Naruto and his friends must get back a jug of stolen holy water from a band of higher class ninjas.

Buddies Meng Yun and Yu Fei break up with their girlfriends and indulge themselves in living the bachelor lifestyle again. However, as their ex-girlfriends reemerge in their lives, their “Single Plan” starts to unravel!

After Lisa's brother mysteriously dies, she and her college friends go to her family home for answers. They are shocked to discover that his killer was non-other than the Christmas demon, Krampus.

Героите, екшънът и хуморът отново са тук, плюс нещо ново. Ригс среща някой, за когото не е и подозирал, че съществува: своя женски еквивалент - Лорна Коул (Рене Русо). Роджър Мърто го делят само осем дни от пенсиониране, но партньорът му Мартин Ригс отново успява да забърка и двамата в голяма каша, с което си навличат гнева както на полицейското управление в Лос Анджелис, така и на лошите, които този път са Джак Травис (Стюарт Уилсън) и банда главорези, продаващи бронебойни патрони, а Джо Пеши се завръща като бъбривия чешит Лио Гец.

A depiction of the Wrangelkiez neighbourhood in Berlin. The people portrayed tell their life stories. One woman came to the neighbourhood a decade ago to work in Berlin’s still unfinished Brandenburger Airport, one man reminisces his childhood on a Tobacco farm in Kentucky, another speaks of an exceptional day in an otherwise monotonous workplace. These portraits are interwoven with the story of Elpi, a Greek woman who is waiting for the long overdue visit of an old important friend. The outcome of this mixture is a film which captures the lives and perspectives of some of Wrangelkiez’s most commanding citizens, while at the same time evoking the loss that change and time passing means for places and for people.

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

UFC 21: Return of the Champions was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship on July 16, 1999 at the Five Seasons Events Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The event was seen live on pay per view in the United States, and later released on home video.

Двама братя и сестра им се сбогуват завинаги със семейните си спомени, когато им се налага да се откажат от семейните вещи, за да изпълнят волята на умиращата им майка.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Be a part of an incredible concert event as the worldwide phenomenon goes extreme! "High School Musical: The Concert" invites you behind the scenes and puts you in the middle of the action. Step out of the audience and jump onstage with Corbin Bleu, Monique Coleman, Vanessa Hudgens, Drew Seeley, Ashley Tisdale and more of the cast of the award-winning hit movie "High School Musical" as they perform their chart-topping songs in this sensational concert.

It's 1649: Mazarin hires the impoverished D'Artagnan to find the other musketeers: Cromwell has overthrown the English king, so Mazarin fears revolt, particularly from the popular Beaufort. Porthos, bored with riches and wanting a title, signs on, but Aramis, an abbé, and Athos, a brawler raising an intellectual son, assist Beaufort in secret. When they fail to halt Beaufort's escape from prison, the musketeers are expendable, and Mazarin sends them to London to rescue Charles I. They are also pursued by Justine, the avenging daughter of Milady de Winter, their enemy 20 years ago. They must escape England, avoid Justine, serve the Queen, and secure Beauford's political reforms.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

Джак (Дей-Луис) и 16-годишната му дъщеря Роуз (Бел) живеят в усамотение на красив остров близо до Източния бряг. Когато той кани приятелката си (Кийнър) и двамата й сина -тийнейджъри да живеят с тях, това е първата среща на Роуз с обществото и със сексуалността. Сблъсъкът на двата свята ще застраши не само начина на живот на Джак и Роуз, но и тяхната необичайно близка връзка.

An American drifter comes to a remote Polynesian island controlled by a Puritanical missionary and turns the social life of the island upside-down.

Лос Анджелис е изправен пред заплаха от ядрено унищожение, когато алчни престъпници решават да използват невероятните способности на едно момче за собствена изгода. Но сестра му и банда скитащи се хлапета ще обединят сили в отчаян опит да спасят града от унищожение.

Once again someone from the future has come back to create an army of Trancers, human zombies who do what they're told without question or pause. Now officer Jack Deth, a cop from the future stranded in the past, must once again go forth to stop them. This sci-fi action sequel chronicles his courageous actions as he struggles to save the future. His difficulties are compounded when his boss sends his first wife back from the future to help Deth who has unfortunately, married a 20th-century girl.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

Третата част от френската комедийна поредица започва с притеснения Еди, който е подложен на атака от митническите власти, които са на път да провалят важна сделка, която трябва да се сключи в Китай. Патрик също е закъсал, предстои одит на фирмата му. Проверяващата обаче се оказва изключително секси мадама, в която Патрик се влюбва от пръв поглед. Серж също има проблем. Съпругата му е твърдо решена да забременее, въпреки че горкият Серж никак не е подготвен за това. За капак жената на Еди иска да учи в университет.

Вълна от престъпления, под кодовото име "Операция Хаос" залива града. Време е да се повикат най-добрите защитници. Мистериозния мистър Биг е големият мозък зад бандитите, обиращи банки и бижутерийни магазини. Лейтенант Ласард е заподозрян, когато става ясно, че от полицията изтича информация и лошите винаги са една крачка напред.

Emma's parents are going to divorce, but before that the family goes on holiday to the countryside. Emma is left alone when the parents just arguing and moving to another room. Soon she discovers that there is something mysterious about the room when a typewriter starts writing a message by itself...