Ilie, a small-town police chief, wants to build a modest comfortable life for himself, but ends up making the wrong choices. Middle-aged and alienated, he feels the need to be a part of something - to build an orchard, even a home. Although dubious things happen in the village, Ilie only sees what suits him. The moment he gets involved in the village marks the beginning of his collapse. In a vacuum of solutions, he tries to be what he has never been before: the justice seeker who arrests everyone guilty.

Follow the Indianapolis Star reporters that broke the story about USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar's abuse and hear from gymnasts.

African-American Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie, the racist police chief of tiny Sparta, Mississippi. After Tibbs proves not only his own innocence but that of another man, he joins forces with Gillespie to track down the real killer. Their investigation takes them through every social level of the town, with Tibbs making enemies as well as unlikely friends as he hunts for the truth.

Earls Court, London and Maine Road, Manchester. Four record-breaking nights, 120,000 people, a whole world of possibilities at the heart of the hurricane. If you were there, here's the memories to go with the tingles. If you weren't, just get a load of what you missed. Great songs, exclusive interviews, the sights and sounds of Oasis at their very, very best.

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

In this riot of frantic disguises and mistaken identities, Victor Pivert, a blustering, bigoted French factory owner, finds himself taken hostage by Slimane, an Arab rebel leader. The two dress up as rabbis as they try to elude not only assasins from Slimane's country, but also the police, who think Pivert is a murderer. Pivert ends up posing as Rabbi Jacob, a beloved figure who's returned to France for his first visit after 30 years in the United States. Adding to the confusion are Pivert's dentist-wife, who thinks her husband is leaving her for another woman, their daughter, who's about to get married, and a Parisian neighborhood filled with people eager to celebrate the return of Rabbi Jacob.

Po to, kai naujuose Sang-Vono namuose dingsta dukra Ina, pasirodo paslaptingas vyras ir liepia jos ieškoti spintoje.

Based on the autobiographical work of New Zealand writer Janet Frame, this production depicts the author at various stage of her life. Afflicted with mental and emotional issues, Frame grows up in an impoverished family and experiences numerous tragedies while still in her youth, including the deaths of two of her siblings. Portrayed as an adult by Kerry Fox, Frame finds acclaim for her writing while still in a mental institution, and her success helps her move on with her life.

Andrė – tipiškas nevykėlis. Jis nemoka normaliai bendrauti su žmonėmis, visą laiką meluoja, savo idiotiškiems projektams skolinasi pinigus iš banditų, didžiules sumas išeikvoja be jokios naudos. O kartą jį apvogė – jis neteko visų savo kreditinių kortelių ir dokumentų. Dabar visiškai aišku, kad vaikinui jau nepavyks išsikapstyti, nes jo skola siekia protu nesuvokiamą sumą, o kreditoriai – didžiausi Paryžiaus niekšai - laukti nebeketina. Paskutinis gelbėjimosi šiaudas gali būti...angelas.

Jimmy Grimble is a shy Manchester school boy. At school he is constantly being bullied by the other kids, and at home he has to face his mother's new boyfriend. However, through football, and some special boots, he manages to gain the confidence to succeed and leads his school football team towards the final of the local schools cup.

1792-ųjų Ispanijoje siaučia inkvizicijos valdžia, kvailybė ir žiaurumas. Francisko Goja yra karališkųjų rūmų tapytojas. Jo mūza - pirklio dukra Inesa. Vien dėl to kad ji atsisako valgyti kiaulieną patenka į inkvizitorių rankas, kur yra žiauriai kankinama, kad prisipažintų jog išpažįsta judaizmą. Išgavus prisipažinimą inkvizijai sukliudyti nebegali niekas. Goja bando padėti per savo pažintis su kunigu ir karališkąja šeima, bet gražuolei Inesai gali padėti tik Napoleonas Bonapartas, tik ar nebus jau per vėlu?

Atšiaurioje Minesotoje, kaimynystėje gyvena du senukai. Iš nuobodumo jie erzina vienas kitą, krėsdami juokingus keršto pokštus. Kai šalia jų gyventi atsikelia žavinga dama Ariel, senukai pradeda varžytis tarpusavyje dėl jos dėmesio, o gal ir meilės.

Po netikėtos nelaimės jauna mergina su dviem draugais atsiduria atviroje jūroje. Juos išgelbėja žvejybinio laivo kapitonas, tačiau jie dar nežino, kad tai ne pabaiga.

Vyro neištikimybė privers pradėti viską iš naujo. Tačiau naujas gyvenimas prasidės tada, kada vaikų aukle taps jaunas, labai jaunas vyras. Ar amžius gali būti kliūtis meilei?

Istorija apie porą, bandančią susigrąžinti gyvenimą ir meilę, kurią kadaise turėjo, bei surinkti nutolusios praeities gabalus.

Single mother Adele August is bad with money, and even worse when it comes to making decisions. Her straight-laced daughter, Ann, is a successful high school student with Ivy League aspirations. When Adele decides to pack up and move the two of them from the Midwest to Beverly Hills, Calif., to pursue her dreams of Hollywood success, Ann grows frustrated with her mother's irresponsible and impulsive ways.

A man bumps into an old crush and becomes obsessed. After several failed attempts at winning her over, he kidnaps her and holds her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works.

Tolimoje ateityje astronautė, patekusi į seniai ištuštėjusią Žemę, turi nuspręsti likusių dykumos gyventojų likimą.

A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam...

A historical drama dedicated to Ivan Franko's son Peter, who lived a life full of achievements and adventures.