泰特罗的女友,精神科医生米兰达(玛丽贝尔· 瓦度 Maribel Verdú 饰)对班尼照顾有嘉,但情绪失常的泰特罗却对弟弟忽冷忽热,并禁止他谈论任何与家庭有关的事宜。班尼发现了泰特罗未完成的戏剧手稿,将其整理成文,并加入结尾擅自发表,得到了与泰特罗反目的文学评论家“单独”(卡门·毛拉 Carmen Maura 饰)的赞扬。大发雷霆的泰特罗最终仍同意携剧团参加“单独”举办的“巴塔哥尼亚戏剧节”,却在半途失踪。家族的秘密,过往的爱恨,都在聚光灯下一触即发。   本片获西班牙电影作家圈、西班牙Fotogramas de Plata奖及戈雅奖最佳女主角(玛丽贝尔· 瓦度)。

Mariam is living a troubled life with her husband Ahmed, suddenly her life turned to a nightmare after she dreams of crimes she discovered that it's a real crime after she wakes up, she decides not to sleep anymore.


著名动画制作公司STUDIO4℃的新作电影《GENIUS PARTY》,日前决定公映日为7月7日,放映剧场被安排在Cine Libre池袋、涩谷Cine Amuse等,日本全国依次预定展开。 《GENIUS PARTY》是由7个短篇组成的电影作品,福岛敦子、河森正治、木村真二、福山庸治、二村秀树、汤浅政明、渡边信一郎等人分别担任监督。 同时,音乐制片人由渡边信一郎先生担任。负责音乐的还有中川俊郎、山本精一、渡边琢磨、FENNESZ、竹村信和、菅野洋子等在娱乐领域一流的艺术家,这也让大家期待达到了前所未有的高度。 声优方面,在戛纳国际电影节获得最优秀奖的柳乐优也,凭借《巴别塔》被奥斯卡金像奖提名的菊池凛子,《蒙面超人响鬼》的栩原乐人、小仓久宽、三上博史等都将参加演出。 《GENIUS PARTY》的第2弹预定在2008年公开,同样仍将是由7位著名监督的短篇作品组成的形式。

Charlie and his troublesome cousin Paulie decide to steal $150000 in order to back a "sure thing" race horse that Paulie has inside information on. The aftermath of the robbery gets them into serious trouble with the local Mafia boss and the corrupt New York City police department.

When a motorbike gang kills an occultist, the evil spirit he was summoning inhabits a damaged bike. The bike is then bought and restored, but reveals its true nature when it tries to exact vengance on the gang, and anyone else who gets in its way.

小贝尔纳多(布鲁诺·穆尼奥斯Bruno Munhoz饰)和佩德罗(丹尼尔·皮门特尔Daniel Pimentel)都是学校学生。他们要完成学校布置的课堂任务取得好成绩。在阿德马尔主任(卡洛斯·毕亚格兰 Carlos Villagrán)的精心教导下,他们一直表现良好 , 遵规守纪。

A story about a guy who still lives with his mother and sells some really awful alcohol to bartenders. The only way for him to do this is to cry and invent himself an awful life. Then he meets the beautiful woman whose goal in life is to sleep with the less exciting guys on Earth.

A witness to a mob assassination flees for her life from town to town, switching identities, but cannot seem to elude Milo, the chief killer out to get her.

影片围绕着一位失去记忆的女作家Alina Reynolds展开。她发现自己一直在纽约城区游荡,分不清楚时间、地点、季节。Alina的意识游走在想象的对话、自己的短篇小说片段,以及周围熙熙攘攘的城市之间。而一个充满魅力的黑人青年的出现,让她的生活有了准星。

For forty years, Charles Manson has survived most of his life in what he calls 'the hallways of the all ways,' the reform schools, jails and prisons that have been his home and tomb. His thought was born in the hole of solitary confinement, apart from time and beyond the grasp of society. In his cell, he created his own world and speaks his own language: he has concluded that there is only the mind. From convincing his followers to move into the desert to train for the apocalypse, to leading a murderous crew through a string of devilish murders, you will see and hear from Manson himself of how he created a preconceived terror based on his philosophy of life. Manson claims that the so-called 'straight' world outside of prison is but an inverted reflection of the underworld in which he has lived. To him, the reality that presidents and law-abiding citizens accept begins in the hermetic alternate universe of criminals, cons and outlaws.

The Space Shuttle returns to earth, but some of the equipment brought back on it begins to behave strangely. Scientists are unsure what is happening, and decide to take all necessary precautions.