Der erste SF-Film, der je gedreht wurde. Eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern unter der Leitung von Professor Barbenfouillis wird mit innerhalb einer riesigen Kapsel mit einer Kanone zum Mond geschossen. Auf einem Kongress der Astronomischen Gesellschaft stellen sie einen Plan vor, wie man sicher zum Mond fliegen kann. Bis auf die Ausnahme eines Wissenschaftler stimmte man dem Projekt einstimmig zu. Die Vorbereitungen verlaufen nach Plan und die Wissenschaftler sind zuversichtlich. Begleitet von attraktiven Damen besteigen sie kurz vor dem Start die Kapsel. Beim feierlichen Start wird die französische Flagge geschwenkt, der Docht angezündet und die Kugel zum Mond geschossen. Die Reise verläuft ebenfalls reibungslos und als sie ankommen, treffen sie nicht nur auf eine bizarre Mondoberfläche, sondern auch auf unliebsame Mondbewohner.

A chemist carries out a bizarre experiment with his own head.

Einer der ersten Filme der berühmt gewordenen Frères Lumières, die das Kino an sich begründeten und die Wahrnehmung der Menschen verändern sollte.

Was ursprünglich nur als Dokumentation zur Aufnahme des neuen Albums gedacht war, entwickelte sich schnell zur Psychoanalyse und Katharsis der Band, sämtliche bislang aufgestauten Konflikte, Probleme und Gedanken aufzuarbeiten und zu klären. Nicht selten standen Metallica dabei quasi kurz vor dem Aus, was in „Some Kind of Monster“ deutlich wird. Zur Aufarbeitung von all dem wurde speziell der Psychologen Phil Towle als Mediator eingestellt, dem es wohl mit zu verdanken ist, dass die Band bis heute Bestand hat.

Angelehnt an das Theaterstück "La Biche au Bois", erzählt der Film (1903) die Geschichte der Prinzessin Azurine und ihres Gemahls, Prinz Bel-Azor. Nach der Hochzeit der beiden wird die Prinzessin von einer bösen Hexe verflucht und mithilfe ihrer dämonischen Handlanger entführt. - Der Regisseur und Zauberkünstler Georges Méliès ist einer der großen Pioniere des frühen Films.

A priest is officiating at a convent, when suddenly he is transformed into the devil, who frightens away the nuns and turns the place into pandemonium.

A man is increasingly unnerved by a mysterious portrait. Based on a story by Nikolai Gogol, the film is thought to have run about 45 minutes long, but only an 8 minute fragment is known to have survived.

A film from Méliès has him playing a magician who does a few tricks including making a woman disappear.

Lucienne, typist and gorgeous bathing beauty, decides to enter the 'Miss Europe' pageant sponsored by the French newspaper she works for. She finds her jealous lover Andre violently disapproves of such events and tries to withdraw, but it's too late; she's even then being named Miss France. The night Andre planned to propose to her, she's being whisked off to the Miss Europe finals in Spain, where admirers swarm around her. Win or lose, what will the harvest be?

Georges Méliès' adaptation of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" is most distinguished, today, for being a color film of the classic story. Color was rare in 1902 (and many years after) as non-tinted color has to be hand painted on the film; this was an arduous task. Also notable is the film's short running time of approximately five minutes. Much of the original work is not covered, but viewers were expected to be familiar with the story, and enjoy the filmed highlights. There are a couple of scenes missing; according to contemporary reports, Gulliver's shipwreck was certainly included. You can do a lot in a few minutes, as Mr. Méliès includes a re-make of his own "Une partie de cartes" (1896), which already looked like something previously covered by the Lumière Brothers.

The various clocks and watches in a clock store dance, ring alarms musically, and otherwise entertain us in an after hours presentation.

A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.

In the summer of 1963, François Mitterrand was going through a deep existential crisis. His political career was at a standstill and, after 19 years of marriage, the couple had grown apart. It was at this point that François Mitterrand met the woman who was to give new meaning to his life. Anne Pingeot, aged 19, was to become the companion of a lifetime, a woman who would be with him throughout his rise to power and who would remain by his side until his last breath. For the first time, Anne Pingeot has agreed to allow the fragments of this passionate love story — hundreds of letters and a diary — to be shown on television, before being donated to the National Library.

An exciting and fast-paced entertaining action in which G-Man Joe of Aces (Japanese version 007) challenges a terrible international mafia organization based in Japan. To defeat the villains, Joe uses his unprecedented skills of fast shooting and karate secrets!

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

A bearded man hangs up a wreath and, like any good magician, waves his hands inside of it and under it to show us it's only a wreath…

A completely prosperous couple on their own brand new Volga got lost in the desert. And when they joyfully rushed towards the truck, counting on help, it turned out that there were two recidivists in the cab who had just escaped from the colony ...

Melodrama based on the autobiographical screenplay by Svetlana Shafranskaya. A love story of a 12-year-old girl who goes on a tour with the theatre in which her father works. This love will bring her much trouble, disappointments and grief, but at the same time will awaken her soul, make her happier and wiser.

This lost film presumably features a train arriving at Vincennes station, eastern Paris. (Until 2020, was confused with Arrival at Joinville flipbook.)