Everyone at the retirement village is very excited that the new resident is a well-known detective, because every imaginable crime is committed here: From disappearing jewelry, to sleeping pills mixed into the tea - but what if he suggests it's all happening in their heads?

Toshiro Mifune swaggers and snarls to brilliant comic effect in Kurosawa's tightly paced, beautifully composed "Sanjuro." In this companion piece and sequel to "Yojimbo," jaded samurai Sanjuro helps an idealistic group of young warriors weed out their clan's evil influences, and in the process turns their image of a proper samurai on its ear.

A wealthy Manhattan couple celebrates their first year anniversary at a secluded Airbnb, only to realize they are being secretly video taped. But why?

Back in Town is George Carlin's ninth HBO special. It was also released on CD on September 17, 1996. This was also his first of many performances at the Beacon Theater in New York City. He rants about Abortion, The death penalty, prison farms, fart jokes, free floating hostility and words.

To his chagrin, young Marcel Pagnol and his family move back to their home in Marseilles, France, far from their pastoral holiday cottage in the hills. Determined, Marcel makes the long voyage back to the cottage on foot and lands himself in trouble. One day Marcel's father discovers a shortcut to the cottage, but it requires trespassing. Despite their trepidations, Marcel and his family begin using the secret trail to reach their cottage.

A group of covert CIA operatives trailing a potential new energy source are double-crossed by corrupt agent Morgan, who causes a helicopter crash in remote South Africa. The sole survivor, suffering severe amnesia, is nursed to recovery by a kindly native tribe who call him "Whoami" after the question he keeps asking. With the help of a mysterious reporter Christine, Whoami pieces together his past and tracks the turncoat agent and his criminal cohorts.

In a beauty salon in Beirut the lives of five women cross paths. The beauty salon is a colorful and sensual microcosm where they share and entrust their hopes, fears and expectations.

Rational, exacting, and self-controlled theater director, Henrik Vogler, often stays after rehearsal to think and plan. On this day, Anna comes back, ostensibly looking for a bracelet. She is the lead in his new production of Strindberg's A Dream Play. She talks of her hatred for her mother, now dead, an alcoholic actress, who was Vogler's star and lover.

Сад када је свет свестан да је проналазач и милијардер - Тони Старк - у ствари Ајронмен, он ће покушати да искористи повластице одела тако што ће обновити екстравагантни Старк експо свог покојног оца. Док америчка влада инсистира да Тони преда револуционарно оружје војсци, Иван Ванко, мистериозна фигура из прошлости породице Старк, планира да уништи Тонија откривајући сопствено оружје разорне моћи које је засновано на Старковој технологији. Оптерећен проблемима на свим пољима, док се у исто време суочава и с личним демонима, Тони не може ништа друго осим да позове своје савезнике – старе и нове – да му помогну да се суочи удруженим силама које прете да униште њега и читаво човечанство.

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.

In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.

Henry is a playboy who has no idea that he is the father of a beautiful, cute girl out of a One-night-Stand. Her mother left the daughter in front of Henry door after her husband realized after 8 years of marriage that he is not the father so their relationship now is breaking up... By the way: Kokowääh, is how a German (in this case an 8 Year old child) that has never heard the dish before - would pronounce "Coq Au Vin" (chicken in a wine sauce).

When two cash-strapped UK-based Indians become male escorts amid an economic downturn, money flows right in but everything else in their lives starts falling apart.

A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

The Caribbean swamps which is to be made into a holiday resort is terrorized again by a second monstrous crocodile which is killing off anyone unfortunate to be on the water.

The Police Academy misfits travel to Miami Beach for Commandant Lassard to be honored with a prestigious lifetime award pending his retirement. Things take a turn when Lassard unknowingly ends up in possession of stolen diamonds from a jewel heist.

Our favourite police men are called together to deal with a gang who rob banks and jewelers. Using their various talents as well as their extraordinary luck, the crooks stand no chance against our men and women in blue.