Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him to defend the universe along with protecting one of their own. A mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.

Pēc tam, kad ir likvidēti daži no bandas locekļiem, kuri mēģināja viņu nogalināt viņas kāzu dienā, "Mamba Negra" turpina atriebties un mēģina pabeigt visu pārējo bandu, it īpaši viņas bijušo priekšnieku Bilu, kurš viņu atstāja mirušu, atstājot viņu komā.

Džeks Skellingtons ir Helovīntaunas ķirbju karalis, kam ir apnicis katru gadu Helovīnos darīt vienu un to pašu. Kādu dienu viņš nokļūst Ziemassvētku pilsētā un tā aizraujas ar šiem svētkiem, ka nolemj tos adaptēt savā pilsētā, apvienojot ar Helovīna svētkiem. Viņš nolaupa pat Santa Klausu un pats nolemj izdalīt dāvanas savas pilsētas bērneļiem… Filmas pamatā ir Tima Bērtona 1982. gadā sarakstīts dzejolis.

Merlins ir klaunzivs, kurš plēsēju uzbrukumā zaudējis visu savu ģimeni. Vienīgais, kas viņam atlicis, ir dēls Nemo. Merlins nebeidz brīdināt dēlu par to, cik okeāns ir bīstams, taču mazais nebēdnis vēlas iepazīt pasauli. Jau savā pirmajā skolas dienā viņš nav gana piesardzīgs - Nemo tiek noķerts un ieslodzīts akvārijā. Viņa tētis kopā ar savu jauno, izklaidīgo draudzeni Doriju ir gatavs šķērsot visu okeānu, lai tikai atrastu savu dēlēnu.

In Siberia, Hyōga saves a man that is being attacked. Injured, the man manages only to say something about Asgard. Some days later, Saori, Seiya, Shiryū and Shun are wondering about Hyōga and decide to go to Asgard to investigate. At Valhalla, the Lord of Asgard, Dolbar, says he has not heard of any Hyōga and neither has his right hand, Loki. However, at all times Seiya and the others can feel an evil cosmo emanating from Loki and the other Odin Saints called God Warriors. Shiryū, in particular, notices a familiar cosmo coming from Midgard, a mysterious, masked God Warrior. Dolbar makes it clear that he is trying to take control of both Asgard and the Sanctuary, imprisoning Athena in a strange dimension within the giant statue of Odin. Midgard reveals himself as Hyōga and tries to kill Shiryū to prove himself to Dolbar. Thus, it is the task of the Bronze Saints to defeat Dolbar, Loki and the rest of the God Warriors, to save Athena and Hyōga.

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he attempts to persuade a girl to run away to Italy with him.

In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs, the company leads street cop Alex Murphy into an armed confrontation with crime lord Boddicker so they can use his body to support their untested RoboCop prototype. But when RoboCop learns of the company's nefarious plans, he turns on his masters.

"Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja" ir trešā, noslēdzošā daļa episkajai filmu triloģijai, kas uzņemta pēc britu rakstnieka Dž.R.R. Tolkīna pasaulslavenā fantāzijas romāna "Hobits" motīviem. Pēc rūķu valsts atgūšanas hobita Bilbo Baginsa, Torina Ozolvairoga un rūķu briesmu pilnie piedzīvojumi nebūt nav galā. Saniknotais pūķis Smogs izgāž savas ugunīgās dusmas uz Ezera pilsētas neaizsargātajiem iedzīvotājiem, bet Torina prātu apmiglojuši dārgumi, kuru dēļ viņš gatavs upurēt draudzību un godu. Bilbo nekādi neizdodas vest viņu pie prāta, tādēļ hobits spiests izdarīt riskantu izvēli, nenojaušot, ka tuvojas vēl lielākas briesmas - Viduszemes ļaunākais ienaidnieks Saurons nosūtījis orku leģionus uz Vientuļo kalnu. Ap savstarpēji karojošajām tautām savelkas tumsa, tādēļ rūķu, elfu un cilvēku rasēm jāizvēlas - apvienoties, vai tapt iznīcinātiem. Bilbo attopas piecu dižu armiju kaujas epicentrā, kur notiek cīņa uz dzīvību un nāvi, bet Viduszemes nākotne karājas mata galā.

Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.

The Autobots must stop a colossal planet-consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At the same time, they must defend themselves against an all-out attack from the Decepticons.

Batman learns he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son, secretly raised by the terrorist group known as The League of Assassins.

A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

To end an apocalyptic war and save her daughter, a reluctant soldier embarks on a desperate mission to cross a frozen sea carrying a top-secret cargo.

Mad Max becomes a pawn in a decadent oasis of a technological society, and when exiled, becomes the deliverer of a colony of children.

Barney, Christmas and the rest of the team comes face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks, who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill… or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables -- but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.

The sequel to The Visitors reunites us with those lovable ruffians from the French Medieval ages who - through magic - are transported into the present, with often drastic consequences. Godefroy de Montmirail travels to today to recover the missing family jewels and a sacred relic, guarantor of his wife-to-be's fertility. The confrontation between Godefroy's repellent servant Jack the Crack and his descendent, the effete Jacquart, present-day owner of the chateau, further complicates the matter.

When new students can't get onto their college cheerleading team, they form their own squad and prepare for a cheer off.

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.