Gajaman is a henchman of the local politician Magodisthuma. Gajaman's life is turned upside down when Magodisthuma asks him to pick up his daughter and her friend from the airport. The trouble is, Gajaman falls in love with Magodisthuma's daughter immediately as he sees her. Magodisthuma becomes furious when he finds out about this. Gajaman is exiled from his village and he tries to sneak back in with the help of his friend Amdan. The movie revolves around the classic Sri Lankan characters Gajaman and Magodisthuma created by Camillus Perera from newspaper cartoons in the 60s.

Большая флотилия рыболовецкого колхоза пополняется новым судном "Дзинтарс", команда которого набрана большей частью из случайных людей. Капитаном назначен молодой человек по фамилии Нуль, недавно окончивший мореходное училище. Несколько дней капитану приходится докладывать начальству - рыбы нет. Команда начинает роптать, относя неудачу с уловом за счет неопытности капитана, так как другие суда успешно ведут лов. Наконец и на "Дзинтарсе" дело налаживается, но на судно прибывает инженер Сабина для испытания трала новой конструкции. Именно теперь, когда с уловом дела пошли успешно, рыбакам приходится возиться с новым тралом, который капризничает, и план снова не выполняется. Недовольство команды растет... Но в конце концов инженер находит ошибку в конструкции трала, и после ее устранения рыбу едва успевают разгружать.

Анимационный дорожный фильм, снятый через обширный и бесплодный ландшафт равнины Налларбор в Австралии

This film is a mix of landscape images seen from train windows and the patterned shapes and shifting tones of moving-visual-thought thus prompted; it was inspired by Robert Breer's FUJI.

Looping, chugging and barreling by, the trains in Benning's latest monumental film map a stunning topography and a history of American development. RR comes three decades after Benning and Bette Gordon made The United States of America (1975), a cinematic journey along the country’s interstates that is keenly aware “of superhighways and railroad tracks as American public symbols.” A political essay responding to the economic histories of trains as instruments in a culture of hyper-consumption, RR articulates its concern most explicitly when Eisenhower's military-industrial complex speech is heard as a mile long coal train passes through eastern Wyoming. Benning spent two and a half years collecting two hundred and sixteen shots of trains, forty-three of which appear in RR. The locomotives' varying colors, speeds, vectors, and reverberations are charged with visual thrills, romance and a nostalgia heightened by Benning's declaration that this will be his last work in 16mm film.

Five college alumni gathered at a pension after a long time. We are happy to share our past memories, but do you really have a different purpose?! Yoon-jae visits Eugene, whom he had a crush on in college. A set meal enjoyed by two female classmates. The affair reunion is about to begin, with different ways of having fun...

Команда специальных агентов обнаруживает новую революционную компьютерную программу для приманки и отлова хищников в Интернете. Объединившись с разработчиком программы, они вскоре обнаруживают, что ИИ быстро выходит за рамки своей первоначальной цели.

A Christmas Eve encounter between two enigmatic strangers sparks a poignant connection - but a dark turn of events threatens to expose their murky past.

В жизни Гарри произошла трагедия: его дочь была похищена и убита. Разочаровавшись в правосудии, он решает действовать самостоятельно. Гарри выходит на след банды, связанной с похищениями девушек, и будет мстить. А методы у него жёсткие - сначала ломает кости, потом задает вопросы...

Stelvio Massi's crime thriller centers on a drifter who sets out to help blue-collar workers rise up against the two powerful families who are exploiting them. After settling in an industrial town and witnessing the cruelty of the factory owners, ex-mercenary Marco (Carlos Monzón) assumes the role of union agitator. When a violent confrontation erupts, the labor leader is driven to bring down the corrupt clans.

Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.

Беременную Сару мучают кошмары после встречи со зловещей старухой, и она точно знает: ее сглазили. К счастью, ведьма, проклявшая её, скоро умрёт. К несчастью, у ведьмы есть наследница, которая не может дождаться, когда получит темную силу.

On their way to the supermarket, Penny and James meet again for the first time.

A young woman inherits her estranged father's estate after his mysterious death. Once she and her friends arrive at the mansion, they discover that the home is on an old cemetery, which has the power of opening a portal to another realm, which contains the creatures foretold to the world by writer H.P. Lovecraft.

Scientists trying to solve the environmental crisis of pollution devise a way to send the collected garbage into space via rocket ships. When this garbage starts to land on alien planets, the outraged aliens head to Earth for revenge. King Shakir and his family must do their best to protect the world from alien destruction.

Молчаливый наемный убийца по прозвищу Иезуит после выхода из тюрьмы жестоко мстит за смерть жены и похищение сына.

A glimpse into the curious little magic that happens throughout town one day, from dawn to dusk. We bounce between real and surreal views at life in a small city, its people, and its moments.