Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.

第28届WrestleMania将于东部时间2012年4月1日(北京时间2012年4月2日)于佛罗里达州迈阿密花园的硬石体育场(Sun Life Stadium)举行!

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

The final days of Jesus from the time he enters the city of Jerusalem. Viewed as a threat, it is decided that he must be captured, tried, and executed as a criminal, a plan aided and abetted by disciple Judas Iscariot.


故事从希腊神话的纷争女神艾莉丝(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 配音)开始,她是一个喜欢混乱的女神,她盗走了“和平宝典”,又将这个罪名嫁祸给了辛巴达(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 配音),护送“和平宝典”的王普罗士(约瑟夫·费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 配音)是辛巴达的从小玩得好的朋友,“和平宝典”被窃也使得他的任务失败,无法向自己的王国交代,而王国里的大臣都一致认为是辛巴达盗走了。但普罗士相信辛巴达的清白,他主动提出以自己生命做抵押,让辛巴达追回宝物“和平之书”。普罗士的未婚妻玛琳娜(凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯 Catherine Zeta-Jones 配音),为监视辛巴达也偷偷登上了船。辛巴达能否经受考验,为夺回“和平之书”救出朋友的性命?他和玛琳娜又在患难中发生了怎样的爱情?

俄罗斯莫斯科闹市中央,执行押送任务的军方部队遭到一伙训练有素的匪徒袭击,大战过后的现场惨不忍睹,重要的卫星元件遭到劫持。国际刑警霍布斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)查明,包括此案在内的一系列案件均系前特种部队军人欧文·肖(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)所为。为了将这群训练有素、老练凶狠的匪徒绳之于法,他辗转找到隐居世外桃源的多米尼克·托雷多(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)助拳。霍布斯开出的条件令人难以拒绝,他不仅可以将托雷多和布莱恩(保罗·沃克 Paul Walker 饰)一伙从前的犯罪记录一笔勾销,此外欧文一伙中竟然还有本该死去的拉蒂(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)。前所未有的危险战斗,为了安定平凡的生活,这群亡命之徒再上战场……


Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.


Seven former college friends, along with a few new friends, gather for a weekend reunion at a summer house in New Hampshire to reminisce about the good old days, when they got arrested on the way to a protest in Washington, D.C.


Howard and Eli have graduated from gruesome basement antics to pirating a cable TV channel for the purpose of furthering their brand of homegrown depravity, madness and murder. With the help of 'do-it-yourself' violence videos sent in by adoring fans and a beautiful guest actress unaware of the pain in store for her, the sadistic hosts guarantee the "Bloodiest Show on Earth!"

  泰山(Harrison Chad 配音)年幼时和母亲卡拉(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 配音)过着相依为命的生活,因为其人类的外表和特殊的身份,泰山遭到了同族人猿们的轻视和欺侮,只有塔克(Brenda Grate 配音)愿意当他的好朋友。在孤独之中泰山慢慢长大,他的内心十分期望能够获得人猿们的认可和肯定。   一场意外的发生让泰山意识到,自己永远也无法融入到族群之中,悲伤而又愤怒的他选择了离家出走,邂逅了离群索居的三只猩猩,在它们的身上,泰山终于感受到了被信任和信任他人的感觉。传说中,无人涉足的黄山之中居住着可怕的怪物,而在机缘巧合之下,这只神出鬼没的怪物和泰山相遇了。

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

故事发生于1873年,赛斯(奥普拉·温弗里 Oprah Winfrey 饰)曾是一名黑人奴隶,遭受过种种非人的待遇,为了不使自己的女儿重复自己悲惨的道路,她毅然杀死了刚刚出生的大女儿。一晃眼十八年过去了,每一个黑奴都没有料到,奴隶制度竟然遭到了全盘的推翻,如今的他们成为了自由人。 带着二女儿丹佛(金伯莉·伊丽丝 Kimberly Elise 饰),赛斯定居辛辛那提,和她的朋友保罗(丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)住在种植园中。一天,一个名为宠儿(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)的陌生女孩敲响了赛斯家的大门,她行文怪异口齿不清,赛斯收留了这个女孩,之后种种怪事接二连三的发生在她的身边。

Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.