Iranian female judokas Leila and her coach Maryam, travel to the Judo World Championship, intent on bringing home Iran’s first gold medal. Midway through the Judo World Championships, they receive an ultimatum from the Islamic Republic ordering Leila to fake an injury and lose, or she will be branded a traitor of the state. With her own and her family’s freedom at stake, Leila is faced with an impossible choice: comply with the Iranian regime as her coach Maryam implores her to do, or fight on, for the gold.

High school student Sohee starts job training at a call center, but she faces pressure of greedy company. Detective Oh Yu-jin, who has something in common with Sohee starts to follow traces to reveal the truth.

A New York gangster and his girlfriend attempt to turn street beggar Apple Annie into a society lady when the peddler learns her daughter is marrying royalty.

Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1918 in spremljamo Pearl kot mlado in ambiciozno dekle, ki hrepeni po glamuroznem življenju filmske plesalke, vendar je njena realnost e življenje na osamljeni družinski kmetiji (njen mož je v vojni v Evropi), kjer je prisiljena skrbeti za njegovega bolnega očeta in je v stalnem konfliktu z njegovo pobožno in strogo materjo. Zaplet nastane, ko izve, da bodo v tamkajšnji cerkvi razpisali tekmovanje za plesalko, ki bo potovala po državi kot del plesne skupine in Pearl se odloči, da se bo prijavila za vsako ceno.

The women's athletics (4x100m relay) is about to win a gold medal at the 2016 Olympic Games, the Brazilian victory is almost certain and the athletes are one step closer to what would be a milestone. If only one fatal error hadn't put off their dreams: the carelessness of the young Maria Lúcia causes the group to be disqualified. This changes Maria Lúcia and Adriana's lives forever, Adriana does not forgive her teammate after the final. Four years go by. Maria Lúcia is still the great promise in athletics while Adriana makes a living out of MMA fighting. A few months away from the Tokyo Olympics, they are called in to join the new 4x100 team. This time, Maria Lúcia and Adriana need to overcome the mistakes of the past. They count on the help of veterans Rita and Jaciara as well as newcomer Bia, athletes who rediscover their true power as a team, showing that the Brazilian women's athletics is stronger than ever.

Beetlejuice je nazaj! Po nepričakovani družinski tragediji se tri generacije družine Deetz vrnejo domov v Winter River. Še vedno obsedena z Beetlejuiceom, se Lydijino življenje obrne na glavo, ko njena uporniška najstniška hči Astrid na podstrešju odkrije skrivnostni zemljevid mesta in nenamerno odpre portal v onstranstvo. S težavami na obeh straneh je zgolj vprašanje časa, kdaj bo nekdo trikrat izrekel ime Beetlejuice in nagajivi demon se bo vrnil, da bi sprostil svoj edinstven kaos.

Zgodba, postavljena med dogodke filma Osmi potnik (1979) in Osmi potnik 2 (1986), se vrti okoli skupine mladih vesoljskih kolonistov, ki se med iskanjem uporabnih stvari na zapuščeni vesoljski postaji soočijo z najbolj grozljivo življenjsko obliko v njihovem vesolju.

Na podlagi resničnih dogodkov. Chicago šestdesetih let. Po naključnem srečanju v lokalnem baru močno Kathy neizbežno pritegne Benny, najnovejši član srednjezahodnega motociklističnega kluba Vandals, ki ga vodi skrivnostni Johnny. Toda v času burnih političnih, gospodarskih in družbenih preobratov se spreminja tudi klub, ki se iz zbirališča za obstrance prelevi v nevarno kriminalno združbo, kar prisili Bennyja, da izbira med Kathy in svojo zvestobo klubu.

Po brutalnem umoru sestre dvojčice se Darcy loti odgovornih za to. Pri tem kot orodje za maščevanje uporablja strašljive predmete.

Potem ko smo v prvem in drugem delu srhljivke spremljali družino, ki se je privajala na tišino znotraj in zunaj doma, sicer so tvegali, da jih ob najmanjšem zvoku napadejo pošasti, se v novem delu vračamo na prvi dan, ko bomo spoznali, zakaj in kako je do tega sploh prišlo. Ko New York napadejo nezemeljska bitja, ki lovijo po zvoku, se ženska po imenu Sam bori za preživetje...

When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress Frida at his fundraising gala, he invites her to join him and his friends on a dream vacation on his private island. But despite the epic setting, beautiful people, ever-flowing champagne, and late-night dance parties, Frida can sense that there’s something sinister hiding beneath the island’s lush façade.

Due to sudden deteriorating weather conditions, visibility on the Airport Bridge is severely impaired, leaving people stranded and at risk of the bridge collapsing due to a series of chain collisions and explosions. Amidst the chaos, the canine subjects "Echo" from the military experiment "Project Silence," who were being transported in secret, break free, and all human survivors become targets of relentless attacks.

Following her sister's disappearance, Jax and her niece Roki must stick together. Desperate to keep what's left of their family intact, Jax and Roki defy the law and hit the road on a journey to the Grand Nation Powwow in Oklahoma City.

Mathieu lives in Paris, Alice in a small seaside resort in Western France. He is a famous actor, about to turn fifty. She is a piano teacher in her forties. They were in love fifteen years ago, then separated. Time has passed. They each went their ways and slowly healed. When Mathieu goes try to overcome his melancholia in a thermal spa, he stumbles upon Alice.

Agentka FBI Lee Harker je dodeljena nerešenemu primeru serijskega morilca, v katerem pride do nepričakovanega preobrata, ki razkrije dokaze o okultizmu. Harker odkrije osebno povezavo z morilcem in ga mora ustaviti, preden ta ponovno udari.

A man takes his wife and their teenage children on a road trip down memory lane while facing divorce.

Zgodba sledi očetu, ki se s svojo hčerko udeleži pop koncerta, na katerem spoznata, da sta se znašla v osrčju zastrašujočih in grozljivih dogodkov, ujeta v skrbno postavljeno past.

A woman taking a cab ride from JFK engages in a conversation with the driver about the important relationships in their lives.

A family is on holiday in 1991 when their teenage daughter decides to elope with her boyfriend. Their parents travel forward in time to 2022 and see how much Spain has changed in three decades.

A troubled actor begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film, leading his estranged daughter to wonder if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.