Laura, 21, is determined to earn her High school diploma, just like anyone else. Except Laura is a bit different. She has Down syndrome. As she faces her own difficulties, she must also deal with the doubts of her loved ones and the occasional cruelty of her peers. Overcoming challenge after challenge between emotion and laughter, Laura battles for every inch of an opportunity that life tries to keep from her. Like a movie in which disability brings a fresh perspective on life challenges and the pursuit of happiness.

威尔(比尔·米尔纳 Bill Milner 饰)是个寂寞的乖小孩,他被家里管得很严,没什么朋友,又因宗教因素被严格限制娱乐,只能靠画画打发时间。偶然的机会,威尔结识了学校的“问题学生”卡特(威尔·保尔特 Will Poulter 饰),带着威尔进入另一个崭新世界,卡特第一次给他 看了电视,带他作恶,还要他帮忙拍短片,完成自己的导演梦想。善良单纯的威尔成了卡特的小跟班,也渐渐开始发现摄影机的妙处,尽情发挥自己的想象力,但少年人的友谊总会埋下许多不安定因素,随着一个法国交换生的出现,似乎威尔和卡特的关系出现了裂痕……

故事发生在位于法国富人聚集地的一幢公寓内,玛利亚 是公寓的门房,转眼之间,她和身为建筑工人的丈夫约瑟 已经在这个与他们的社会地位格格不入的社区内居住了三十年之久了。

When a small town woman with southern charm is given a big promotion managing a store in the Big Apple, she tries to adopt a big city personality and it leads to disastrous results.

A Christmas elf accidentally takes off in Santa's sleigh, crash lands in a small town, and loses the magic toy bag. Beethoven must rescue the elf, recover the bag from greedy crooks, and return the sleigh to Santa in time to save Christmas.

  成功的政治说客的莉亚(桑娜·莱瑟 Sanaa Lathan 饰)与前男友大卫(摩里斯·切斯塔特 Morris Chestnut 饰)分手后,与极富魅力的陌生男子卡特(迈克尔·伊雷 Michael Ealy 饰)陷入热恋,但这位梦幻男友却与一系列噩梦般的事件有关。莉亚意识到自己处于危险之中,她该如何摆脱卡特的纠缠?前任和现任男友,谁才是她的完美男人?


Back to school for Ducobu, Léonie Gratin and Latouche. But this year, a major rival for Ducobu arrives at school: TGV, the king of cheating 3.0. While the financial situation of Saint-Potache becomes disastrous, the two dunces will have to unite their creativity to win a song contest and save their school.

  几个不同地方的家庭来到夏日度假的“蓝波浪”野营基地(Camping flot du bleu),有连续30年都来的老年夫妇、有结婚16年婚姻面临无激情危机的中年夫妻、有让自己在一周中享受“幸福”并等待妻子回心转意的快活汉、有因为妻子弃家而对女儿管束有加的严谨的外科医生等。停在林间的活动房车、密布的帐篷、疯狂的派对活动、和沙滩上花艳怒放的比基尼,人们在游乐中,发现生活斑斑点点的瑕疵。每一个小家庭都有各自或大或小的问题,而问题一定是在这些人们相互的关怀中释解,比如出轨后的老公终于明白自己是绝对离不开妻子的,固步自封的父亲终于知道女儿要的是青春的恣意和自由。   然而,这些都不及最后的那场海啸。往往灾难来临的时候,令人们更能直接面对内心,感受到真正情感的重量。出轨的丈夫,为了支撑起那顶有他心爱的妻子和儿子的帐篷,爬在泥雨里举起钢化支撑脚而中雷击,夫妻俩在电光雷鸣中深吻,这个吻在两人间已消失了五六年;临产的荷兰妻子因为外科医生的及时赶到,而顺利产下一个“野营宝宝”,给他取名为Jacky,那个曾一心要争回17号车位和他们对着干,又在海水涨潮时驾着小皮艇救他们的倔强的老头;Jacky老头死活要争回属于他的17号车位,因为那里有棵刻着他和妻子名字的树,而当雷电将树击中,树干断裂而摊倒的时候,可以看到现实生活中一点毁灭性的影子,所有人瞬间黯淡下的眼光是全片唯一一刻的忧伤——“哈,今年真是特殊的一年”老头一句轻悠悠的话,将刹那的沉重抹去。毕竟,这是一部必须让人欢乐的片子。


Amelle and Noom are two young thirties are total opposites and that fate will bring. Serious She manager at Starbucks, and dynamic IT dilettante, smart, and apprentice comic. Both victims disappointments in love, they swore that it does take longer. So how do when despite all these opposites attract? A game of seduction then sets up for our greatest happiness. But all is not so rosy, families, friends, colleagues get involved, wars are declared, quarrels explode. Caught between the roots of their education and the fire of their feelings, which side will they choose? The love he will triumph? One thing is sure, they will make us have a good loads of fun and excitement ...


If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!

Comical trip to Corse reminiscent of A very bad trip.

乔(大卫·斯佩德 David Spade 饰)自幼就不是一个让人省心的孩子,总是不断的在制造着麻烦,需要父母不停的跟在后面帮他擦屁股。终于有一天,乔的母亲米西(夏洛特·麦金尼 Charlotte McKinney 饰)再也忍受不了这个傻儿子了,于是和丈夫一拍即合,两人谎称带乔出去旅游,借此机会将他丢到了一个完全陌生的城市里。哪知道,乔出了傻的惊人外,还有过人的运气。八岁就流浪街头的他竟然凭借着好心人的帮助和自己的努力顺利的长大成人,不仅如此,他还得到了一份看门人的差事。成为看门人后,乔更是接二连三的遇见各路奇奇怪怪的人士,和他们之间碰撞出了一个又一个有趣的故事。

Ducoboo is a very inventive dunce and joker, he is very resourceful at finding new ways to copy from his neighbor, to cheat or to defy the teacher's authority.

A group of high-school kids set out to play a Halloween prank at an abandoned house, but once they enter they become victims of a demonic witch who has set her wrath upon them.

Buddy is an abandoned young cocker spaniel waiting dejectedly in his cage for a kind, new owner to adopt him. Suddenly, Billy, a little boy whose hair is as red as Buddy's, appears. It's love at first sight and the beginning of a great friendship. But for Billy's parents, this is where the trouble begins.

Ducobu takes a gap year on a environmental project, but he really just wants to skip school!