From the birthplace of boxing legend Mike Tyson, young women brawl in secret fight clubs to win $1000 and invaluable street cred.

A music documentary exploring the turbulent, controversial and often unbelievable 30 year history of British post-punk industrial band Killing Joke.

Waking up with no memory of the forest around him, a man's desperate attempt to escape his mysterious pursuer leads him towards a strange house where he finds a shocking discovery.

Kitarō, a ghost, spends his afterlife helping humans in need of his skills. He thwarts the plans of evil spirits who live to torment humanity. A retelling of episodes 5-6 from the 1968 TV anime.

Школьный хулиган и задира Ярагасэ избрал своей мишенью для издёвок добродушного парнишку Дона, но никто из друзей и одноклассников последнего, в том числе безымянный герой, от чьего имени ведётся повествование, не осмеливается вступиться за товарища или хоть как-то помочь, страшась переключения внимания Ярагасэ на них самих. Как результат, от ежедневного стресса и в порыве этого чувства бессилия и одиночества Дон оплачивает опостылевшему обидчику той же монетой, а после инцидента и вовсе переводится в другую школу, так и не найдя поддержки у «друзей». Эта поучительная история безымянного младшеклассника, который был лишь сторонним наблюдателем, проигрывающим в голове сценарии своей помощи другу, но ни сам, ни при участии учителей так ничего и не воплотивший в реальность, но который набрался мужества сделать первый шаг к человеку, что не отвернётся от беды ближнего своего, пробурчав: «Это не моё дело».

Iliac works in a massage parlor where the gay clients are given more than a shoulder kneading and back rub. When Iliac's father dies he must reconcile his job as a sex worker with the rest of his family.

Pablo confesses a crime to Anders, who has a hidden agenda.

An intimate portrait and chronicle of a techno-political war challenging how information is created and shared in the digital age. A 7 year document trailing the Federal battles, personal struggles, growing 3D gun community, and illicit criminal case plaguing Cody Wilson's fight for the 1st Amendment freedom to share code online. Code that happens to engineer guns.

Sunday Morning Rapture is a Bible-Based film focused on the second coming of Jesus Christ. This living parable depicts situational dramatizations centered around how this spectacular event effects lives around the world and the aftermath of what is left in it's wake.

A comedy comprised of short sexually suggestive skits.

The story of Francois Roussel, a young playwright, who can't choose between three women.

A mirror in the filmmaker's backyard reflects his childhood home. The black frame of the watermarked mirror becomes a mysterious portal, distorting brick, branch, and flesh into an amorphous hodgepodge. A self-portrait.

A husband and wife, whose marriage is built on shifting sand, find themselves imprisoned by a sadistic killer - forced to make choices that will ultimately determine their family's survival or demise.

Bernard Manning uncensored, recorded live at the Embassy Club in Manchester.