Two poor men try to find a television as a last wish for the terminally ill brother of one of them.

In August 1977, strange things started to happen in a quiet north London suburb. This unusual, terrifying activity lasted several months and became known as the Enfield Poltergeist. Among those who witnessed this apparently paranormal activity were journalists and the police. Some of the evidence is controversial. But 30 years on it remains the best-documented and most puzzling case of its kind, and may be the first time that a spirit voice has been captured on tape.

Ježiš Nazaretský je jednoduchý tesár, ktorého neprestávajú prenasledovať vnútorné hlasy. Film sleduje prerod človeka Ježiša na Boha Krista, opisuje jeho vnútorné pochybnosti, vzťah k učeníkom a k Márii Magdaléne, jeho utrpenie, ale najmä pokušenie najsilnejšie zo všetkých - pokušenie žiť životom obyčajného človeka. Príbeh Posledného pokušenia sa v niekoľkých bodoch zásadne rozchádza s evanjeliami a prezentuje Ježiša ako človeka plného pochybností a strachu. Až ich prekonaním a odolaním pokušeniu sa stáva Bohom.

A young girl comes to an embittered town and confronts its attitude with her determination to see the best in life.

In the mid-nineteenth century, in a small Venezuelan village, Father Giovanni and a clerk write the story of a supernatural case that they have witnessed, is the story of a mysterious specter, which the people of the town have baptized as "El Silbón". In the current age, we know a family made up of Gabriel and Mayra, Ana's parents. Gabriel suspects that his daughter is possessed by the devil since she is trying to kill him. Gabriel asks the priest of his parish for advice, which is the same one Father Giovanni wrote about the Silbón over a hundred years ago.

The small city of Tarker's Mill is startled by a series of sadistic murders. The population fears that this is the work of a maniac. During a search a mysterious, hairy creature is observed. This strange appearance is noticed once a month. People lock themselves up at night, but there's one boy who's still outside, he's preparing the barbecue.

After three years of therapy Charley Brewster, now a college student, is convinced that Jerry Dandridge was a serial killer posing as a vampire. But when Regine, a mysterious actress and her entourage move into Peter Vincent's apartment block, the nightmare starts again - and this time it's personal!

After the death of her husband, a mother takes her kids off to live with their grandparents in a huge, decrepit old mansion. However, the kids are kept hidden in a room just below the attic, visited only by their mother who becomes less and less concerned about them and their failing health, and more concerned about herself and the inheritence she plans to win back from her dying father.

After a series of gory murders commited by mobs of townspeople against visiting tourists, the corpses appear to be coming back to life and living normally as locals in the small town.

Three bounty hunters from space fly back to the town of Grovers Bend, hoping to save local residents from a new batch of Critter eggs.

Tehotná Abby Quinnová zistí, že ona a jej dosiaľ nenarodené dieťa hrajú desivú úlohu v reťazci udalostí, vedúcich k zániku sveta. Po tom, ako s manželom prenajmú svoj byt tajomnému Davidovi Bannonovi, sa mladá žena ocitne v centre záujmu zvláštnych síl. Iba s jej pomocou sa totiž má naplniť proroctvo o súdnom dni a siedmom znamení. Dokáže sa zúfalá a osamelá žena postaviť vôli božej a zachrániť svoje dieťa?

The Freeling family move in with Diane's mother in an effort to escape the trauma and aftermath of Carol Anne's abduction by the Beast. But the Beast is not to be put off so easily and appears in a ghostly apparition as the Reverend Kane, a religeous zealot responsible for the deaths of his many followers. His goal is simple - he wants the angelic Carol Anne.

Dr. Samantha Goodman is a beautiful, young psychiatrist. Burnt out, she drives to the family’s winter cottage to spend time with her husband and sister. A relaxing weekend is jarringly interrupted when a terrifying and unexpected guest arrives. What follows is an extraordinary night of terror and evil mind games where escape is not an option.

In Paris, in 1942, on a Thursday, the Parisian police herded together some 13,000 Jews for deportation to German territory. In this story, Paul (Christian Rist) is a teenager who tries to prevent this from happening. At first he attempts to save two elderly Jews, but they are resigned to their fate and comply with the order to assemble. For a short while, he is able to keep Jeanne (Christine Pascal) from joining them, but, after a long and strenuous day, she finally escapes from him he is too tired to chase after her.

Otto is the only one who is able to save his Frisian fatherland; but he needs the help of his brother, who is abroad. But his brother does not want to fulfill what he has sworn as a child. So it takes Otto a while to convince him while time is running low for his plans to save East-Frisia.

Psychický narušená Angela má záľubu v tom, čo jej ide najlepšie - vraždenie nič netušiacich tínedžrov. A zas sa na ňu raz usmialo šťastie, miesto jej posledného vyčíňania bolo obnovené a premenované. Zmenilo sa na experimentálny tábor, kde by sa mala zblížiť mládež pochádzajúca z tých najbohatších vrstiev s tými, čo sú najchudobnejší. Angela si zmení svoju identitu a infiltruje sa do tábora a zakrátko začína ta pravá zábava. No, aspoň pre Angelu.

Bullied by classmates, a pudgy military-school student fights back by computer with the devil.

Ak chcete pracovať v TV shope a udržať si miesto, musíte mať hlavu plnú nápadov. Ak ich nemáte, klesá sledovanosť a hrozba straty miesta je jasná. Presne tak je na tom aj Rick, ktorý má dva týždne na to, aby zásadne zvýšil záujem divákov, a teda aj tržbu. V okamihu najvyššieho zúfalstva Rick s kolegyňou narazia na ceste na čudáckeho chlapíka, ktorý tvrdí, že je Svätý muž. Rick zistí, že jeho filozofia pôsobí na divákov ako magnet. Svätý muž sa stane novým moderátorom a sledovanosť televíznej stanice láme rekordy. Sú však aj veci, ktoré sú dôležitejšie ako úspešný biznis...

As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.

Emma and Joel get dumped by their partners on the same day, and when they meet each other they think they're a perfect match. Emma discovers she is pregnant and ends up taking care of Joel's mother while he goes off on tour to conduct around the world. Pregnancy, a crazy mother-in-law, trust, and loyalty test the couple to make the right decisions.