Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

A talented martial artist who can't walk past a person in need unites with a probation officer to fight and prevent crime as a martial arts officer.

Miriam teaches sign language in the mornings and is part of a professional theater production in the afternoons, maintaining a stable and passionate relationship with her girlfriend Lola. Although her life is very much connected to the routine of a deaf person, her world begins to crumble when she discovers that she is losing her hearing.

Priljubljena podla fanta se vračata s svojo slavno mešanico napete akcije in nesramne komedije, a s posebnim preobratom: miamijska policista sta tokrat na begu.

Dva neznanca se zbudita v umazani kopalnici in priklenjena na cevi. Med njima leži mrtev moški, ki v pesti stiska kasetofon in pištolo. Oba pri sebi najdeta kaseto in jo predvajata. Enemu grozijo, drugemu ne. Eden mora ubiti drugega do 6. ure zjutraj, drugače bosta umrli njegova žena in hčerka.

Zgodba se dogaja nekaj generacij po Cezarjevi vladavini. V tem svetu so opice prevladujoča živeča vrsta na Zemlji in živijo v harmoniji, človeška rasa pa je močno okrnjena in živi v senci opic. Medtem ko novi tiranski vodja opic gradi svoj imperij, se ena izmed mlajših opic poda na mučno potovanje, zaradi katerega podvomi v vse, kar je vedel o preteklosti ter mora sprejeti odločitve, ki bodo določile prihodnost tako opic kot ljudi.

V svetu, prizadetem zaradi vala mutacij, ko se ljudje spremenijo v živali, François stori vse, da bi rešil svojo ženo. Ker nekatera bitja izginejo v bližnjem gozdu, se s sinom Emilom podata na misijo, ki bo za vedno spremenila njuni življenji.

Po brutalnem umoru sestre dvojčice se Darcy loti odgovornih za to. Pri tem kot orodje za maščevanje uporablja strašljive predmete.

Ko je življenje njegove hčerke ogroženo, se hudomušni detektiv Axel Foley združi z novim partnerjem in starimi kolegi, da bi preprečil zaroto.

Agentka FBI Lee Harker je dodeljena nerešenemu primeru serijskega morilca, v katerem pride do nepričakovanega preobrata, ki razkrije dokaze o okultizmu. Harker odkrije osebno povezavo z morilcem in ga mora ustaviti, preden ta ponovno udari.

Nearly a decade after a tragic accident costs a young man his life, his sister, Amanda (Gabrielle Kalomiris) and best friend, David (Nathaniel Ansbach) are still peeling back the layers of grief and guilt that come with being left behind.

Neusmiljeni vodja skrivnostne ekipe za tajne naloge, ki je dobil vzdevek po ljudožerskem duhu, se loti nevarne misije v mestu, polnem vohunov.

Napeta kriminalka o dveh detektivih, ki poskušata izslediti serijskega morilca. Med forenzičnim opravkom v Los Angelesu se osramočeni bivši policist Joe Deacon – Deke pridruži naredniku Jimu Baxterju na lovu za blaznim serijskim morilcem, ki terorizira mesto. Dekeov občutek za malenkosti se izkaže za srhljivo natančnega, toda lov na zločinca kmalu razburka stare, davno zakopane skrivnosti iz njegove preteklosti.

After learning that the death of his wife was not an accident, a former CIA Station Chief is forced back into the espionage underworld, teaming up with an adversary to unravel a conspiracy that challenges everything he thought he knew.

Set in a world where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young Will Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.

Film je navdihnila grozljiva resnična zgodba o demonih in duhovih. Ebony Jackson, mati samohranilka, ki se bori z osebnimi demoni, preseli svojo družino v nov dom, da bi začela znova. Toda ko nenavadni dogodki v hiši vzbudijo sume pri službi za zaščito otrok in grozijo, da bodo razdvojili družino, se Ebony kmalu znajde v bitki za svoje življenje in duše svojih otrok.

A woman returns to her family home and discovers it to be inhabited by monsters.

While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialise in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realise the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.

Haruma is an up-and-coming photographer who is getting full exposure at a photo exhibition in a Tokyo photo gallery. Rei, a beautiful curator at the Yamanashi Prefectural Art Museum, is fascinated by the photos she sees and calls Haruma to request a photo-shoot with an intimate part of herself as the subject. The only rules to this shoot are that no questions must be asked and Rei will be given the negatives. Haruma is initially surprised but goes along with the job, however, Haruma’s pregnant girlfriend Natsumi grows frustrated over being kept in the dark about their work and jealousy develops in their relationship as passions blow up.