A small town girl is caught between dead-end jobs. A high-profile, successful man becomes wheelchair bound following an accident. The man decides his life is not worth living until the girl is hired for six months to be his new caretaker. Worlds apart and trapped together by circumstance, the two get off to a rocky start. But the girl becomes determined to prove to the man that life is worth living and as they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their world changing in ways neither of them could begin to imagine.

Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.

After a disastrous first date for caterer Holly and network sports director Messer, all they have in common is a dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in this world, Holly and Messer must set their differences aside. Juggling careers and social calendars, they'll have to find common ground while living under the same roof.

Medtem ko Dom in Letty uživata na zasluženem poročnem potovanju na Kubi, tudi ostali zaživijo običajno življenje daleč stran od nevarnih preizkušenj in adrenalinskih podvigov, ki so v preteklosti spremljale njihov vsakdan. A Dom po srečanju s skrivnostno Cipher nima druge izbire, kot da se zaplete v nevaren svet kriminala in tako izda tiste, ki so mu najbližje. Družina se znajde pred največjo preizkušnjo do sedaj, ki jo mora za povrhu razrešiti še brez svojega vodje.

A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.

In 1951, Marcus Messner, a working-class Jewish student from New Jersey, attends a small Ohio college, where he struggles with anti-Semitism, sexual repression, and the ongoing Korean War.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

A camera crew catches up with David Brent, the former star of the fictional British series, "The Office" as he now fancies himself a rockstar on the road.

Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

Alim is a gay man living in London to escape the domineering eye of his conservative Muslim mother, Nuru, back in Canada. Alim keeps his homosexuality secret from his mother, so when she comes for a surprise visit, he and his boyfriend, Giles, must put on a straight facade to hide the truth.

A woman tries to help her teenage daughter when she becomes the victim of online bullying.

Sebastiano teaches high school gym classes and coaches swimming. He’s got a job, a girlfriend, and a pretty normal life. But as young Martin starts to infiltrate Sebastiano’s life, his world will get turned upside down. Eerie from the first frame, this Hitchcockian thriller portrays sexual obsession with terrifying realism.

Set in New York's gay "bear" scene and taking a cue from the popular HBO franchise "Sex and the City," BearCity follows a tight-knit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps, emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters and a cast of colorful, diverse characters as they gear up for a big party weekend

Elle Woods, najbolj ambiciozna blondinka v podobi simpatične Reese Witherspoon, se vrača. Elle je diplomirala na Harvardu, se zaposlila v odvetniški firmi, zdaj pa ima pred seboj že nov cilj: poroko z moškim svojih sanj. Ko pa odkrije, da na družinskih članih njenega ljubljenega kužka testirajo kozmetične izdelke, se postavi na stran zatiranih živali. A obstaja težava. Ker kozmetične izdelke testira podjetje, ki ga zastopajo v firmi, kjer je Elle zaposlena, jo zaradi njenih ostrih besed takoj odpustijo. Vendar Elle ne obupa in se odpravi v Washington, da bi stvari vzela v svoje roke. Preprečiti hoče, da bi kozmetična industrija še naprej izvajala poskuse na živalih, a prepričevanje kongresnikov ne bo ravno mačji kašelj.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

Four couples, all friends, descend on a tropical island resort. Though one husband and wife are there to work on their marriage, the others just want to enjoy some fun in the sun. They soon find, however, that paradise comes at a price: Participation in couples therapy sessions is mandatory. What started out as a cut-rate vacation turns into an examination of the common problems many face.

Four best friends negotiate loss and major life changes during the last two weeks of high school.

A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.

After a continuing losing streak that started at the altar, Roger tries to claw out of financial ruin and into the arms of Tyler. But Jay, Ty's hunky fire chief partner is not letting that flame blaze. Meanwhile, fireworks explode when Fred's obsessive tinkering on their bear documentary conflicts with Brent's baby prep and the unwavering due date of their newborn. Mama bear Michael faces major challenges and finds that love comes in all colors, shapes and sizes.

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...