In a quicksand surrounded town called Makka, rumors spread of a legendary robber named Gasback is after the town. To protect it, Mayor Kepler has hired bounty hunters. These hunters have been following Gasback from town to town in hopes of getting the bounty. Vash the Stampede is in town, along with Meryl and Milly, along with the female bounty hunter Amelia and Nicholas D. Wolfwood.

Zachariah, makes a few mistakes and it is decided that he is to live as a human being for thirty days. Mordecai is his supervisor. Rebecca's husband died and Zachariah the soul collector, or, the angel of the death helped him to make the transition between heaven and earth. There are some complications with Rebecca's farm and Zachariah helps her out.

An investigative and powerfully emotional documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences.

Behrani, an Iranian immigrant buys a California bungalow, thinking he can fix it up, sell it again, and make enough money to send his son to college. However, the house is the legal property of former drug addict Kathy. After losing the house in an unfair legal dispute with the county, she is left with nowhere to go. Wanting her house back, she hires a lawyer and befriends a police officer. Neither Kathy nor Behrani have broken the law, so they find themselves involved in a difficult moral dilemma.

Following World War II in peacetime Scotland, brigade headquarters replaces commanding officer Major Jock Sinclair, a boisterous battalion leader, with the strict, temperamental Lieutenant Colonel Basil Barrow. Resentful toward his replacement, Sinclair undermines Barrow's authority and damages his successor's reputation among the soldiers. Barrow faces an uphill battle in regaining the discipline and respect of his battalion.

Život v raji je pokojný, hoci určite nie k úplnej spokojnosti policajného náčelníka Jesseho Stonea. Mladý policajt Simpson, ktorého Jesse volá Kufrík, je stále v kóme. Keď sa neskôr prebudí, nie je celkom v poriadku, pretože Jesse mu občas hovorí Lou. Molly odišla od polície k rodine a Jesseho bývalá manželka Jenn mu oznámi, že si nemôžu volať ako kedysi, pretože jej novému priateľovi sa to nepáči.

During the war in Afghanistan a Soviet tank crew commanded by a tyrannical officer find themselves lost and in a struggle against a band of Mujahadeen guerrillas in the mountains.

A disgruntled Mexican cop is forced to work with a teenage hacker to hunt down the criminals who killed his wife, and dismantle their operation.

After a friend overdoses, Spoon and Stretch decide to kick their drug habits and attempt to enroll in a government detox program. Their efforts are hampered by seemingly endless red tape, as they are shuffled from one office to another while being chased by drug dealers and the police.

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virginia that results in a violent retaliation from whites.

Paulovi Brennerovi sa len ťažko darí odhaliť pravdu o násilnej smrti krásnej kapitánky Elisabeth Cromwellovej, ktorej otec, generál Joe Campbell, mieri do najvyššej americkej politiky. Podozriví sú všetci príslušníci posádky, len ťažko sa pred Paulom a jeho kolegyňou Sarah Sunhillovou odkrývajú skryté fakty, odhaľujú lži a roky ukryté tajomstvá. Nič nie je také, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá, a príčiny smrti krásnej a príťažlivej kapitánky siahajú hlboko do minulosti. Česť armády je pre mnohých cennejšia ako život jednej ženy.

V roku 1999 sa seržant Aaron Hallam, príslušník zvláštnej jednotky americkej armády, stane v Kosove svedkom masakru civilistov. Podarí sa mu preniknúť do štábu a zabiť dôstojníka, ktorý akcii velí. Je síce vyznamenaný za hrdinstvo, jeho psychika je však ťažko poznamenaná. O štyri roky neskôr vyhľadá agent FBI Ted Chenowitch stopára a ochrancu prírody L. T. Bonhama, aby ho požiadal o spoluprácu pri vyšetrovaní brutálnej vraždy v Oregone, kde neznámy vrah zabil a vykuchal dvoch lovcov. Bonham sa vydá po vrahovych stopách a skutočne ho nájde. Je ním vojnový hrdina Aaron Hallam a pustí sa s ním do boja.

Elmo McElroy (Samuel L. Jackson) prichádza do Anglicka v škótskej sukni, aby tu predal svoju novú drogu na spôsob extázy. Na letisku stretne ortodoxného fanúšika Liverpoolu Felixa deSouza (Robert Carlyle), ktorý svojou oddanosť svojmu futbalového tímu preukáže tak, že deň pred zápasom Liverpool - Manchester vbehne do krčmy napchatej fanúšikmi Manchesteru a nechá im tam dymovnicu. Potom spoznávame profesionálnu vrahyňu a tiež ex-priateľku Felixa Dakotu Philips s krycím menom Dawn (Emily Mortimer), ktorá je najatá na vraždu McElroya. Ešte sa do filmu pripletie skupina Nacka a skorumpovaný detektív Virgil Kane a táto akčná komédia sa rozbieha na plné obrátky.

A former college athlete joins forces with a sports consultant to handicap football games for high-rolling gamblers.

Diego is a successful entrepreneur. Rich and not caring for the good of others, no scruples to belittle the next. His attitude turns against him when he forgets in his airport bathroom his latest-generation mobile phone with social profiles, contacts and credit cards.

Val je veľmi atraktívna a vzdelaná mladá dáma posadnutá sexom. Je schopná milovať sa s kýmkoľvek, kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek. Permanentne „ loví“ nových mužov a každé toto stretnutie jej prináša veľké uspokojenie. Jej denník je svedkom všetkých milostných eskapád s množstvom pikantných detailov. Posadnutosť sa stále zvyšuje a preto sa vzdá lukratívneho zamestnania a stane sa prostitútkou v luxusnom privátnom klube. Postupne ale odhaľuje i temnú stránku tohto „povolania“: násilie a drogy. Smrť jej blízkej priateľky ju presvedčí, že je čas postaviť sa na vlastné nohy...

In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Memphis, TN wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that strives to turn gay teens straight. This documentary follows the inspirational story of this teens local community standing up for their friend with daily protests at the facility in what would become an international news story. The documentary features several former clients of the organization who tell their personal stories about the time they spent within the programs walls.

An unexpected pregnancy takes a terrifying turn for newlyweds Zach and Samantha McCall.