Stílusos film a brit progresszív rockbanda, a Pink Floyd 1971-es közönség nélküli koncertjéről Olaszországban, Pompeii romjai között az ősi római amfiteátrumban. A dalok interjúkkal, és a Pink Floyd következő albuma, a legendás Dark Side of the Moon stúdió munkálatainak felvételeivel keverednek.
A példásan család- és munkaszerető átlagos cseh kispolgár, Karl Kopfrkingl groteszk rémtörténetében a munkáját meglepő odaadással végző krematóriumi dolgozó a II. világháború alatt a nácizmus tömeggyilkosságainak legfőbb eszmei megtestesítője lesz: fokozatosan megbomló elméjével egyszerre áldozata és kiszolgálója egy hasadt tudatú kornak.
A young boy takes interest in piano while his family begins to disintegrate around him after his father loses his job.
1944, Vermiglio, a remote mountain village. The arrival of Pietro, a deserter, into the family of the local teacher, and his love for the teacher's eldest daughter, will change the course of everyone's life.
The story of a famous Brazilian bandit in the early 1970s and his fight against a paramilitary organization known as the Death Squad.
In 1750 Austria, a deeply religious woman named Agnes has just married her beloved, but her mind and heart soon grow heavy as her life becomes a long list of chores and expectations. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts, until the possibility of committing a shocking act of violence seems like the only way out of her inner prison.
Akira works as a lawyer. One day, he meets with his former client Rie, who asks Akira to perform a background check on her late husband Daisuke.
A new incarnation of Cangaceiro bandits, led by Coirana, has risen in the badlands. A blind landowner hires Antônio to wipe out his old nemesis. Yet after besting Coirana and accompanying the dying man to his mountain hideout, Antônio is moved by the plight of the Cangaceiro’s followers. The troubled hitman turns revolutionary, his gun and machete aimed towards his former masters.
These are the years of the First World War and Dr. Stefano Zorzi spends his days in the Exemption Clinic in a large city of Northern Italy, where he not only takes care of soldiers who arrive from the massacre of the front, but also he fights simulation and self-harm of those who hope to be dispensed, by sending them before the Military Court. If Stefano, in fact, does his utmost to heal soldiers and send them back to fight, Dr. Giulio Farradio makes them ill, or helps them to self-injure seriously enough to be exonerated. The two doctors, who went to university together and were great friends, they not only (secretly) challenge each other on a professional level, but also on the sentimental one: they are both linked to Anna, a courageous nurse with a strong character. But when the great ‘Spanish’ fever epidemic arrived in 1918, the time for love, politics and science ends up getting confused dangerously...
Amikor Gracie és Joe életéről játékfilmet akarnak forgatni, Elizabeth Berry, egy hollywoodi színésznő Maine-be utazik kutatás céljából, mivel a filmben ő alakítja Gracie szerepét, és szeretné jobban megismerni őt. Azonban Elizabeth érkezésével a házaspár között régóta lappangó konfliktusok egyre jobban felerősödnek.
France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?
In the 1970s, Director Kim is obsessed by the desire to re-shoot the ending of his completed film Cobweb, but chaos and turmoil grip the set with interference from the censorship authorities, and the complaints of actors and producers who can't understand the re-written ending. Will Kim be able to find a way through this chaos to fulfill his artistic ambitions and complete his masterpiece?
A 71 éves, szabad és független Shauna úgy érzi, már maga mögött hagyta szerelmi életét, a 45 éves Pierre pedig nős, családos ember. Az egykori szeretők 15 évvel első találkozásuk után újra összefutnak egy kórház folyosóján. Nehezen birkóznak meg érzelmeikkel: nem tudják félretenni ellentéteiket, mégis továbbra is megmagyarázhatatlan vonzalmat éreznek egymás után. A nemrég megözvegyült Shauna, akinek már unokái is vannak, újra meg akar győződni arról, hogy kívánatos nőként is lehet rá tekinteni.
Morán works as a clerk in a bank in Buenos Aires. He is as good as invisible to his colleagues. Over dinner with his colleague Román, Morán tells him that he stole exactly $650,000, which is exactly double what he would have made until his retirement. He plans to turn himself in, but not before offering Román to split the money if agrees to hide it for the duration of his incarceration.
As the city of Paris and the French people grow in consumer culture, a housewife living in a high-rise apartment with her husband and two children takes to prostitution to help pay the bills.
Sam, egy fiatal stand-up komikus és bébiszitter lány, aki PTSD-vel küszködik, gondolkodóba esik, hogy csatlakozzon-e Brooke, egy eltűnt lány felkutatásához, akire vigyázni szokott.
In 2016, French writer and photographer Carole Achache took her own life. After Carole's death, her daughter Mona Achache, a film director, discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings that Carole left behind, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking and the beauty of incarnation with the help of actress Marion Cotillard, the director brings her mother back to life to retrace her journey and find out who she really was.
Three childhood friends embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in their hotel room to find a cache of cocaine belonging to a don.
Egy férfi a sokszínűség, a méltányosság és a befogadás gyakorlatát vizsgálja, miközben arra törekszik, hogy titkos társadalmi kísérletekkel leplezze le az abszurditásokat.
A dokumentumfilm felidézi az 1990-es évek végének tömeghisztériáját, amelyet egy technológiai összeomláshoz vezető számítógépes hiba generált.