În acest documentar, artiști și ideologi transgender recunoscuți în industrie oferă perspective sincere și discută despre impactul Hollywoodului asupra comunității trans.

Sophie, jurista din Geneva, doar pe jumatate coreeana, ancheteaza un eveniment sangeros petrecut intr-o zona demilitarizata - care desparte Coreea de Nord si Coreea de Sud, la Panmunjon. S-ar parea ca un granicer din nord a fost ucis de unul din sud, descoperit, ulterior, ranit la picior. Dupa ce invinge reticentele partilor aflate in conflict, Sophie stabileste ca, de fapt, patru graniceri din ambele tabere, care fraternizasera sarbatorind aniversarea unuia dintre ei, au fost surprinsi de un intrus si antrenati intr-un schimb de focuri.

Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.

A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.

Devastated after her mom's serious accident and grief-stricken because she hasn't become the daughter she wanted to be for her mother, Jia Xiaoling finds herself transported back in time to the year 1981, where she meets her young mother before she was her mom.

In the second installment of the Death Note film franchise, Light Yagami meets a second Kira and faithful follower Misa Amane and her Shinigami named Rem. Light attempts to defeat L along with Teru Mikami (a Kira follower) and Kiyomi Takada (another Kira follower) but in the end will Light win? or will a Shinigami named Ryuk make all the difference in Light's victory or his ultimate death?

Based on real events, the short takes a poke at our cultural climate of paranoia and fake news.

The Bridge is a controversial documentary that shows people jumping to their death from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco - the world's most popular suicide destination. Interviews with the victims' loved ones describe their lives and mental health.

Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags him into a journey of self-discovery and bad decisions.

Two dancers at an elite ballet academy in Paris must compete for a contract to join the highly coveted Opéra National de Paris as they confront their competitive nature, sexual awakenings and how far they would go to win.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

După o despărțire urâtă, un scriitor de comedie ce încerca să se afirme în New York decide să plece la Sacramento pentru a-și îngriji mama aflată pe moarte.

For their bicycle tour to Catmoor, the friends Julian, Dick and Anne, their cousin Georgina, called George, and her dog Timmy have long looked forward to. But the camping holiday in the countryside ends with the kidnapping of Dick, confuse the two underprivileged hoodlums with the same age millionaire's son Hardy. With sophistication and courage, the five friends take on his trail that leads from a mysterious traveling circus to the castle "Owls Nest" where the kidnappers force Dick to coax the clue to a giant emerald.

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.

At a Christmastime event, Jenna shares an impromptu, unforgettable kiss with the dashing billionaire, Cooper Montgomery. Unaware of his intentions and fearful of getting hurt in another relationship, Jenna vows to resist his charms, but begins to realize his affection is real as the two spend more time together.

Inspirat din evenimente reale, Entebbe (2018) este povestea incredibilă a misiunii de salvare care a atras atenția întregii lumi. În anul 1976 patru teroriști au deturnat un avion și au ținut 246 de pasageri ostatici, după o aterizare forțată în Entebbe, Uganda, în timp ce au cerut eliberarea a zeci de teroriști palestinieni. Guvernul Ugandei a sprijinit atacatorii, iar dictatorul Idi Amin i-a întâmpinat personal. Thrillerul contracronometru urmărește atacatorii și ostaticii, precum și liderii politici care încearcă să decidă dacă să negocieze, sau să trimită o unitate specială de forțe de elită într-o misiune dramatică de salvare pentru eliberarea ostaticilor.

300 de cai putere, 3000 de mile si un milion de dolari oferiti ca premiu de un seic excentric mobilizeaza o intreaga galerie de personaje (interpretate de unele dintre cele mai cunoscute nume ale Hollywood-ului) intr-o cursa nebuneasca din California pana in Connecticut. J.J. McClure (Burt Reynolds) este cel care face mobilizarea generala pentru o noua cursa ghiulea. In timp ce vor strabate teritoriul tarii in lung si-n lat, participantii la cursa, in disperarea de a pune mana pe semnificativa suma de bani, se vor da peste cap, la propriu si la figurat si vor avea de escaladat situatii periculos de amuzante.

Three officers are tasked with escorting an illegal immigrant to Charles de Gaulle airport, where he will be forced onto a plane and sent back to his homeland. But when they find out about the truth, they have to make a difficult choice.

The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.

Six friends receive a mysterious chain letter via text messaging and in their email accounts from a maniac who's hunting down teenagers who fail to forward his online chain letter. Who knew they should take the threats in the chain letter seriously? Or that chain letters using the teens' favorite technologies to track them can kill? This maniacal game pits friend against friend as they race to beat rules that seem impossible to escape. Break the chain, lose a life. Do you pass it on? Does friendship mean anything?