Nakon što otkriju novu crvotočinu, grupa istraživača i znanstvenika krene na putovanje kroz nju da prekorače prijašnje granice ljudskog putovanja svemirom i pokore ogromne daljine međuzvjezdanog putovanja. Među putnicima se nalazi strojar i udovac koji se posvetio mirnom životu na farmi s dvoje djece, i sada mora donijeti tešku odluku da napusti svoju djecu kako bi otputovao u drugu galaksiju s ciljem da spasi čovječanstvo.

In this humorous paean to the joys of food, a pair of truck drivers happen onto a decrepit roadside shop selling ramen noodles. The widowed owner, Tampopo, begs them to help her turn her establishment into a paragon of the "art of noodle-soup making". Interspersed are satirical vignettes about the importance of food to different aspects of human life.

A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he's investigating.

After completing jail time for beating up a man who tried to seduce his mentally-handicapped teenage daughter, The Butcher wants to start life anew. He institutionalizes his daughter and moves to the Lille suburbs with his mistress, who promises him a new butcher shop. Learning that she lied, The Butcher returns to Paris to find his daughter.

SAD u kaosu Građanskog rata. Mirni i radišni farmer s Juga Josey Wales (C. Eastwood) skrbi za svoju obitelj ne sluteći što ga čeka. Vojnici Unije zvani Red Legs predvođeni okrutnim Terrillom (B. McKinney) opljačkaju Walesovu farmu, pobiju obitelj i spale kuću. Preživjevši napad on se uključi u vojsku Konfederacije odbivši da se sa svojim zapovjednikom Fletcherom (J. Vernon) preda pobjedničkoj sjevernjačkoj strani. Postane odmetnik.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

Novinar koji pati od profesionalnog propadanja želi se konačno oprostiti od svog ureda - ali njegovom se šefu ta ideja nimalo ne sviđa.

A man and his son take an allegorical stroll through life with a talking bird that spouts social and political philosophy.

Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.

Ploča hrane spušta se kat po kat u zatvoru. Zatvorenici iznad obilno jedu, ostavljajući one ispod gladne i očajne. Pobuna je neizbježna.

A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in an abandoned church, but when they open it, they inadvertently unleash a strange liquid and an evil force on all of humanity.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

Film se nastavlja tamo gdje je završio prethodni, 'Zvjezdane staze II: Khanov bijes'. Nakon Spockova pogreba, posada se vraća kući. Kod kuće saznaju da će njihov brod Enterprise zbog starosti biti povučen iz uporabe. No uskoro kapetana James T. Kirka (William Shatner) posjeti Spockov otac Sarek (Mark Lenard) i priopći mu da je Spock zapravo živ. Njegovo tijelo zarobljeno je na planetu na kojem je na snazi projekt Genesis, a dušu je prije smrti preselio u um doktora McCoya (DeForest Kelley), koji sad pati od trauma i deziluzioniranosti. Stoga je potrebno McCoya odvesti na Vulkan kako bi se Spock vratio u život, a McCoy opet postao onaj stari. Sada je kapetan Kirk prisiljen ukrasti Enterprise, unatoč zabrani vrhovništva te sa svojom posadom krenuti u spašavanje prijatelja.

It is 2046 when a mysterious alien force begins their annihilation of the human race. Leaving behind the one person she loves, Mikako joins the interstellar battle as a pilot. And so - while Mikako risks her life to save mankind - Noboru waits. The two lovers, worlds apart, desperately strive to remain connected as the gap between them widens at a frightening pace.

A man with a mysterious past flees the country to escape his own personal hell... only to arrive somewhere much worse. In an effort to survive this new horror, he turns to his personified conscience.

A young grandmother in a small Pennsylvania town raises her daughter's child after the girl disappears. All the while, a desperate search for her continues.

A group of World War II American soldiers encounter a supernatural enemy as they occupy a French castle previously under Nazi control.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

An elderly and retired police detective and a young amateur sleuth team up to find a serial killer whom has resumed a killing spree in Turin, Italy after a 17-year hiatus.

For a grieving fiancée, learning to love again requires the help of her late love's three best friends.