Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.

Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Joe Gardner on muusikaõpetaja, kes saab oma elu võimaluse esineda linna parimas jazz-klubis. Aga üks väike viga viib mehe New Yorgi tänavalt kuhugi kaugele, maagilisse paika, kus hinged omandavad oma isikupära, veidrused ja huvid, enne kui nad Maale saadetakse. Joe tahab minna iga hinna eest tagasi oma senise elu juurde. Selleks lööb ta kampa ootamatult elutarga noore hingega, kes ei suuda mõista inimeseks olemise võlusid.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma tädi juurde. 10 aastat on ta pidanud taluma tädi Petunia, onu Vernoni ja nende poja Dudley terroriseerimist. Ühel päeval aga hakkavad saabuma salapärased kirjad ning ilmub välja hiiglasekasvu, kuid sõbralik Hagrid, kes Harryle räägib, et ta polegi tavaline poiss, vaid hoopis võlur. Nii asubki Harry õppima Sigatüüka kooli, kus ta õpib võlukunsti erinevaid vorme, leiab endale sõbrad Ron'i ja Hermione'i ning peab vastu astuma igasugustele ohtudele.

Teenager Riley's mind headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who’ve long been running a successful operation by all accounts, aren’t sure how to feel when Anxiety shows up. And it looks like she’s not alone.

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the survivors must join together in the face of despair and fight back against an unrelenting horror.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

40-year-old single mom Solène begins an unexpected romance with 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of August Moon, the hottest boy band on the planet. As they begin a whirlwind romance, it isn't long before Hayes' superstar status poses unavoidable challenges to their relationship, and Solène soon discovers that life in the glare of his spotlight might be more than she bargained for.

Bond has left active service and is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica. His peace is short-lived when his old friend Felix Leiter from the CIA turns up asking for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology.

There's a new drink taking the world by storm - Bubbleshock! Everyone's drinking it. When Maria's dragged along to the factory tour by her new friend, Kelsey - a girl with an opinion on everything - she's plunged into the sinister world of Bubbleshock and the mysterious Mrs Wormwood. There's something terrible behind the hype - something Sarah Jane's interested in too...

Horrified by the new girlfriends of their respective sons, three sisters-in-law – Clara, a socialite, Matis, a widowed professional, and Nena, a naive housewife – make an alliance to get rid of their undesirable daughters-in-law.

Colt Seavers on karastunud kaskadöör, keda lastakse õhku, kellele sõidetakse autoga otsa, visatakse läbi aknaklaaside välja ja kukutatakse kõrgelt alla. Aasta pärast tööõnnetust, mis oleks Coltile peaaegu saatuslikuks saanud, on mees tagasi sadulas. Ta peab üles otsima kaduma läinud filmistaari, lahendama vandenõu ning võitma tagasi oma elu armastuse Jody.

Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.

Kogenud aardekütt Victor “Sully” Sullivan värbab endale appi nutika varga Nathan Drake´I, et otsida 500 aastat tagasi kaduma läinud aaret. See, mis algab röövretkena, muutub närvesöövaks seikluseks. Kui Nate´il ja Sully´il õnnestub lahendada üks maailma vanimatest mõistatustest, võivad nad leida 5 miljardi dollari väärtuse aarde ja võib-olla ka Nate´i ammukadunud venna. Kuid enne tuleb neil õppida ühise eesmärgi nimel koostööd tegema.

After their car breaks down in an eerie small town, a young couple are forced to spend the night in a remote cabin. Panic ensues as they are terrorized by three masked strangers who strike with no mercy and seemingly no motives.

A family's road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with some relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked killers pay them a visit to test the family's every limit as they struggle to survive.