Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.
Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.
Atgriezies Asgardā, lai atrastu noslēpumaino ienaidnieku, kurš meklē Bezgalības Akmeņus, Tors uzzina, ka viņa brāļa Loki rīcība ir pietuvinājusi karaļvalsti briesmīgam notikumam - Ragnarjokam. Leģenda vēsta, ka tas nozīmē pēdējo kauju, pēc kuras Asgarda tiks iznīcināta. Toram nāk palīgā Halks un viņiem abiem būs lemts sastapties aci pret aci ar visu deviņu pasauļu ļaunāko ienaidnieku.
This is the story of a vegetable garden, from the first seeds to the harvest. But this garden is different, because here the gardener has decided to banish pesticides and other chemicals, and to be helped only by discreet workers, the insects. As we dive into the heart of this plant kingdom, we discover thousands of tiny lives that organize themselves as in a micro-society: decomposing insects, recyclers, pollinators, the workers of the garden work to maintain a fragile balance within the vegetable garden. As the plants grow and begin to produce their first vegetables, the incredible interactions between insects and plants help protect the future harvest. But it is also their personal stories that punctuate the life of the garden. Between parades, mutual aid and attempted putsch, the story of the vegetable garden thus takes the form of a true nature tale.
Siblings Kate and Teddy try to prove Santa Claus is real, but when they accidentally cause his sleigh to crash, they have to save Christmas.
An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.
Kad 2011. gadā Doms un viņa komanda uz Riodežaneiro tilta iznīcināja Brazīlijas narkobaronu Ernanu Reisu un viņa impēriju, viņi nezināja, ka Reisa dēls Dante (Džeisons Momoa) tam bija liecinieks. Pēdējos 12 gadus viņš gatavoja plānu, kas liks Domam samaksāt par visu. Filmas notikumi risināsies no Losandželosas līdz Romai, no Brazīlijas līdz Londonai un no Portugāles līdz Antarktīdai. Jauni sabiedrotie, veci ienaidnieki, ātrums, spriedze un adrenalīns – tas būs Fast X!
Join the likes of Jeremy Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh, and Vincent D’Onofrio as they reveal how Marvel Studios’ “Hawkeye” was conceived and created. Witness firsthand what it took to pull off the show’s pulse-pounding action set pieces, and discover how iconic characters from the pages of Marvel Comics such as Kate Bishop were adapted and brought to life for the six-episode series.
Viņš bija monstrs. Viņu nebija iespējams kontrolēt. Viņš bija pārāk bīstams, lai nepievērstu viņam uzmanību. Tāpēc zemes ievērojamākie varoņi ir viņu aizsūtījuši uz kosmosu. Bet tagad neticamais Halks ir piezemējies uz tālo planētu Sakārs, kur valda tirāns Sarkainais Karolis. Verdzībā pārdotais Halks klūst par visvarenāko gladiatoru. Atšķirībā no Zemes sakāras izmisusī tauta ir pārliecināta - tieši tāds monstrs viņiem vienmēr bijis vajadzīgs. Vai Halks izglābs viņu pasauli? Vai tomēr to iznīcinās?
Cīņas mākslas meistars Kols Jangs, pastāvīgs naudas cīņu dalībnieks, neko nezina par savu izcelsmi un to, kāpēc Ārpasaules imperators nosūtīja savu labāko cīnītāju viņu iznīcināt. Cenšoties aizsargāt savu ģimeni, Kols nonāk Lord Raiden templī, kur viņš sāk trenēties kopā ar citiem pieredzējušiem cīnītājiem. Viņiem būs jācīnās ar ārpasaules ienaidniekiem, lai novērstu briesmas, kas mūžīgi apdraud Zemi.
Follow the production of “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” as the cast and crew take on the incredible challenge of remembering T’Challa with a chapter befitting the late king. Through intimate behind-the-scenes footage and interviews, watch Shuri take on the mantel of Wakanda’s hero and face a new foe from the ocean’s depths in Namor.
Set in China's underworld, this tale of love and betrayal follows a dancer who fired a gun to protect her mobster boyfriend during a fight. On release from prison 5 years later, she sets out to find him.
The Guardians are on a mission to deliver the Build Stone to the Avengers before the Ravagers, Thanos and his underlings steal it from them.
The Avengers are forced to “party” with Ultron when he seeks to disassemble the team by taking control of Iron Man’s armor and enact a nefarious scheme to take over the world.
An accidental overdose of gamma radiation causes a mutation in scientist David Banner's DNA: now whenever he becomes angry, he metamorphoses into a seven-foot-tall, 330-pound, mindless muscular green creature.
Apdrošināšanas aģents Maikls jau desmit gadus diendienā pēc darba dodas mājup ar vilcienu. Vienu vakaru viņam līdzās apsēžas noslēpumaina svešiniece, un viņu saruna aizsāk dramatisku un neparedzamu notikumu virkni. Maikla uzdevums ir daudzo pasažieru vidū atrast kādu neiederīgu personu, pirms vilciens sasniedzis gala staciju. Laiks iet, un, šķetinot šo mīklu, Maikls apjauš, ka ir ierauts noziedzīgā sazvērestībā. Uz spēles ir likta ne tikai viņa, bet arī visu pasažieru dzīvība.
Super-Hero partners Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne, along with with Hope's parents Janet van Dyne and Hank Pym, and Scott's daughter Cassie Lang, find themselves exploring the Quantum Realm, interacting with strange new creatures and embarking on an adventure that will push them beyond the limits of what they thought possible.
Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...
Acclaimed composer Michael Giacchino made his directorial debut with Marvel Studios' Special Presentation "Werewolf by Night." This behind-the-scenes special explores Giacchino's vision, style and approach to bringing the chilling story to life, as well as offering an insider's look at the between-the-scenes making of "Werewolf by Night."
Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.