A woman who is about to die calls the town's priest and hands him a scapulary, saying that she knows of its great powers. Anybody who does not believe in them will end up dead.

The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...

《尚衣院》主要以朝鲜时代为背景,讲诉宫廷中为王和中殿等王室成员制衣的故事,为王制衣的新人天赋异禀,但因为他的性格过于率直引来了王室最高匠人的嫉妒之心,之后两人在宫中展开了明争暗斗。 高修饰演虽然在制衣方面具有天赋,但由于天性率直而越过王和王妃们为自己制衣。 韩石圭饰演从先王开始就在宫中一直给王制作衣服,是当代最有实力的匠人,但是高修天才般的才能让他渐渐感到绝望。 朴信惠饰演的是把对性情冷淡的王的惋惜之情深藏在心中,表面维持着孤傲王妃的身份但另一方面却是位惜才的角色。

Noah Bryan wants nothing more than to be the next big country music star, until his past catches up to him. With the help of his seasoned manager Larry Walker, Noah is quickly on his way to becoming the next big thing. Playing the little honky-tonks and cowboy bars starts to pay off and Noah's career gains momentum.

Three London gentlemen take vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.


麦克在吉姆的介绍下前往红石镇求职,却因腿残不被采石场录用,心灰意冷的他,阴错阳差成了杀人不眨眼的职业杀手莱尔?!在酒店老板维恩的1万元美金利诱下,他起了贪心,决定将计就计扮演这名来自达拉斯的杀手,企图替莱尔完成杀妻任务后,便带着这笔巨款远走高飞。谁知命运爱捉弄,面对楚楚可怜的苏珊,麦克不仅迟迟不敢 ...

A sculptor fakes his own death to escape his debt collectors. He just didn't expect to discover that it's at the time of death that we find what we've been looking for our entire lives.

  故事讲述的是在一起平常的交通事故中,肇事受伤的司机罗柏斯(威斯利·史奈普饰)竟被警方发现是一名职业杀手。他因枪杀了两名政府外交特使而遭警方全面通缉。这起意外使罗柏斯被捕,并且移送纽约市受审。押解人犯往纽约的专机就要起飞,警探吉瑞德(汤米·李·琼斯饰)亲自押送两名犯人上机。在飞行途中,一名人犯突然掏出夹带的手枪,对罗柏斯射击,子弹一枪命中机窗,使飞机立即吸入强劲的气流,造成失压、失速,最后坠毁于急湍的大河中,造成很大的伤亡。而罗柏斯在协助吉瑞德逃难后,却趁机逃逸……。 吉瑞德不甘心人犯就此逃脱,从此便展开积极追捕。随着追缉的过程,吉瑞德发现逃犯的背景并不简单,原来这名职业杀手竟受雇于美国中央情报局,并且牵涉到一个间谍案件。职业杀手罗柏斯非常聪明,他不但躲避吉瑞德的追缉,并且让他陷入一场国际政治阴谋,进退两难,无法自拔……。 为了逮捕这名背景不寻常的逃犯,联邦政府请来年轻的外交部人员约翰·罗斯(小劳勃·道尼饰)协助缉凶。虽然新搭档对政治圈的活动了如指掌,吉瑞德仍然对这名外来客怀有戒心。不过他在组员和这名干劲十足的外交人员的协助下,还是全力以赴进行追捕行动。吉瑞德面对诡谲多变的案情发展,仍然锲而不舍地追追追,但惊人的真相也因此逐渐暴露……

提图斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)是效忠于罗马皇帝的将军,他骁勇善战忠心耿耿,深受皇帝的重用的信赖。战争爆发了,提图斯带领着全家人和哥特人舍命厮杀,尽管伤亡惨重,但依然获得了最终的胜利,并且俘虏了哥特女王塔莫拉(杰西卡·兰格 Jessica Lange 饰)和她的家人。在庆祝胜利的祭典上,提图斯选中了塔莫拉的大儿子作为祭品进行献祭。 让提图斯没有想到的是,塔莫拉竟然成为了这个庞大帝国的皇后,而他正在一步一步的陷入塔莫拉一手编织的复仇陷阱之中。在塔莫拉的设计之下,提图斯家破人亡,正当她享受着复仇的快感之时,却发现一直在帮助自己的艾龙(哈利·莱尼克斯 Harry J. Lennix 饰)叛变逃跑,他投奔的,正是提图斯被流放在外的儿子。

Pierre is a hotel cashier in Vichy, so shy that he answers an ad from the Psychology Institute and can't say no to the salesman, Aldo; he spends 6,000 francs on tapes, books, and a punching bag. Soon after, he's smitten by Agnes, a hotel guest with a model's looks and photographers wherever she goes. When she leaves for Nice, he follows, meeting Aldo on the way. Aldo becomes his boldness coach. Pierre gets a job washing dishes where Agnes is staying, but after a week or so, she's off to Deauville, with Aldo and Pierre in pursuit. Using funds they get by selling Aldo's car, this time Pierre poses as a polo-playing jet setter. Will this win the heart of Agnes?



Inexperienced guardian angel, Buddy (Michael Herbig) arrives to assist Eddie (Alexander Fehling) with getting his life back on track, but instead only causes more chaos.

Three elderly ladies, Carla, Lilli and Meta, who, after their hard earned holiday money is stolen by bank robbers, decide to steal from their local bank. Along the way their are romances, arguments and a few other unexpected surprises.

Bobby Kellar has a crush on Lainie Diamond, girlfriend of school jerk Joel. Coleman is working on an experiment which will help him move into a place where Dreams are reality. When an accident occurs Coleman finds himself in Bobby's body and can only contact Bobby in his dreams.


Some school kids stumble across a briefcase full of money, when they go back for it, they find a body instead. When they bring the police, neither is there, and the police refuses to believe them. Later they discover both were part of an assassination plot. Now they have to figure out how to stop the plot and put the bad guys in jail.

Elliot Hopper, a widower with three children, is working on a business deal to get his family out of financial straits when he is suddenly killed in a taxi accident. With the aid of a paranormal researcher, Elliott attempts to complete the deal from the beyond, ensuring his family will be taken care of.
