A dweeby, mild-mannered man comes to the aid of a drunk young woman on a subway platform. Little does he know how much trouble he’s in for.

Akčná komédia plná napínavých bojových scén a choreografických kug-fu čísel s Jackie Chanom od choreografa filmu Tiger a drak.

When the investigation of 'Koreagate' takes place, Park Yong-gak, a former KCIA director who knows everything about the government's operations, heads to the United States in exile.

Objavte silu lásky. Tento nadčasový prázdninový film sa odohráva v súčasnosti a na začiatku 20. storočia. Kate, workoholická právnička, cestuje do Vermontu, do hotela Hollygrove Inn, aby sprostredkovala predaj tohto majetku, ktorý zostal bez dedičov. Tam sa dozvie, že v hostinci žije duch mladého muža, ktorý zmizol pred sto rokmi. Zo zvedavosti zostane na noc a duch sa skutočne objaví. Volá sa Daniel a žiada ju o pomoc. Keď vyrieši záhadu okolo jeho vraždy, odíde. Kate začne pátrať a nielen to - s Danielom sa do seba vášnivo zamilujú. Podarí sa Kate odhaliť celú pravdu, aby sa Danielova duša mohla konečne oslobodiť?

Only one week left until South Korea will go under sovereign default. Han Shi-Hyun is a leader of the monetary policy team at the Bank of Korea. and is assigned to a crisis team.

The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from the humorous to the heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life's little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.

Navy Lt. Tom Farrell meets a young woman, Susan Atwell , and they share a passionate fling. Farrell then finds out that his superior, Defense Secretary David Brice, is also romantically involved with Atwell. When the young woman turns up dead, Farrell is put in charge of the murder investigation. He begins to uncover shocking clues about the case, but when details of his encounter with Susan surface, he becomes a suspect as well.

Britský nezávislý thriller se točí kolem únosu plného nečekaných zvratů. Příběh nejprve sleduje bývalé trestance Vica (Eddie Marsan) a Dannyho (Martin Compston) při úpravách malého bytu na důkladnou a zvukotěsnou celu. Chorobně podezíravý Vic je dominantní drsňák, slaboch Danny udělá téměř cokoli, co mu Vic nařídí. Plán zločinců je záhy jasný: zmocní se mladé dívky z bohaté rodiny, zavlečou ji do připravené kobky a tam ji připoutají k posteli. Výměnou za dívčin bezpečný návrat pak pošlou snímky své oběti- Alice Creed (Gemma Arterton)- jejímu otci s požadavkem na zaplacení dvou miliónů liber. Vic si je jistý, že jejich zločin nemá chybu. Jenže brzy se ukáže, že ne všechno jde podle plánu. Alice je totiž chytřejší a vynalézavější než předpokládal a navíc Dannyho loajalita není tak neotřesitelná, jak doufal. Zmizení Alice Creed je prvním hraným snímkem režiséra J. Blakesona.

Two tough westerners bring home a group of settlers who have spent years as Comanche hostages.

The ghost of a lesbian high-school girl takes revenge on the people who used to bully her. And another young girl finds her old diary detailing her love and rejection when she was alive.

A young woman searching for her missing artist father finds herself in the strange seaside town of Point Dume, which seems to be under the influence of a mysterious undead cult.

Tae-joo manages to rise in rank in a gang for saving the boss's life. However, prosecutor Dong-pal appears in front of him as his sworn enemy. Meanwhile, Jo-pil wants to get rid of Tae-joo's gang, training for revenge. The three men's goals intertwine.

A DEA agent provides former Marine Tim Kearney with a way out of his prison sentence: impersonate Bobby Z, a recently deceased drug dealer, in a hostage switch with a crime lord. When the negotiations go awry, Kearney flees, with Z's son in tow.

Hong Kong. When Cao Nan and his group of thieves rob an armored car in broad daylight, they don't hesitate to murder innocent people on the run. Lui Ming Chit, a veteran police inspector, is forced to use sinister tactics to catch them.

Dolemite is a pimp who was set up by Willie Greene and the cops, who have planted drugs, stolen furs, and guns in his trunk and got him sentenced to 20 years in jail. One day, Queen B and a warden planned to get him out of Jail and get Willie Green and Mitchell busted for what they did to him.

A pandemic strikes the world. What does quarantine do to a lonely woman's mind? Follow her from sense to insanity. No filters. Just you, her, and her more and more twisted mind.

Boxer Alain Lefevre preberie snúbenicu známeho marseillského gangstra Galganiho. S Katrinou chcú odísť do Ameriky, aby sa vyhli mafiánovej pomste. Plán sa však zhatí, Galgani unesie Katrinu a Alain pri obrane pred mafiánmi zastrelí Galganiho brata. Nezostáva mu nič iné, len vstúpiť do Cudzineckej légie. Jeho pluk pôsobí v severnej Afrike a pre mladého ľahkomyseľného muža nie je ľahké zvyknúť si na tvrdý dril a disciplínu. Ba čo viac, nebezpečenstvo nehrozí len od útočných Arabov, ale aj od zabijaka, ktorého si Galgani najal. Alain je rozhodnutý prežiť a vrátiť sa ku Katrine...

Set in 1960s Sydney, this is the story of an Australian gangster whose booming business, buoyed by the influx of U.S. soldiers in town for R&R during their tours in Vietnam, attracts the attention of first the Chicago mafia, and then their East Coast competitors.

A successful Texas gynecologist finds himself amid a bevy of women and their problems – his wife’s breakdown, his daughter's fake marriage, his other daughter’s conspiracy theories, and his secretary’s crush. Craving time for himself, he finds solace in a kind outsider.

Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy.