Set in Detroit during the Civil Rights Movement, "An American Girl Story - Melody 1963: Love Has to Win" examines the joyful life and troubled times of an irrepressible 10-year-old African-American girl whose vivid imagination and creativity reinforce her optimism. When shocking national events threaten her sense of security, Melody must find inner strength to restore her hope for a better world.

A single mother and her kids are doing it tough on their outback farm - until a runaway criminal dressed as Santa Claus crashes into their property, and their lives.

On Christmas Eve, a fighter pilot on his way home gets lost mid-flight over water and needs a miracle to land safely.

Three couples at different parts of life navigate big turning points in their lives over the holidays.

في الليلة السابقة لعشيّة عيد الميلاد، يودّع (جيمس) و(هيلي) أحدهما الآخر في محطة قطارات (مارليبون)، لكن يدركان أنهما لن يتحملا الافتراق طوال عيد الميلاد، فيتخذ كل منهما القرار المندفع ذاته وهو أن يفاجيء الآخر، حيث يقطع كل منهما المحطة ويركب قطار الآخر دون أن يخبره، ثم يبدأ الثلج في الهطول ليدرك كل منهما أنه حبيس في منزل عائلة الآخر حتى انتهاء عيد الميلاد، فهل سيصمد حبهما بينما تظهر أسرارهما الكبر؟

تعيش عائلة في حالة من الفوضى قبل أيام من عيد الميلاد المجيد عندما يتسبب حدث كوني نادر في تبادل الأجساد بين الوالدين وولديهما المراهقَين.

When Brian Conway, a successful businessman whose family relationships have suffered, gets in a car accident on Christmas Eve, Santa gives him twelve chances to redo the day and repair the relationships in his life, including with his daughter Michelle.

This comical love story follows the story of A.J. Fikry, whose life is not at all what he expected it to be. His wife has died, his bookstore is experiencing the worst sales in its history and now his prized possession, a rare edition of Poe poems, has been stolen. He’s given up on people and even the books in his store offer another reminder that the world is changing too rapidly. But when a mysterious package arrives at the store, it gives Fikry the chance to make his life over and see things anew.

They've swapped Christmas – again. Can Hayley and James' relationship survive another turbulent family Christmas or has their future together gone off-piste?!

A woman discovers the man she has lived with for years is not who she thought he was...

Janie, a rising marketing executive living in The Big Apple, returns to her hometown of Woodland Falls when her Great-Uncle Randall passes away. Randall has even arranged for his farmhand, Dylan to help at the event, which is being held in the farm’s sprawling barn. Aware that her Manhattan boyfriend is anxious for her to return to the city so the pair can jet off to a previously planned holiday on the beach, Janie begins to feel an unexpected emotional tug about living life in a more authentic, meaningful way.

Sloan is beautiful, stylish, and on the fast track to success at her public relations firm. After her client Caitlin ends up in a coma and becomes her own personal ghost of Christmas past, present, and future; she finds out first hand that her unethical ways needs to change and reuniting with a past jilted lover may be the answer.

عندما يتطور الخيال المثير إلى علاقة خطرة، تجد امرأة متزوجة ثرية حياتها تنهار وتنقلب رأسًا على عقب بصورة لا رجعة فيها بعد العثور على رواية لم تُنشر بعد.

Mabel has gone viral. And in the least desirable way possible. During her flight to Polynesia, she unlocks her sleeping husband's cell phone with innocent intent, but what she finds is proof of infidelity.

تنشأ علاقة عاطفية عبر الإنترنت بين آنا وإريك الذي يكبرها سنًا، وسرعان ما تتطور الأمور حينما يظهر إريك في حياة عائلتها ويضع كل شيء على المحك.

تسعى "شارلوت" لإثبات أن حياة صديقتها القديمة "جاكي" ليست مثالية كما تبدو، بعد أن تجمع عائلتيهما واحدة من عجائب القدر في عيد الميلاد المجيد.

It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.

في إطار من الدراما الرومانسية، ينتهي الأمر بشخصين غريبين في نفس المنطقة الشمالية بنيويورك، حيث يعانيان من توابع العلاقات السيئة.

Luna was worried about her future. The days weren't being easy for this girl, but she couldn't imagine what awaited her that night was interrupted by the unusual visit of a lively little fairy. With a lot of effort, a few doses of magic, the friendly Armadillo wins Luna's trust. And a world of incredible discoveries begins.

You’ve seen the viral clips on social media, and now for the first time ever you can watch the whole thing! Anjelah Johnson-Reyes' never-before-released fifth comedy special, “Technically Not Stalking”, was filmed in April 2022 at the Tempe Improv in Arizona, and it is just now making its full debut. The special draws upon pre-pandemic comedy from Anjelah’s “Technically Not Stalking Tour” and is a personal victory for her as it was the first comedy special she proudly self-produced and self-funded. Join Anjelah in this personal, high-energy, and hilarious one-hour special as she talks about her love of seasonal guacamole, her dog Banzo’s DNA test, visiting haunted places while on the road, a 1990’s ghost named Stacy, and how she stalks her husband Manny…. even when he’s just at home on the couch!