When it gets dire, it’s all up to the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior Po whome we admire! Now you’re part of Master Po’s mission to rescue the Kung Fu’s legendary legends! Join them in an adventure like no other when you pay us a visit and try for yourself the awesomeness that our state-of-the-art 4D simulator brings! Come now!

Near Christmas, Robert "Bob The Builder" McGraw Jr. and his machine team gang of talking construction vehicles are preparing for the Winter Christmas Holiday celebration season. Bob's twin brother Thomas "Tom The Zoologist" McGraw (who lives in the Arctic Circle near the North Pole) is coming for Christmas, Spud The Scarecrow is trying to be good to get presents and a big Christmas concert is coming up with the rock band Lenny Lazenby and the Lasers (including Elton John). but unfortunately, a huge ULTIMATE DISASTER has happened with the Christmas tree and the town hall has nearly smashed to SMITHEREENS!!. will the concert work out? will Tom get there for Christmas? will Spud be on the nice list? will the tree and the town hall be alright??? find out these answers, in "A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER".

天使1号很懒惰,所以选择做了时间、地点、谁该死都不用操心的杀手。天使2号很冷艳,是1号的上线,喜欢华服夜出为1号清理房间。天使3号很怪异,从不讲话的他爱做的事是半夜撬开别人的店面做生意和拿着摄像机将老爸拍个遍。天使4号很“现实”,虽无法忘记旧男友,却也能转身用另外的方式将自己安慰。天使5号很神经,喜欢在大雨夜冒出。 五位天使在自己的生活轨道上固执寂寞地前行着,为了避免换回更多伤心,他们在轨迹交叉时会提醒自己“忘记他是他”,可是,他们的真情还是会不由自主地流露出来。



A suicidal war veteran finds like-minded souls in a surf therapy program that helps traumatized soldiers heal while riding the waves.


  宁静祥和的农场里,小羊肖恩和伙伴们大开脑洞,做着各种挑战生命极限的游戏。这可气坏了牧羊犬,他接二连三制定禁令,防止羊们兴风作浪。肖恩哪能随便被人摆布?他想出鬼点子,通过电话订购了披萨,谁知却引来了一个始料未及的不速之客。来者是一个名叫噜啦的外星宝宝。虽然语言不通,但通过肢体语言,肖恩终于弄清噜啦想要找到飞船回到自己的家乡。经过一番缜密的策划,肖恩终于和这个新朋友踏上寻找飞船的征途。与此同时,不明飞行物的造访在小镇引起轰动,同时也惊动了一个专门追寻外星生物的政府机构。 本来一波三折的寻找飞船之旅,如今又加入了气势汹汹的对手,肖恩他们将面临前所未有的考验……

A young couple begin to receive daily visits from their downstairs neighbor, Steve. Steve draws attention to various practical problems and is eager to have tea, but what is really on his mind?


When mysterious Russian gunslinger Ivan Turchin rides into a small Texas town, he runs afoul of a bloodthirsty outlaw gang known as The Hellhounds. Outmanned and outgunned, the town must put their trust in Turchin to protect them from annihilation at the hands of the bandits. The gunslinger finds allies in the form of Marshal Austin Carter and Sheriff Vernon Kelly, and together the three must make a desperate stand against impossible and violent odds.

Forced to take the intercontinental trip to Los Angeles by train, and determined to chronicle his adventure, disillusioned journalist Tom Langdon finds himself westbound with a variety of characters. While all passengers on the Christmas train appear to be headed for the same destination, Tom has no idea that the rugged locomotives taking him across America will instead detour straight into his heart.

  凯特·哈德森、克雷格·罗宾森([香肠派对])加盟新片[血月亮](Blood Moon,暂译),扎克·埃夫隆也有望出演。安娜·莉莉·阿米普尔([独自夜归的女孩])自编自导,约翰·莱舍尔([鸟人])担任制片。故事围绕一个拥有危险超能力的女子从新奥尔良精神病院逃走展开。影片将在美国电影市场预售,明春开拍。

1950年,朝鲜南北两个政权发生内战,未过多久,美国宣布参战,并且趁机对我国东北部展开轰炸,还派出舰队封锁台湾海峡,以阻挠中华民族统一大业的完成。危急存亡之时,我方高层展开连番慎重的讨论和推演,并派出周总理前往莫斯科请求斯大林的支援。然而斯大林模棱两可,我方又处于建国之初,百废待兴的艰苦阶段。但是为了保家卫国,御敌于国门之外,毛主席毅然决然派出由彭德怀同志(王砚辉 饰)率领的人民志愿军入朝作战。 冰天雪地,战火纷飞。志愿军战士们面临的是与自己无论从国力还是装备都有着天壤之别的敌人,可是为了心中的理想,为了子孙后辈的安居乐业,他们甘愿抛头颅洒热血,朝着胜利勇敢前进…



In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but above all they are inseparable. At least they think so. But when Dad gets a promotion and announces that the family is moving to the south of France, Nicolas' world falls apart. How can he imagine life without his best friends?


中年银行职员Sheila Woolchapel在当地的百货公司买入了一件漂亮的红裙子后,面对原本吃力不讨好的工作、沉默寡言的儿子以及噩梦般的女友时,感觉士气大增。这条裙子甚至让她在单身专栏遇见喜欢的男人。但当她将裙子放入洗衣机那瞬间,由裙子引发的沉重代价开始了。神秘的售货员Miss Luckmoore拒绝收回裙子,而更可怕的是,这条裙子是无法毁灭的。