Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

In 1940, in the immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a young girl living on the Castilian plain is haunted after attending a screening of James Whale's 1931 film Frankenstein and hearing from her sister that the monster is not dead, instead existing as a spirit inhabiting a nearby barn.

31. 10., malé americké mestečko Haddonfield. Ako šesťročný tu Michael Myers dobodal veľkým kuchynským nožom svoju staršiu sestru. Dnes, po pätnástich rokoch strávených na psychiatrickej klinike, sa sem vracia, aby mohol pokračovať vo svojom diele. Nemá konkrétne cielené obete, zabíja náhodne. Keď si však niekoho vyhliadne, nič ho pred ukojením jeho krvilačnej túžby nezastaví. Tou aktuálne utekajúcou a kričiacou je zhodou okolností jeho mladšia sestra Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis).

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

Grey Trace je povestný tým, že ako jeden z posledných ľudí dáva pred technológiami prednosť vlastným rukám. Autonehoda na nočnej diaľnici a konflikt s bandou grázlov, ktorí mu zavraždia priateľku a jeho nadosmrti zmrzačia mu obráti život hore nohami. Greyova perspektíva na invalidnom vozíku je viac než temná dokiaľ mu kamarát vedec neponúkne malé technologické vylepšenie. S implantovaným čipom v mieche dokáže Grey nielen opäť chodiť a pohybovať rukami, ale získava aj ďalšie, doteraz netušené možnosti. Experimentálny ústav nazvaný STEM totiž dokáže napríklad aj vystopovať páchateľa nočného prepadnutia a tiež Greyovi pomôcť si to s tými gaunermi vyriešiť ručne. Kto by odolal? Grey rozhodne nie. Keď však zanechá prvého z páchateľov v kaluži krvi, napadne ho, či by STEM nemal aspoň trochu pribrzdiť. Otázka znie, či to pôjde. A či to Grey vôbec chce.

Lee a Evelyn Abbottovi vychovávajú tri deti. Všetci sú zatiaľ nažive. Veľmi rýchlo si totiž osvojili pravidlá, ktoré začali platiť po ich príchode mimozemšťanov na Zem. Kto sú, nikto nevie. Vie sa len to, že majú mimoriadne vyvinutý sluch a akýkoľvek zvuk priláka ich pozornosť. A tá pre ľudí znamená istú smrť, čo na vlastnej koži spoznajú aj samotní Abbottovci. Zatiaľ ako jedni z mála prežívajú, a to aj vďaka tomu, že ich najstaršia dcéra Regan je nepočujúca, takže znalosť znakovej reči bola pre nich bola absolútnou potrebou aj v „normálnych časoch“. Na odľahlej farme, kde žijú, vyvinuli celý rad bezpečnostných opatrení, ktoré ich majú chrániť – napr. zvukovo izolovanú pivnicu alebo molitanom obalené kocky k hre Monopoly. Bude to ale pre ich bezpečie stačiť? Taký život totiž pripomína tanec v mínovom poli a čakanie na jednu jedinú osudovú chybu. Evelyn je navyše tehotná a termín pôrodu sa nezadržateľne blíži. A niektoré životné udalosti sa bez kriku jednoducho neobídu.

Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey, living a dreary life during the Great Depression. Her only escape from her mundane reality is the movie theatre. After losing her job, Cecilia goes to see 'The Purple Rose of Cairo' in hopes of raising her spirits, where she watches dashing archaeologist Tom Baxter time and again.

Tom Stall žije šťastný a pokojný život so svojou ženou Edie a ich dvoma deťmi v malom mestečku v Indiane. Jedného dňa Tom vo svojej reštaurácii prekazí pokus o lúpež, v sebaobrana zabije dvoch hľadaných zločincov a jeho idylický život sa od základov otrasie. Tomovo hrdinstvo priláka médiá a on sa ocitne vo svetlách reflektorov. Snažia sa vrátiť späť k svojmu jednoduchému a obyčajnému životu, no márne ... navyše sa objaví záhadný muž (Ed Harris), ktorý tvrdí, že mu Tom v minulosti ublížil. Okrem tajomného muža sa musia Stallovci vysporiadať aj so svojim vzájomným vzťahom, ktorý sa pod vplyvom okolností začne pomaly rúcať ...

Casanova is a libertine, collecting seductions and sexual feats. But he is really interested in someone, and is he really an interesting person? Is he really alive?

A brother and sister move into an old seaside house that has been abandoned for many years on the Cornwellian coast only to soon discover that it is haunted by the ghost of the mother of their neighbor's granddaughter, with whom the brother has fallen in love.

When a widowed mother falls in love with an American sailor, her troubled young son is pressured by the bullying leader of his clique to seek revenge.

Ed Okin used to have a boring life. He used to have trouble getting to sleep. Then one night, he met Diana. Now, Ed's having trouble staying alive.

Disowned in the past by his father, Kurt Menliff, a cruel and sadistic nobleman, returns to the family castle to reclaim his inheritance.

Davey Gordon, a New York City boxer at the end of his career, falls for dancer Gloria Price. However, their budding relationship is interrupted by Gloria's violent boss, Vincent Rapallo, who has eyes for Gloria. The two decide to skip town, but before they can, Vincent and his thugs abduct Gloria, and Davey is forced to search for her among the most squalid corners of the city, with his enemy hiding in the shadows.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

It took Peggy Heller a long time to recover from the trauma of a brutal physical assault, suffered in her youth. When she married Robert, he provided her with the love and reassurance she craved for and the two settled down in a pretty house in the grounds of the public school where Robert was a master. But the headmaster of the school is not what he seems and Peggy is convinced he means to harm her - is her fear a figment of her tortured imagination or are there forces at work that intend to manipulate her anxieties with fatal consequences?

The brutal former heavyweight boxing champion Cleon "Slammin'" Salmon (Duncan), now owner of a Miami restaurant, institutes a competition to see which waiter can earn the most money in one night: the winner stands to gain $10,000, while the loser will endure a beating at the hands of the champ.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

A nerdy high school super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster. In a fit of rage against his tormentors at the high school, Vernon Potts goes on a killing spree, eliminating all of those who ever picked on him - the Gym Coach, the School Jock, The Creepy Janitor & his hated teacher, Ms. Grindstaff.

A group of archaeology students awaken an ancient mummy. After being trapped in a time loop, the only way they can escape, is to defeat the mummy. As the body count rises, it seems the Mummy has to collect the souls of those who woke him to be able to walk the earth - for good.