Armed with venomous spines, invisible to its prey, a pack hunter who terrorizes other fishes - watch the stunning adventures of lionfish. Get to know the fish's prowess to dominate the oceans, to the extent that its invasion endangers local marine life!

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

Maikas Lauris ir Markusas Burnetas mėgaujasi ramiu gyvenimu Majamyje. Nuo darbų jau atitolę, jie laiką dažniausiai leidžia savo malonumui. Na, kartais sutramdo ir kokį plėšikėlį, nusprendusį apiplėšti parduotuvę, bet tik tiek. Visgi savo policininkų instinktų jie, žinoma, nėra praradę. Tad kai jų buvęs kapitonas yra nužudomas bei viešai apkaltinamas ilgamečiu bendradarbiavimu su narkotikų karteliais, bičiuliai iš karto supranta, kad geruoju tai nesibaigs niekam. Ir iš tiesų – Maikas su Markusu ir patys nepajunta, kaip yra įtraukiami į apgaulės, melo bei sąmokslo tinklus. O visai netrukus jie save randa ir kitoje įstatymo pusėje ir yra priversti tapti bėgliais.

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.

Two newlyweds on their honeymoon discover that they are different in almost every way — but can these opposites attract?

The soldier king Qin Yang's fiancée Ye Qin met with an unknown beast and died tragically. Gu Ping invites him to participate in Ye Qin's scientific research before her death. But Gu Ping is using Ye Qin's research results to combine the genes of unknown beasts to create the "Zero" dragon creature. The intelligent dragon creature, coupled with the extra-terrestrial beast evolved by devouring, an imminent city war is coming...

When a South American fetish is stolen and then reappears the next morning, Tintin investigates.

Street vendors in Korea are almost like a national institution, they are so widespread and relied upon. In Little Pond in Main Street a group of vendors band together to create a community radio station but come into conflict with other groups, as well as the government trying to shut them down.

A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

A compilation film featuring the eleventh episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc and the first episode of the Hashira Training Arc.

Išgyvenimo žanro šedevro „Hju Glaso legenda“ (The Revenant) prodiuseris ir scenaristas pristato naują, pagal tarptautinį bestselerį sukurtą įtempto siužeto trilerį. Iš pažiūros įprastą gyvenimą gyvenanti Helena slepia didelę paslaptį, kurios nežino nei jos vyras, nei mažametė dukra. Mat Helenos tėvas – Džeikobas Holbrukas, „Pelkių karaliaus“ vardu išgarsėjęs tuomet, kai, pagrobęs jauną merginą, sugebėjo slapstytis pelkėse ir išlikti nesugautas net 12 metų. Kuomet pagaliau įkliuvo teisėsaugos pareigūnams, į civilizaciją sugrįžo ne tik jo pagrobta mergina, bet ir jų dukra Helena, kuriai tuomet buvo dešimt metų.

Meet the four talented, autistic members of the ASD Band: piano prodigy Ron, with an impeccable memory for reciting the correct day of the week for any date in history; lead singer Rawan, who uses makeup to express herself and can hit an impressively high pitch; Spenser, an energetic drummer with an affinity for punk rock music; and guitarist Jackson, who loves all things 1950s. Their love of music brings them together to form one kick-ass garage band. After releasing a number of covers, the band is now embarking upon the challenging journey of writing their first album of original music. With the guidance of Maury, their musical director, the band's garage sessions segue to the recording studio, where for the first time each member shares their own compositions. Will they be able to pull it off and celebrate the launch with their first-ever public show?

Known for his unmistakable cascading strings and recordings such as Charmaine, Mantovani enthralled the world with his sublime arrangements. This is the story of the man and his music.

At the height of the Oyo Empire, the ferocious Bashorun Ga'a became more powerful than the kings he enthroned, only to be undone by his own blood.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

Talentingasis aktorius Antony Mileris nuolat priverstas kovoti su savo asmeninėmis problemomis ir priklausomybėmis, tačiau filmavimo aikštelėje niekas neabejoja jo talentu. Darbas praskaidrina niūrią Antony kasdienybę, bet neilgam.... Ilgos valandos filmavimo aikštelėje, filmuojant siaubo filmą, neatpažįstamai ima keisti Antony asmenybę. Jo elgesys pakinta, jis dažnai praranda sąmonę, mintys tampa nerišlios, o kūnas išsekęs. Tai, kas pradžioje atrodė, kaip geniali aktoriaus vaidyba, greitai virsta nepaaiškinamu siaubu, kuris stumia vyrą į dar gilesnę tamsą. Nebegalėdamas atskirti realybės nuo vaidmens, Antony praranda kontrolę, o jo dukra Lee susiduria su šiurpiu uždaviniu – surasti būdą, kaip išlaisvinti tėvą nuo jo kūną užvaldžiusios agonijos. Gal tik egzorcizmo apeigos išgelbės tėvo sielą, o gal atskleis tiesą, kuri gali būti baisesnė net už demonišką prakeiksmą.

Following two Water Australia employees who travel out along the Nullarbor Plain only to discover they are being hunted by the mythological creature, the Nullarbor Nymph.