In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

A 2004 documentary on the first three “Harry Potter” films detailing the behind-the-scenes journey of making them.

We are in the year 2043 and our existence is immersed in a sea of apathy. A reflexion about our evolution as humans.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Film prati jednu od mnogih avantura poznatog arapskog mornara Sinbada. Avantura počinje kada Eris, božica Kaosa, ukrade Knjigu Mira i optuži Sinbada za krađu. On ima samo jednu šansu: pronaći kradljivca i vratiti dragocenu knjigu ili će njegov najbolji prijatelj Proteus umreti. Sinbad odluči ne prokockati šansu i, umesto potrage za suncem i zabavom na Fiji otocima, on kreće u potragu za knjigom. Kako bi dokazao svoju nevinost i spasio najboljeg prijatelja od smrti, Sinbad putuje u Erisinu rezidenciju gde se bori sa čudovištima, velikim škorpionom, ogromnom pticom od snega i leda, itd. Iako uspeva pobediti sva čudovišta, mora se nositi sa svojstvima Erisinog moćnog oružja Jabuke, Apple of Discord, koja može pretvoriti prijetelje u neprijatelje. Marina, Proteusova djevojka, plovi sa Sinbadom u želji za sigurnošću i poverenjem i s nadom da će on ispuniti svoju misiju…

Razmažene odrastanjem u sigurnosti njujorškoga zoološkog vrta, naviknute na redovito hranjenje, brigu i oduševljenost razdraganih posjetitelja, četiri će se životinje, koje pojma nemaju o tome kako život u divljini doista izgleda, nakon svoga bijega u slobodu neugodno iznenaditi. Osjećajni lav Alex (Boris Mirković), živahna zebra Marty (Ozren Grabarić), neurotična žirafa Melman (Drago Utješanović) i drski nilski konj Gloria (Zrinka Cvitešić) najbolji su prijatelji i najveće zvijezde zoološkog vrta, no kada jedan od njih nestane iz svoga kaveza, ostali ga kreću tražiti, a putovanje svih završit će u dalekoj Africi, i to na Madagaskaru.

Explore the myths and legends that inhabit the real world of Harry Potter. Follow award-winning documentary filmmakers as they offer insights to witches, wizards, Greek gods, ancient Celts, ghosts, magical creatures, alchemy, and ancient spells. Narrated by British actor Hugh Laurie, this fascinating documentary brings new dimensions to the historical and scientific world behind the Harry Potter series.

Prijateljstvo ljenivca Sida, mamuta Mannyja i sabljozubog tigra Diega na kušnju stavlja očekivana prinova u mamutskoj obitelji (Mannyjeva je družica Ellie trudna), no kad se Sid nađe u pogibeljnoj situaciji svi su tu da mu pomognu. Naime nespretni je Sid u želji da i sam ima obitelj "usvojio" tri velika jaja, a njegova skrb o njima rezultirala je trojicom slatkih mesoždera za kojima traga njihova prva, T-Rex majka. Važne lekcije o vrijednosti obitelji i odanosti prijateljima ovaj crtić prenosi nepretenciozno i s mnogo topline.

The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hobbit"]

Sang i Mulan se pripremaju za vjenčanje, ali tada okrivaju detalje jedno o drugome i počinju sumnjati, oni su potpuno različiti. Tada su poslani na tajnu misiju , koja će im pored brojnih problema i teških tenutaka pokazati da se suprotnosti privlaće i da su oni i pored svoje različitosti stvoreni jedno za drugo.

Od kada smo ih upoznali, svašta se promijenilo: Bella je postala besmrtni vampir, ona i Edward su u braku i imaju prekrasnu kćer… Volturi se približavaju Belli i Edwardu jer njihovo dijete predstavlja prijetnju za vampire.

The premiere of The Dark Knight Rises was the big event in Aurora, Colorado. So popular with young cinema-goers, the city's theatre complex put on an extra showing. But minutes into the film, lone gunman James Holmes, dressed as the Joker, entered the room and started firing indiscriminately. Twelve people died, many more were injured. This documentary tells the life story of Holmes, of his victims and speaks to survivors.

A radical hybrid of spy, sci-fi, Western, and even horror genres, Craig Baldwin's Mock Up On Mu cobbles together a feature-length "collage-narrative" based on (mostly) true stories of California's post-War sub-cultures of rocket pioneers, alternative religions, and Beat lifestyles. Pulp-serial snippets, industrial-film imagery, and B- (and Z-) fiction clips are intercut with newly shot live-action material, powering a playful, allegorical trajectory through the now-mythic occult matrix of Jack Parsons (Crowleyite founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab), L.Ron Hubbard (sci-fi author turned cult-leader), and Marjorie Cameron (bohemian artist and "mother of the New Age movement"). Their intertwined tales spin out into a speculative farce on the militarization of space, and the corporate take-over of spiritual fulfillment and leisure-time.

Musha, Knight, Commando: SD Gundam Emergency Sortie, features the three Gundams and a young girl named Riplin joining together to fight evil. (Source:

In this concert film, 'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus performs a slew of hit songs, including 'Just Like You' and 'Life's What You Make It.'

Western comedy: two medicine-show guys vs. badhats.

Story about fate, and their fatal consequences.

Mother dies, and child is delivered to an orphanage. Will she find a home? And what about her birth father, he's out there somewhere... Adaptation of a 1971 telenovela.