Gripped by the blind faith of her father, Reverend Pearson, Leni accompanies him on his evangelical mission. A banal accident forces them to stop at El Gringo's garage. When the Reverend becomes obssessed with saving the soul of Chango, the mechanic's son, Leni realises the time has come to take her fate into her own hands.

The life of a dying young man at the short age of only forty-one after playing the lead in Il postino. He was a brilliant stage actor before becoming an astonishing film director.

Vojenský kadet doprovází slepého, na jednu ruku ochrnutého kapitána Fausta Consola na týdenní výpravě z Turína do Neapole. V Římě navštíví Fausto kněze, jehož žádá o požehnání. V Neapoli se sblíží s jedním důstojníkem, který je rovněž nevidomý, a najde v něm dobrého kumpána do hospody. Podělí se o své životní příběhy... V Neapoli žila Sára do níž byl Fausto zamilovaný a která s ním v minulosti špatně zacházela. Oba poté zosnují plán. (oficiální text distributora)

The large-scale textile artwork “Historjá” by Marakatt-Labba made a huge breakthrough when it was shown at documenta 14 in Kassel. The embroidery, depicting motifs from Sámi history, is also the starting point of Thomas Jackson’s documentary, which tells us about Sámi culture, whose history has been marked by a struggle against the majority population. The struggle has concerned the right to land and way of life, but also underlying this are two views of mankind and its relationship to nature. In Historjá – Stitches for Sapmí, historical events and mythological images are woven together with how climate change threatens contemporary reindeer herding and thus the existence of Sámi culture.

When a brothel closes because of new laws, four of the prostitutes decide to go into business running a restaurant. They discover they cannot escape their past.

In this sequel to Scenes from a Marriage (1973), we revisit the characters of Johan and Marianne, then a married couple. After their divorce, Johan and Marianne haven't seen each other for 32 years. Marianne is still working, as a divorce lawyer. Johan is quite well off and has retired to a house in the Orsa finnmark district of Sweden. On a whim, Marianne decides to visit him. Johan's son from a previous marriage, Henrik, lives nearby in a cottage with his daughter Karin, a gifted cello player. The relationship between father and son is strained.

Milán, 12. prosinec 1969. Pobočkou banky na náměstí Piazza Fontana otřásl výbuch, po kterém na místě zbylo 17 mrtvých a 88 zraněných lidí. Policejní kapitán Calabresi je přesvědčen, že za teroristickým útokem stáli anarchisté. Mnozí z podezřelých jsou zatčeni, během vyšetřování však jeden z nich záhadně zahyne při pádu z okna policejní stanice. Byla to sebevražda, nebo mu někdo pomohl?

Láska dokáže proměnit kancelář v příjemně romantické místo. Na báječných a hravých výkonech někdejších hereckých hollywoodských hvězd Spencera Tracyho a Katharine Hepburnové je postavena komedie o jednom omylu, lásce a nekončícím soupeření mezi muži a ženami. Richard Sumner je zkušený expert na počítače a automatizaci výroby, má však minimální znalosti v oblasti ženské psychiky. Právě jemu osud postaví do cesty energickou a výřečnou Bunny Watsonovou, která pracuje jako vedoucí výzkumného oddělení televizní společnosti. A pak je tu ještě výkonný počítač jménem Emma. Jeho zavádění do praxe totiž spustí celý kolotoč nedorozumění, zmatků a nepřátelství...

One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At that moment, its commander Salvatore Todaro makes a decision that was destined to go down in history: to save the 26 shipwrecked Belgians who otherwise would have drowned in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and disembark them at the nearest safe harbor. To make room for them on board his submarine, he is forced to navigate on the surface of the water for three days, visible to the enemy forces and endangering his life and that of his men.

Emma has left Russia to live with her husband in Italy. Now a member of a powerful industrial family, she is the respected mother of three, but feels unfulfilled. One day, Antonio, a talented chef and her son's friend, makes her senses kindle.

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

It is evening. Tarek is seventeen years old and is on his way to see his friends, who have asked him on the telephone to pass by the park first and buy a few grams of dope: nothing much, just enough for some fun. The boy buys the stuff in the dark park, but when he emerges finds that someone has seen him: a policeman in plain clothes, sitting in his own car. The man could simply confiscate the hash, intimidate him a little and then let him go, or he could decide to take him to the station and call his parents. But he opts for neither of these things. He tells the young man to get in the car and starts the engine. Where does he want to take him? The policeman is ambiguous, mysterious. What does he want from the teenager? Tarek is in check, he can’t just leave. The policeman makes him stay with him the whole night, driving around in apparently aimless fashion, stopping first in one place, then in another.

Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.

A playboy has the tables turned on him when he finds himself being used as a plaything by an undesirable woman.

Tangled up with blackmail and crooked cops, the son of a former gangster seeks out his father's old friends, who risk everything to save him.

Widower Tom, on the recent passing of his wife Mary, uses his free bus pass to travel the length of Britain from John O'Groats in Caithness to Land's End in Cornwall, their shared birthplace, using only local buses. It's an incident-fuelled nostalgia trip and his encounters with local people make him a media phenomenon. Tom is totally unaware and to his surprise on arrival at Land’s End he’s greeted as a celebrity.

Archie a Amelia jsou už od dětství nejlepší přátelé a jsou zamilovaní. Bohužel ne do sebe. Archie miluje Amelii, ale ta má oči jen pro Billyho Walshe, nově příchozího studenta z Ameriky. Místo aby jí Archie svou lásku konečně vyznal, pomáhá jí získat muže jejích snů: zatracenýho Billyho Walshe!

Connor Bates, který strávil nějaký čas ve vězení po obvinění z napadení, nyní pracuje v knihovně a volný čas tráví běháním, plaváním a snahou dát si svůj svět znovu dohromady. Když se seznámí s Marilyn Chambersovou, manželkou bohatého podnikatele, střetnou se v intenzivním fyzickém a citovém vztahu, který rychle přeroste v plané řeči o vraždě jejího manžela.