Paranormal investigators on the south coast of England take on a new client. What they unravel reveals chinks in the fabric reality.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Shy outcast Kokoro has been avoiding school for weeks when she discovers a portal in her bedroom mirror. She reaches through and finds herself transported to an enchanting castle where she is joined by six other students. When a girl in a wolf mask explains that they have been invited to play a game, the teens must work together to uncover the mysterious connection that unites them. However, anyone who breaks the rules will be eaten by a wolf.

In 1970s Rome, a casual encounter between Enea and Pietro at a movie theater turns into an unforgettable romance — until destiny pulls them apart.

Filmas pasakoja apie du pusiau brolius (Ben Foster ir Toby Wallace), užaugusius skirtinguose pasauliuose, kurie suaugę vėl susitinka lemtingą vasarą. Komercinės žvejybos fone istorija įgauna pirmykštį mastą, kai beviltiškos aplinkybės priverčia brolius sudaryti sandėrį su žiauria Bostono nusikaltėlių gauja. Tuo pačiu, jauna mergina (Jenna Ortega) atsiduria pavojingos situacijos viduryje. Tenka aukotis, o ryšiai tarp brolių, draugų, mylimųjų, tėvo (Tommy Lee Jones) bei jo sūnaus patiria didžiausią išbandymą.

A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.

Sam is a professional boxer about to get released from prison. While on parole, his past catches up with him and he has no choice but to flee. Five years later, he has rebuilt a simple life on an exotic island in Thailand with his wife and her daughter, but when he gets blackmailed by a dangerous local godfather, he must embark on a dangerous drug smuggling mission which results in a tragedy. Now he has only one purpose: to seek merciless vengeance.

Po skaudžių skyrybų slaugytoja Džesė, kartu su dukra Tailer ir mažamečiu sūnumi Ovenu persikelia į nuošalią ir seną užmiesčio sodybą. Ramiai prasidėjęs naujas gyvenimo etapas netrukus virsta siaubinga tragedija. Netoliese esančioje pelkėje paslaptingai dingsta geriausias Oveno draugas - šuo Pipenas. Po kelių dienų grįžęs namo kruvinas Pipenas agresyvus ir piktas, jis užpuola Oveną.

According to legend, Yangminshan’s Chinese Culture University sits where the realms of the living and dead collide. The architecture was originally given an auspicious “bagua” design to ward off evil, but was instead maliciously changed into an “inverse bagua”. Countless apparition sightings and paranormal incidents have plagued the university ever since. Three years ago, a student developing an augmented reality horror game at the university fell into a coma following a mysterious elevator accident. To complete the game, his younger sister begins testing the various urban legend-inspired AR challenges with the help of her friends, leading them down a path of increasingly bizarre and terrifying encounters…

Dallas comedian Ralph Barbosa talks about how he grew up with his grandparents and ran a hair salon in his bedroom when he was 13 years old.

During the military dictatorship in Brazil, Lorena, Lia and Ana Clara, three university students of different social backgrounds and origins meet at a nun's pension in São Paulo. Besides their differences, they become close friends, sharing their dramas and dreams, helping each other until the day they have to separate permanently.

A thirsty teenager's home video leads to a series of horrifying revelations, harkening back to the final punk rock analog days of VHS, while taking one giant leap forward into the hellish new millennium.

Sem, indų kilmės amerikietė paauglė, gyvena idiliškame priemiestyje su konservatyviais tėvais. Sem kultūrinis nesaugumas didėja dėl jos atsiskyrusios draugės Tamiros, kuri nuolat nešiojasi keistą stiklainį. Pykčio akimirką Samida sudaužo Tamiros stiklainį ir išlaisvina senovės indų demonišką jėgą, kuri pagrobia Tamirą. Sem ieško Tamiros, sekdama jaunuolio, atlikusio mirtiną ritualą, pėdsakais, kol demoniškoji būtybė pradeda taikytis į ją, nužudo jos vaikiną ir griauna jos realybę siaubingomis vizijomis. Sem turi susivienyti su tėvais ir simpatiška mokytoja, kad išgelbėtų Tamirą ir nutrauktų demono terorą.

Explore the first – and only – time “demonic possession” has officially been used as a defense in a U.S. murder trial. Including firsthand accounts of alleged devil possession and a shocking murder, this extraordinary story forces reflection on our fear of the unknown.

14-year old Echo and her mother Ivy, a tarot card reader, live a quiet life in a rural area. When reclusive Kurt moves down the road to restore an abandoned farmhouse, an accident leads to Echo’s murder, and suddenly three lives collide in mysterious and wicked ways. Kurt assumes he can hide his secret under the ground. But Echo burrows into his head until he can feel her in his bones. As she haunts his every move, trying to reach her mother from beyond, Ivy must dig deep to see the signs and prove that love won’t stay buried.

When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.

Eight years after the opening night tragedy of HELL HOUSE LLC, many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, an investigative journalist is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. She assembles a team to break into the hotel in hopes of discovering the truth. But the source of the tip and the secrets of the Abaddon Hotel are more horrifying than any of them could have imagined.

A group of young journalists investigate a cult said to practice human sacrifice, but their ambitious ways may lead them to becoming the cult's next victims.

Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular interactive show, Insomnia. He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance - but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.

Two bookish women, whom crave adventure and bad taste, suddenly turn into sexy ladies after being zapped with a spell by a sex-starved ghost.