Featuring all the material shot for Elvis Presley's 1968 television special, including the two complete jam session concerts and the two complete solo concerts, which have never been released in their entirety All takes of the material shot for the original broadcast's two big production numbers and for the show's opening and closing segments Includes the original broadcast version of the special Newly remastered sound and picture

Following their concert for world peace in outer space, Barbie and her band the Rockers are going back home. During the trip back to Earth, the band's space shuttle inadvertently enters a time warp. Upon landing at an airport, they meet Dr. Merrihew and his daughter Kim and soon learn that they have been transported back to 1959. The band then decides to go on a tour around the city alongside Kim. After a performance at Cape Canaveral, Dr. Merrihew helps Barbie and the Rockers return to their time. Back in the present, they stage a big concert in New York City, where Barbie is reunited with an adult Kim and introduced to her daughter Megan.

尤马今年23岁,来自东京。当她坐火车去漫画工作室上班时,她的脸和站着的其他乘客一样高。尤马患有脑瘫,只能坐轮椅。她那畸形的四肢只能让她爬行——而且只能拿着铅笔。她的老板是一位成功的漫画家和博主,名叫早矢香(Sayaka)。早矢香喜欢华丽的仙女装。更糟糕的是,过度保护她的母亲几乎不让她离开自己的视线,而且拒绝谈论她的父亲。当尤马试图过一种更加独立的生活时,她无意中发现了成人漫画——漫画色情——并有了自己画画的想法。出版商建议她先积累一些个人经验。但是在东京的红灯区,当一个坐轮椅的女人请人给她安排一个性约会时,会发生什么呢? 导演HIKARI的幽默和可爱的37秒描述了一个不寻常的自我发现之旅——在艺术、身体和家庭方面。而且,正如电影中迷人的主角所了解到的,没有偏见的朋友随处可见。

Animator Robert Clampett presents a history of "Termite Terrace," the little shack on the Warner Brothers studio lot which in the 1930's and 1940's housed the animation unit which gave birth to Porky Pig, Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Includes color and black-and-white home-movie-type footage shot at the time showing such animation greats as Clampett, Tex Avery and Chuck Jones. Also featured are nine complete Warner cartoons.


阿尼(Keith Gordon饰)是一个典型的高中怪男孩,他被父母严格的管教,也没有什么朋友。而他的生活开始出现改变,正是在他看到了一辆产于1958年普利茅斯的叫做“克莉丝汀”的红色敞篷车。阿尼买下了这辆车,并疯狂的喜欢上了它,他开始投入越来越多的时间和这辆车相处,并希望修复它到最初的状态。渐渐的,阿尼自身也发生了很多变化,他开始逐步的疏远他的朋友以及现实社会,不理会周边朋友的劝告。他的女朋友和最好的朋友发现“克莉丝汀”以前的主人是一个不在乎任何事情的人,而现在阿尼也开始变得像他一样。他们唯一能拯救他的办法就是毁掉“克里斯汀”,但是阿尼和克里斯汀已经准备先毁掉他的朋友们以及那些所有阻拦在他和“克莉丝汀”之间的人


在安迪(David Keith饰)和维姬(Heather Locklear饰)还在上大学的时候,他们为了赚钱参与了一次实验,服用了一种叫做Lot-6的化学品。他们结了婚,现在已经拥有了一个9岁的女儿莎林。莎林有一种特异功能,她可以靠自己的意念点燃东西,这可能要归因于安迪和维姬曾经参与的那次实验,同时,安迪也拥有了某种超能力,可以让人们做他希望人做的事情。那次实验的操作者是一个秘密的政府部门,代号为“商店”,执行人是约瑟夫博士,他开始派人追查两个人的下落,并且派出了一个狙击手,要杀掉两人。而他们没有预料到的是,安迪和维姬拥有的超能力可以帮助他们摆脱追捕,一场大战即将上演。

阿比·麦克威廉斯(洛克林)和她的兄弟洛伦(Presby)是很正常的青少年。他们的父母马克(阿特金斯)和玛莉·贝思(DeBaer)一次事故里被杀死。因此阿比和洛伦与他们的姑母菲(马丁)和查理(琼斯)叔叔居住在佛罗里达, 其拥有一个加油站和一个游乐园。 洛伦和阿比很快在他们的新中学交到新朋友。 当阿比和马克(Stoltz)约会时,洛伦也和当地谢里夫的女儿卡伦(普里斯)约会。 当他看见一个金色头发的人在便餐馆缠着阿比时,洛伦感到不舒服。马克告诉洛伦和阿比金色头发的人是埃迪·杜察(斯巴德), 跟着一帮乡下暴徒混的一个青少年吸毒者。洛伦帮助阿比与杜察保持距离。杜察的报复变得越来越恶毒,直到杜察拐走阿比迫使双方在游乐园摊牌......

In Depression-era New England, a miserly businessman named Benedict Slade receives a long-overdue attitude adjustment one Christmas Eve when he is visited by three ghostly figures who resemble three of the people whose possessions Slade had seized to collect on unpaid loans. Assuming the roles of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future from Charles Dickens' classic story, the three apparitions force Slade to face the consequences of his skinflint ways, and he becomes a caring, generous, amiable man.

Eva is beautiful, irresponsible, self-absorbed and emotionally disconnected. Her life is all about the right clothes, the right people and the right places. Her life is turned upside down when she loses her job and alienates her friends by cheating on her boyfriend. She soon finds herself among "common" people where she makes a surprising new acquaintance.

Queen Aggravain has ruled that none may marry until her son, Prince Dauntless marries. However, she has managed to sabotage every princess that come along. When Sir Harry and Lady Larken learn that they are going to be parents, wed or not, he goes off to the swamps and brings back Princess Winnifred ("Fred" to her friends).

A dog turns from man's best friend into man's worst nightmare as he attacks everything that moves.



3 episodes set in Monte Carlo. In the first one a priest is compelled to become the lover of a princess. In the second, a con woman tries to cheat an insurance man. In the third, a man has to deal with his wife's suicidal attempts.

Documentary about the making of the 1983 thriller "Cujo"

高中生莫利(海莉·贝内特 Haley Bennett 饰)和母亲莉亚(玛琳·辛科 Marin Hinkle 饰)过着相依为命的生活,尽管母亲和父亲离异,但莫利的生活依旧可以用无忧无虑来形容。一天夜里,母亲怪异的举动吓坏了莫利,在不知道发生了什么的情况下,母亲突然凶神恶煞地扑向了莫利,企图将她杀死。以此为契机,莫利快乐的生活被彻底的改变了。


Three young friends will spend a season in Alicante (Spain). There life is easy drinks, girls and parties. On one of their usual night trips, they find three women, old friends of more relaxed times.