Marokiečių šeima verčiasi tradiciniu amatu: vyras Halimas rankomis siuva puošnius kaftanus, o žmona Mina bendrauja su klientais. Mechanizuotos gamybos laikais tai visai neapsimoka, tačiau šis darbas jų sielai teikia džiaugsmo, o gyvenimui – prasmės. Vieną dieną į jų duris pasibeldęs jaunas vaikinas Jusefas sudrumsčia nusistovėjusius vandenis ir įaitrina kruopščiai slepiamas šeimos paslaptis. Šiame švelniame filme gilinamasi į sąžiningumo, ištikimybės ir intymių susitar-imų tarp žmonių klausimus, o veikėjai užburia nuoširdumu ir drąsiai reiškiamu gerumu kitam. Trijulės pastangos gyventi įprastą gyvenimą atrodo mielos, netgi senamadiškos, ir protarpiais iki ašarų graudina.

Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in different cultures but deeply united, the women-fighters heal their past wounds and discover their present strength, especially the fear they inspire in their opponents. The three young women soon bound together and become true sisters-in-arms.

Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice. Over the course of a water polo match ahead of election day, he begins to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.

The great theater director Federico Landi Porrini is looking for his Romeo and Juliet for the opera that should definitively consecrate his prestige and end his career. Vittoria stands out among the candidates, but she is excluded because of a shadow on her past. Determined to get a role in the play anyway, and with the complicity of her makeup artist friend, the young actress decides to try again under a false identity to prove all her talent. That's how she turns into Eight November, offers herself for the role of Romeo and gets the part. It does not seem so complicated for her to play someone else, both on stage and behind the scenes, even when her boyfriend is chosen to play the role of Mercutio. However, dressing as a man will allow her to discover a lot about herself, but more importantly about the people around her.

Overburdened and stuck in a greying marriage, Giovanna takes to caring for a Jewish Holocaust survivor her husband brings home. As she begins to reflect on her life, she turns to the man who lives across from her.

Spain, 1973. Dictator Francisco Franco has ruled the country since 1939 with an iron fist; but he is now a very old and sick man. The future of the weakened regime is in danger. Admiral Carrero Blanco is his natural successor. The Basque terrorist gang ETA decides that he must die to prevent the dictatorship from continuing.

Biopic about Jorge Maria Bergoglio before he became Pope Francis I.

Marco, Guido, Leo, Luisa, Gaelle and Mattia have different mothers, they are not all biological children of the same father but they have a single true father figure of reference: Manfredi Alicante. When the latter passes away, they all find themselves together for the first time in their father's house in Bordeaux, living the illusion of being able to become a united family. But now each of them brings with them a story, an identity and going back won't be easy.

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

Tai jaudinanti ir nuoširdi drama, kurioje pasakojama apie Šiaurės Airijoje globos namuose gyvenantį Antrojo pasaulinio karo veteraną Artį Kraufordą, kuris ką tik neteko žmonos. Per 75-ąsias Normandijos išsilaipinimo operacijos metines Artis nusprendžia slapta pabėgti iš globos namų ir leidžiasi į sunkią bet įkvepiančią kelionę į Prancūziją, kad atiduotų paskutinę pagarbą geriausiam draugui ir rastų drąsos susidurti su savo praeities vaiduokliais.

This is the story of a broken family, of egotistic and manipulative parents, a two-headed monster that devours every hope of freedom on the part of the children. Desirè is the only one who can save her brother Claudio and will go on fighting against everything and everyone in the name of the only love she knows, in pursuit of a bit of happiness.

A leftist professor wants the truth about two men killed during a hunting party; but the mafia, the Church and corrupt politicians don't want him to learn it.

Jaunas viskuo nusivylęs gangsteris pamilsta atsitiktinai gatvėje sutiktą studentę. Nesulaukęs jokio jos dėmesio, jis daro viską, kad sugriautų merginos gyvenimą: paverčia ją gatvės prostitute, priverčia pereiti visus pragaro ratus, o pats blaškosi tarp meilės bei kaltės jausmo. Tai atvirumu šokiruojanti, erotiška meilės ir neapykantos istorija.

A chance meeting at the airport leads two married people to an unforgettable night full of excitement, desire, and temptation in New York City.

Įvykių centre - tylus, vienišas vyras, į kurio gyvenimą netikėtai grįžta sūnus su anūke, apie kurios egzistavimą jis niekada nežinojo. Kai sūnus dingsta dėl neaiškaus verslo, kepėjas turi padaryti viską, kad surastų sūnų ir apsaugotų anūkę nuo mafijos samdomų žudikų, pasiųstų jos surasti.

A man is forced to retire from competitive swimming due to a heart condition.

When a neurotic hotel manager fires a maid for allegedly stealing a laptop, her son swears revenge and begins to expose his deepest secrets — only to regret it after falling for his daughter.

Samdomas smogikas Johnas Seegeris (Steven Seagal) su savo komanda bando išgelbėti pagrobtą Prancūzijos ambasadorių ir jo šeimą. Apgulties metų nužudomas jo geriausias draugas.Johnas grįžta į Jungtines Valstijas pranešti apie kolegos žūtį jo žmonai ir pasižada pasirūpinti ja ir jos sūnumi, tačiau netrukus jie pagrobiami slaptų CŽV agentų. Norėdamas išgelbėti buvusio komandos nario šeimą Johnas sutinka dalyvauti CŽV ir mafijos žaidime. Jis turi išgelbėti ginklų prekeivio sūnų iš kalėjimo. Atrodytų gana paprasta užduotis patyrusiam smogikui, tačiau viską apsunkina tai, jog už jo nugaros žaidžiama dar viena šachmatų partija. Krūva purvinų ir krauju suteptų pinigų, narkotikai ir vieno žmogaus kova už draugystę ir teisingumą kartu su Stevenu Seagalu.

A few days before Christmas, traveling entertainer Marc Stevens is stuck at nightfall in a remote wood in the swampy Hautes Fagnes region of Liège when his van breaks down. An odd chap who's looking for a lost dog then leads Marc to a shuttered inn.

Immediately after the US pullout from Afghanistan, Taliban forces occupied the Hollywood Gate complex, which is claimed to be a former CIA base in Kabul.