Galinha Pintadinha, (English translation: The Dappled Chicken) known also as "Lottie Dottie Chicken" is a Brazilian project for children's music, created by Juliano Prado and Marcos Luporini. The songs are originally in Portuguese and are getting millions of downloads on YouTube. Some of the songs have been already translated into Spanish and English.

It's summertime in Athens and everything seems grey except for the fuchsia pink hair of lovestruck 15-year-old Elsa.

Salserín, la primera vez, candidly recounts a story of teenage love framed in the genesis of a salsa band that was once a musical phenomenon in the mid-nineties.

This collection of 11 short films produced by Illumination includes: From the "Despicable Me" franchise: Mower Minions (2016); Yellow Is the New Black (2018); Competition (2015); Cro Minion (2015); Binky Nelson Unpacified (2015); Panic in the Mailroom (2013). From the "Secret Life of Pets" franchise: Super Gidget (2019). From the "Sing" franchise: Eddie's Life Coach (2017); Gunter Babysits (2017). From the "Lorax" franchise: Serenade (2012); Wagon Ho! (2012).

Jeden z mimoňů si hrozně přeje štěňátko, ale nikde ho nemůže sehnat. Nakonec se mu podaří ochočit si malé UFO, ke kterému silně přilne a prožije s ním krásné časy. Pak se ale robotkovi začne stýskat po domově...

Three new mini-movies from the creators of Despicable Me. Orientation Day: Three freshly cloned minions go through the wacky orientation process at the evil laboratories of Gru. Home Makeover: The minions "assist" Edith, Margo & Agnes in a home makeover when they find out a social worker is going to pay them a visit. Watch the crazy antics ensue! Banana: A minion finds a banana in his lunch bag. To what lengths will the other minions go through to steal away that coveted yellow goodness?

In November of 1918 as World War I was ending, a unit of American soldiers goes behind enemy lines to find a lost platoon of African American soldiers.

Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.

Cengiz zpívá s kapelou v čajové zahradě v Burse a jeho největší ambicí je vydat album. Jeho život se změní poté, co potká Taskina a jeho otce Serafettina. Ten složil píseň, kterou by měl Cengiz rád na svém albu, a rozhodne se ji proto koupit za peníze, které si půjčí od staršího bratra. Když Taskin všechny peníze utratí, začne s ním a jeho sestrou Arzu Cengiz vystupovat.

Jim je docela obyčejný kluk s tak trochu neobyčejným příběhem. Jako malý se ocitl v Jasmánii, malém ostrovním království. Jeho nejlepším kamarádem je strojvůdce Lukáš, hrdý majitel parní lokomotivy Emy. Tahle nerozlučná trojice jednoho dne poslechne volání dálek a vydávají se do světa. Jejich cesta je zavede do Mandaly. Tam se dozví, že císařova dcera Li Si byla unesena. Nešťastný panovník je požádá o pomoc při její záchraně. Stopy ztracené princezny je vedou přes moře a hory až do bájného dračího města Žalmánie. Netuší, že jejich dobrodružné pátrání zdaleka nekončí. Čeká je mnoho zkoušek, nebezpečných překážek a tajuplných hádanek.

Azureus Rising is a proof of concept for a science fiction action adventure feature film saga and next-gen video game. The 6 minute proof of concept short film has been featured on hundreds of blogs & websites around the world. Since its premier on on May 17th, 2010, Azureus has received more than half a million hits and counting. Azureus Rising has also won 8 awards to date, including: Best Animated Film, Best Director, Best Visuals, Best Sound FXs and Best Original Score. Currently, Azureus is in development as a major motion picture and AAA video game title.

Workoholička Ally při návštěvě rodného města zavzpomíná na staré časy se svou první láskou Seanem) a začne pochybovat o všem, čím se stala. Situace se ještě více zamotá, když potká Seanovu snoubenku Cassidy, která Ally připomíná ženu, jakou sama kdysi bývala.

On September 19, 2017, at 1:14 p.m., an earthquake devastated Mexico City and its environs. Immediately, citizens mobilized to help, including the actor and youtuber Juanpa Zurita who quickly organized a group of friends that included singers, actors, content creators and other celebrities from the world of entertainment who helped him raise funds for the reconstruction of the city.

After a zombie apocalypse spreads from a London prison, the UK is brought to its knees. The spread of the virus is temporarily contained but, without a cure, it’s only a matter of time before it breaks its boundaries and the biggest problem of all… any zombies with combat skills are now enhanced. With the South East of England quarantined from the rest of the world using fortified borders, intelligence finds that the scientist responsible for the outbreak is alive and well in London. With his recovery being the only hope of a cure, a squad of eight Special Forces soldiers is sent on a suicide mission to the city, now ruled by the undead, with a single task: get him out alive within 72 hours by any means necessary. What emerges is an unlikely pairing on a course to save humanity against ever-rising odds.

Marmaduk je sice moc milý hafan, ale umí taky nadělat pořádnou paseku. A jak obstojí na výstavě mezi vyfintěnými psími frajery?

The beautiful and dangerous lesbian slave trader Druscilla practices all the customs of Ancient Rome - everything in Excess. But even excess can have its limits and the punishments can be very severe if she crosses the line and risks falling out of favor.

The events revolve around the suffering of a father (Eyad Nassar) who is exposed to an assassination attempt and goes through difficult moments when he loses his son.