Bob Marley's universal appeal, impact on music history and role as a social and political prophet is both unique and unparalleled. Directed by Academy Award-winning director Kevin Macdonald (The Last King of Scotland), MARLEY is the definitive life story of the musician, revolutionary, and legend, from his early days to his rise to international superstardom. Made with the support of the Marley family, the film features rare footage, incredible performances and revelatory interviews with the people that knew him best.

It has been nine years since we last met Jesse and Celine, the French-American couple who once met on a train in Vienna. They now live in Paris with twin daughters but have spent a summer in Greece at the invitation of an author colleague of Jesse's. When the vacation is over and Jesse must send his teenage son off to the States, he begins to question his life decisions, and his relationship with Celine is at risk.

When 9-year-old orphan Oliver Twist dares to ask his cruel taskmaster, Mr. Bumble, for a second serving of gruel, he's hired out as an apprentice. Escaping that dismal fate, young Oliver falls in with the street urchin known as the Artful Dodger and his criminal mentor, Fagin. When kindly Mr. Brownlow takes Oliver in, Fagin's evil henchman Bill Sikes plots to kidnap the boy.

Tai istorija apie vaikiną vardu Oskaras, kuris gyvena Fruitveilo pakrantėje. Paskutinę 2008 metų dieną prabudęs jis ima keistai jaustis. Vaikinas tai priima kaip ženklą pradėti vykdyti savo pasižadėjimus naujiems metams. Oskaras nori būti geresniu sūnumi savo motinai, geresniu partneriu savo draugei ir būti geresniu tėvu savo mažametei dukrai. Oskaras pradeda vykdyti savo pažadus, tačiau tai padaryti nėra taip lengva kaip jam atrodė. Jo keliai susikerta su šeima, draugais ir nepažįstamais žmonėmis. Ar pavyks šiam vaikinui įvykdyti savo pasižadėjimus ir tapti geresniu žmogumi?

The history of Sound City and their huge recording device; exploring how digital change has allowed 'people that have no place' in music to become stars. It follows former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighter David Grohl as he attempts to resurrect the studio back to former glories.

Kurtis Laforčas su žmona Samanta ir dukrele Hana ramiai ir laimingai gyvena mažame Ohajo valstijos miestelyje. Vyro nuotaikos ir psichologinė pusiausvyra ima keistis, kai jam staiga pradeda sapnuotis grėsmingai artėjantis uraganas. Siaubingi sapnai neapleidžia Kurčio ir virsta paranoja. Niekam nepapasakojęs apie neva artėjančios katastrofos vizijas, vyras ima desperatiškai rūpintis šeimos saugumu ir kieme nusprendžia įrengti požeminę slėptuvę. Kurčio elgesys ir nuolatiniai pykčio priepuoliai Samantai kelia nerimą. Su juo vengia bendrauti kaimynai, kolegos ir draugai. Bet aplinkinių reakcijos nepadeda jam nusiraminti. Paranojiška pranašingų sapnų baimė vis labiau ima užvaldyti, ir jo idealiai santuokai iškyla grėsmė. Vyrui nebelieka kitos išeities, tik papasakoti apie košmarus Samantai ir pasikliauti jos supratingumu.

HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.

Shotgun Stories tracks a feud that erupts between two sets of half brothers following the death of their father. Set against the cotton fields and back roads of Southeast Arkansas, these brothers discover the lengths to which each will go to protect their family.

Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.

A cop who moonlights as a hit man agrees to kill the hated mother of a desperate drug dealer in exchange for a tumble with the young man's virginal sister.

The rough-hewn boss of a lumber crew courts trouble when he steps in to protect the youngest member of his team from an abusive father.

Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn.

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

While in the middle of preparing to play Nelson Mandela, Hollywood star Idris Elba embarks on a South African odyssey to record a studio album, connect, and open up about his roots.

Jackie Cogan is an enforcer hired to restore order after three dumb guys rob a Mob protected card game, causing the local criminal economy to collapse.

Teenage problems intertwine during the occupation of a high school in Rome. Silvio—much like his peers desperate to lose his virginity—wants to make his move on the girl he likes, despite her being already his friend's girlfriend and not knowing that her best friend harbors feelings for him—while clashing also with his parents, onetime Sixties radicals who look down on the kids' aimless political commitment.

Five siblings gather to celebrate a wedding at their family estate on the day Spain plays the final of the 2010 World Cup.

Grupuotės „Kobra“ lyderis Zartanas (akt. Arnold Vosloo) sunaikina visą priešininkų būrį, regis, padėdamas tašką šlovingoje komandos „Eilinis Džo“ istorijoje. Tačiau likusi gyva komandos trijulė, kapitonas Djukas Hauseris (akt. Channing Tatum) ir jo kolegos Džei (akt. Adrianne Palicki) bei „Kliūtis“ (akt. Dwayne Johnson) net neketina nugrimzti užmarštin. Susibūrę draugėn kovotojai ketina duoti atsakomąjį smūgį. Suvokdami, jog stoja į kovą ne tik su JAV prezidento išvaizdą perėmusiu Zartanu ir jo grupuote „Kobra“, tačiau ir pačia Vyriausybe, likę gyvi „Eilinio Džo“ nariai kreipiasi pagalbos į Džo Koltoną (akt. Bruce Willis), turintį niekam nežinomą ryšį su į kovą kylančiu „Eilinio Džo“ būriu. Surėmę jėgas, degdami noru sustabdyti Zartaną ir išlaisvinti pasaulį nuo jam gresiančios pražūties ambicingi kovotojai ruošia planą, galintį pakeisti tolimesnę pasaulio santvarką... Ilgus metus lauktas filmo „Eilinis Džo. Kobros prisikėlimas“ tęsinys užvirs tikrą pragarą!

Filmo veiksmas rutuliojasi XX amžiaus šešto dešimtmečio pabaigoje. Pagrindinis herojus, sėkmingas žurnalistas Vordas, tiriantis įžūlia žmogžudystę viename mažame miestelyje, Amerikos prietuose. Jo tikslas - ištraukti nekaltą žmogų iš kalėjimo ir rasti tikrąjį nusikaltėlį...

Alliances are tested when seven college pals reunite to watch two of their own say “I do” at a seaside wedding. But the maid of honor and the groom share a passionate history, and the bride isn’t the only one who’s wondering if it’s all in the past.