Isoveljensä Joen kuoleman jälkeen sulkeutuneen bostonilaisen talonmiehen Lee Chandlerin elämä muuttuu kuullessaan että Joe on nimennyt hänet poikansa Patrickin huoltajaksi. Vastentahtoisesti Lee palaa Manchester-by-the-Seahin 15-vuotiaan Patrickin luokse. Samalla hän joutuu kohtaamaan menneisyytensä, joka erotti hänet vaimostaan Randista ja kyläyhteisöstä, jossa hän oli kasvanut. Yhdessä Lee ja Patrick yrittävät totutella elämään ilman Joeta - perheen yhdistävää voimaa. Lonergan kutoo taitavasti yhteen menneisyyden ja nykyisyyden, luoden jännitteisen tarinan vailla sentimentaalisuutta. Elokuva on syvästi liikuttava ja yllättävän hauska kertomus massachusettsilaisessa kalastajakylässä sukupolvien ajan eläneestä työväenluokkaisesta Chandlerien perheestä, yhteisöstä, perhesiteistä, uhrauksista ja toivosta.

Patton Oswalt, despite a personal tragedy, produces his best standup yet. Focusing on the tribulations of the Trump era and life after the loss of a loved one, Oswalt continues his journey to contribute joy to the world.

Four interwoven stories about love and self-acceptance: An eleven year-old boy struggles to keep secret the attraction he feels towards his male cousin. Two former childhood friends reunite and start a relationship that gets complicated due to one of them’s fear of getting caught. A gay long lasting relationship is in jeopardy when a third man comes along. An old family man is obsessed with a young male prostitute and tries to raise the money to afford the experience.

Jaga, Ganesh, Ajay and Vishwas are motoring to a cricket game. An accident leads them to divert on a side road, where they encounter a criminal gang that has kidnapped a young girl and shot a policeman - in front of them....

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Hovioikeuden tuomari Fiona Maye yrittää pelastaa vaikeasti sairaan 17-vuotiaan Adamin hengen. Adamin vanhemmat kieltäytyvät elintärkeästä verensiirrosta uskonnollisiin syihin vedoten. Fiona voi lain mukaan pakottaa lapsen hoitoon, mutta mitä Adam itse haluaa? Samaan aikaan Fionan aviomies Jack haluaa aloittaa avioliiton ulkopuolisen suhteen nuoremman naisen kanssa. Molemmissa tapauksissa Fiona on vaikean ratkaisun edessä: Mihin asti ihmisellä on oikeus päättää omasta elämästään?

Maan ulkopuolinen nainen naamioituu ihmisnaiseksi, ajaa ympäri Skotlantia ja yrittää houkutella pahaa-aavistamattomia miehiä autoonsa.

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

In a small Welsh town where people talk to themselves we meet Jim, a lonely teenager who is given the chance to increase his popularity when a cool American kid moves in next door. Written and directed by Craig Roberts, who also plays the lead role.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.

Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.

Nuoripari taistelee yliluonnollisia vihollisia vastaan pelastaakseen tyttärensä pimeiltä ja salaperäisiltä voimilta, jotka seuraavat hänen jokaista liikettään.

Megin tutkijaisän kadottua alkaa Meg jo huolestua. Mutta hän saa pian selville, että isä on jossain päin universumia ja hän lähtee avaruuteen etsimään isäänsä.

One day, robot Robby enters into a life of the most creative little boy, Toby. Robby had been separated from his robot parents when his spaceship crashed. Toby decides to offer his help and the two of them become friends.