Čierna komédia sleduje chudobnú, ale prefíkanú štvorčlennú rodinu, ktorá sa rozhodne infiltrovať do bohatej domácnosti biznismena Parka. Čo sa môže stať, keď sa stretnú dva odlišné svety?

After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

After his career fails to take off, a gifted cricketer in his mid-thirties decides that he’s not ready to give up quite yet.

Svet je ohromený, keď z roku 2051 prichádza skupina cestovateľov v čase, aby doručila naliehavú správu: Tridsať rokov v budúcnosti ľudstvo prehráva globálnu vojnu proti smrtiacemu mimozemskému druhu. Jedinou nádejou na prežitie je, že sa vojaci a civilisti zo súčasnosti prenesú do budúcnosti a pridajú sa k boju. Medzi naverbovanými je aj stredoškolský učiteľ a otec rodiny Dan Forester. Dan je odhodlaný zachrániť svet pre svoju malú dcéru a spojí sa s geniálnym vedcom a svojím odcudzeným otcom v zúfalej snahe zmeniť osud planéty.

Guy je bankový úradník vo Free City Bank a vedie prostý život. Vyžaruje pozitivitu a radostný optimizmus a vždy je ochotný zájsť na dobrú kávu. Spolu s najlepším kamarátom Buddym má obrovskú chuť do života. Potom si však Guy uvedomí, že je nehrajúcou postavou v otvorenej svetovej videohre s názvom Free City plnej násilia.

In the later part of his oeuvre, the famous Japanese filmmaker Yasujirō Ozu looks at the society of post-war Japan through family stories from the lower middle class. Arte has compiled a decalogy of 10 films from this period from the director's creative work. This short documentary film, created in this context, explains the film works using fragments of Ozu's notes, which he wrote between 1933 and 1963, elegant drawings and film clips. A fine insight into the themes and aesthetics of this moving cinema about intimacy and the passage of time and a fascinating journey into the moving final part of the Japanese master's work.

Caterino is a worker at the Ilva factory in Taranto. When the company executives decide to use him as a spy to identify the workers they should get rid of, Caterino starts to track his colleagues, in search of reasons to report them. He then asks to be assigned himself to the Palazzino LAF where as punishment, some employees sit out their time with no job assignment. There he discovers that what looks like paradise is actually a strategy to psychologically break troublesome workers.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Ancient Korea, 1506. The tyrannical King Yeonsan-gun of Joseon is overthrown by his half-brother Jung-jong, whose reign begins with a blood bath. Over the years, traitors plot against him, sinking the kingdom into chaos. In 1528, frightened rumors come to royal palace, regarding a mysterious creature, known as Monstrum by the peasants.

The true story of negotiations between implacable enemies — the secret back-channel talks, unlikely friendships and quiet heroics of a small but committed group of Israelis, Palestinians and one Norwegian couple that led to the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords.

Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant.

Skupina vedcov pracujúcich v špecializovanom podmorskom laboratóriu sedem kilometrov pod hladinou oceánu sa snaží dostať do bezpečia po ničivom zemetrasení. Pre túto posádku však nie je temnota nepreskúmaného morského dna to jediné, čoho sa majú obávať…

Po 30 rokoch vo veľkej spoločnosti odchádza Hugo Fantozzi do dôchodku. Energický smoliar, ktory je schopný dostať sa v priebehu niekoľkých minút do viac problémov než večšina ostatných ľudí za cely život, má náhle vela volného času. Vo svojej činorodosti hladá spôsob, ako zaplniť všetky všedné dni nového života. Pomáha manželke Pine s nakupovaním, v úlohe pestúnky sa stará o vnučku Hugu, vydá sa na cestu do Benátok, uči sa golf. Lenže nič z toho mu neprináša uspokojenie. Postupne sa z neho stáva hypochonder a je na tom už tak zle, že ani nechce vyuziť príležitosť k sexuálnemu dobrodružstvu so svojou bývalou kolegynou, slečnou Silvaniovou. Nakoniec sa rozhodne sfalšovat svoje osobné dokumenty a získať novú prácu. A to znamená nielen vela nových malérov, ale aj výzvu pre jeho manželku Pinu. Ta sa rozhodne prijat dalšiu prácu, aby mohla platiť svojmu šefovi za to, že prijme Fantozziho do práce aby ho dostala z domu. A keď ani to nevyjde, sú na rade dalšie, ešte zúfalejšie opatrenia.

Massimo Sisti is a reputable professional with a nice house, a happy marriage, and two loving daughters, whose life is turned upside down when one day he finds a little girl tied up in his basement.

While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialise in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realise the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

A young paramedic is paired with a seasoned partner on the night shift in New York revealing a city in crisis. Discovering the chaos firsthand, he is tested with the ethical ambiguity that can be the difference between life and death.

Fantozzi a jeho byvaly spolupracovnik Filini sa zucastnia pohrebu byvaleho kolegu, ale vten den zomrie aj ich dalsi kolega - sportovec. Cestou z dalsieho pohrebu sa tak rozhodu vykradnut banku, pretoze so svojou malou penziou velmi biedne pretlkaju zivotom... Medzi tym Fantozziho zena Pina pripravuje oslavu 40. vyrocia svatby. Na nej sa Fantozzi dozveda, ze sa k nim nastahuje jeho hrozna dcera Mariangela aj s manzelom a dietatom. Pre Fantozziho a manzelku sa zivot stava peklom a su vystahovani do garaze. K tomu vsetkemu sa Fantozzi dozvie, ze je smrtelne chory a tak jeho zena tajne presvedci slecnu Silvani aby s jej muzom stravila vikend na horach.

The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer after a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower that entombed its rotting corpse.

When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping Jason's daughter. Now he must train a prisoner to endure five consecutive underground fights to save her.