Three love stories... three couples get a chance to reach a new definition of love in the ups and downs of their emotional relationships.

Sedamnaestogodišnji Akito, kojemu je preostala samo godina života, pronađe novi smisao u tome da razveseljava smrtno bolesnu djevojku kojoj je ostalo samo šest mjeseci.

A sweet, mellow romance about a a woman with a visual impairment and the man who grows to love her after they meet in a photography club.

After tracing the origin of a disturbing supernatural affliction to a wealthy family's ancestral gravesite, a team of paranormal experts relocates the remains—and soon discovers what happens to those who dare to mess with the wrong grave.

David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.

In a future world, the 'Wonderland' service – which uses AI to replicate people who have died – has become widespread. Baili signs up for Wonderland in order to hide her impending death from her young daughter. After an accident leaves her boyfriend Tae-ju in a coma, Jung-in passes the days chatting with an AI-revived version of Tae-ju who has become an astronaut in space. In this way it is possible for people to choose a life free from longing and sadness.

An army captain on holiday embarks on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.

U ovoj posebnoj epizodi serije „Kingdom” tragedija, izdaja i zagonetno otkriće pogone osvetu jedne žene zbog gubitka plemena i obitelji.

Soo-hyun, koja se nedavno uselila u novu kuću, kupuje rabljenu perilicu rublja putem aplikacije, ali otkriva da ne radi. Iznervirana neodgovornošću prodavača, ostavlja komentar u kojem prodavatelja naziva prevarantom i prijavljuje ga policiji. Ona i ne zna da je prodavač psihopatski serijski ubojica koji koristi internetsko tržište polovnih stvari kako bi namamio svoje žrtve. Njezin komentar čini njegovu potragu za novom žrtvom gotovo nemogućom, pa ona postaje njegova sljedeća meta. Počinje primati opscene telefonske pozive, bezbroj neželjenih dostava hrane, a na vrata joj kucaju čudni muškarci u potrazi za dobrim provodom. Odlazak na adresu pošiljatelja pokazalo se smrtonosno ozbiljnim kada policija i Soo-hyun pronađu mrtvo tijelo čovjeka.

At the end of the 19th century, Shanghai is divided into several foreign concessions. In the British concession, a number of luxurious “flower houses” are reserved for the male elite of the city. Since Chinese dignitaries are not allowed to frequent brothels, these establishments are the only ones that these men can visit. They form a self-contained world, with its own rites, traditions and even its own language. The men don’t only visit the houses to frequent the courtesans but also to dine, smoke opium, play mahjong and relax. The women working there are known as the “flowers of Shanghai”.

After ruining a family event, a workaholic receives an ultimatum from his wife that forces him to choose between his two loves: his cell phone or his 20-year marriage.

After being hypnotized by his sister-in-law, Tom Witzky begins seeing haunting visions of a girl's ghost and a mystery begins to unfold around her.

Kada dođe do ubojstva trenera u elitnom klubu New Delhiju, lukavi istražitelj traži ubojicu i usput otkriva prljave tajne ekstremno bogatih članova kluba.

Žena osumnjičena za ubojstvo svojeg muža otkriva pojedinosti iz njihova ne baš sretnog braka, što, čini se, samo dodatno zamagljuje istinu.

Za Zoe, redateljicu dokumentaraca i ovisnicu o aplikacijama za upoznavanje, svajpanje udesno samo je donijelo beskonačan niz krivih odabira, na užas njezine ekscentrične majke Cath. Za Zoeina susjeda i prijatelja iz djetinjstva Kazima, odgovor na pitanje kako pronaći pravu ljubav je krajnje jednostavan: treba slijediti primjer svojih roditelja i odlučiti se za dogovoreni (ili “potpomognuti”) brak s bistrom i lijepom nevjestom iz Pakistana. Dok Zoe snima njegovo putovanje od Londona do Lahorea kako bi se oženio za djevojku koju su odabrali njegovi roditelji, počinje se pitati ima li što naučiti iz duboko drugačijeg pristupa pronalaženju ljubavi.

Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.

Three brothers who haven't spoken to each other for years would like to satisfy the wish of their elderly and ill father who has never seen Paris.

Dok švedski gradić Kiruna tone, Frigga je rastrgana između obitelji i posla šefice osiguranja najvećeg svjetskog podzemnog rudnika.

The Bouvier-Sauvages, a large aristocratic family, meet the much more modest Martin family when their children's wedding is announced. For the occasion, the future bride and groom offer their parents DNA tests, which will reveal their true origins. The results are totally unexpected and will make the effect of a bomb.

The road ahead might be straight and even, but human character is shaped by the journey thereon. Sagar and his father set out to invite their far-off relatives to Sagar's wedding. But the venture is not as easy. Sagar has left his job in Pune in order to live with his parents in the village and work as a farmer. "Farmers are not good suitors", yet somehow Sagar has found a bride and they are about to be married. Sagar and his father are always at odds against each other for no particular reason. This father-son tension characterises their journey, their relationship in the hands of the dust and the soil of the road.