Pripažintas rašytojas Džovani Pontano su žmona Lidija vyksta į vakarėlį pas magnatą Gerardini. Nors moteris ir ne itin nori, tačiau sutinka, nes vyras tikisi susitarti dėl naujos knygos leidimo. Vakarėlis ūžia, o pora tampa viso šėlsmo stebėtoja. Džovanis ieško naujų literatūros personažų, situacijų ir aptinka žavingą šeimininko dukrą Valentiną. Lidija stebi visus, tačiau akys visą laiką ieško Džovanio. Ir vienas, ir kitas įsitraukia į naktinius žaidimus, kurie padeda Lidijai ir Džovaniui suprasti, ką jie vienas kitam reiškia. 1961 m. Tarptautiniame Berlyno kino festivalyje filmas „Naktis“ apdovanotas „Auksiniu lokiu“.

A gangster escapes jail and quickly makes plans to continue his criminal ways elsewhere, but a determined inspector is closing in.

Turtingų italų grupelė jachta išplaukia į jūra, o pasiekę salą, nusprendžia ją apžiūrėti. Po kiek laiko pasigendama kartu keliavusios Anos. Jos draugė Klaudija baiminasi, kad jai kažkas atsitiko, ir nori likti saloje, kol ją ras. Anos sužadėtinis Sandro ilgai nedelsęs ima asistuoti Klaudijai. Nors Sandro ir patinka Klaudijai, ji negali pamiršti dingusios draugės. Tačiau meilės ilgesys atveda moterį į Sandro glėbį. „Nuotykis“, nors ir nepelnė pagrindinio Kanų kino festivalio prizo, buvo įvertintas festivalio žiuri ir sulaukė daugelio žymių žmonių, kino kritikų, žurnalistų, rašytojų pripažinimo ir parašų po žodžiais: „Vakar festivalyje matėme geriausią filmą gyvenime.“

While recording sound effects for a slasher flick, Jack Terry stumbles upon a real-life horror: a car careening off a bridge and into a river. Jack jumps into the water and fishes out Sally from the car, but the other passenger is already dead — a governor intending to run for president. As Jack does some investigating of his tapes, and starts a perilous romance with Sally, he enters a tangled web of conspiracy that might leave him dead.

Pasakojimas apie žurnalisto Deivido Loko likimą. Atvykęs daryti reportažo į karštą Sacharą reporteris niekaip negali surinkti medžiagos. Be to, padėtį apsunkina sausas atogrąžų klimatas. Neištvėręs karščio, miršta Deivido kaimynas, gyvenantis kambaryje priešais. Žurnalistas pagautas impulso apsimeta mirusiu, perklijuoja nuotrauką pase ir pasiima jo daiktus. Mūsų herojaus laukia viliojantis ir kartu rizikingas gyvenimas. Filmas apdovanotas dviem sidabriniais kaspinais ir prizu „Bodil“, taip pat nominuotas Kanų festivalyje 1975 m. („Auksinė palmių šaka“).

In the second film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto battles a group of female ninja in the employ of the Yagyu clan and must assassinate a traitor who plans to sell his clan's secrets to the Shogunate.

Released from prison under a New Year amnesty, a criminal tries to pick up the threads of a life changed not only by his daring plan to rob a jewelry store in out-of-season Cannes, but also by a very special someone he met there.

„Zabriskie Point“ į kino ekranus perkėlė 7-ojo dešimtmečio Ameriką, laikotarpiui būdingus politinius neramumus, studentų diskusijas, kontrkultūros maištą. Prieš korporacinę Ameriką kovojantis studentas Markas susitinka su Daria. Keliaudami per dykumą jie atsisako visko, kas siejama su materialumu, atsiduoda regimojo pasaulio grožiui.

When a shipment of heroin disappears between Italy and New York, a small-time pimp in Milan is framed for the theft. Two professional hitmen are dispatched from New York to find him, but the real thieves want to get rid of him before the New York killers get to him to eliminate any chance of them finding out he's the wrong man.

Pulcinella, a foolish servant, is sent from the depths of Mt. Vesuvius to present-day Campania to grant the last wish of poor shepherd Tommaso, who spent his whole life looking after a crumbling Bourbon estate: his mission is to save a young buffalo named Sarchiapone. Pulcinella takes the buffalo north and the two servants, man and beast, travel through a beautiful and lost Italy.

After a divorce with her childhood friend, arrogant socialite Tracy Lord is remarrying but her ex-husband in still in love with her. Meanwhile, a gossip magazine blackmails Tracy's family into covering her new wedding. A musical remake of the 1940 romcom The Philadelphia Story.

Six outwardly average individuals have elaborate fetishes they indulge with surreptitious care. A mousy letter carrier makes dough balls she grotesquely ingests before bed. A shop clerk fixates on a TV news reader while he builds a machine to massage and masturbate him. One of his customers makes an elaborate chicken costume for a voodoo-like scene with a doll resembling his plump neighbor. She, in turn, has a doll that resembles him, which she whips and dominates in an abandoned church. The TV news reader has her own fantasy involving carp. Her husband, who is indifferent to her, steals materials to fashion elaborate artifacts that he rubs, scrapes and rolls across his body.

A film director who no longer makes films arrives in Seoul to meet a close friend. When the friend doesn't show up, he wanders the city aimlessly for three days, grabbing drinks and meeting women, with each day playing out like a version of the last.

Shanghai, China, 1930. When young Shuisheng arrives from the countryside, his uncle Liushu puts him at the service of Bijou, the mistress of Laoda, supreme boss of the Tang Triad, constantly threatened by his enemies, both those he knows and those lurking in the shadows.

A group of disillusioned young Parisians look for satisfaction in political activism, religion, romance, music, and drugs.

Martin, a young blind photographer, is divided between his friendship with restaurant worker Andy and the exclusive love that Celia—who is terribly jealous of this new friendship—has for him.

Recovering from an attempted suicide, a man is selected to participate in a time travel experiment that has only been tested on mice. A malfunction in the experiment causes the man to experience moments from his past in a random order.

Arthur Simon Simpson is a small-time crook biding his time in Greece. One of his potential victims turns out to be a gentleman thief planning to steal the emerald-encrusted dagger of the Mehmed II from Istanbul's Topkapi Museum.

After a series of misunderstandings and other unfortunate incidents, the honeymoon of two young couples ends sooner than planned. Back at their starting point, the ensuing conflict leads to one of the couples separating. Salvatore, who moves away, is hit in the street by a car and loses his memory: he has lost his memories of his friends and family - until he meets his wife Marisa, in which he falls in love again ...

A chronicle of the sordid life and suspicious death of Rolling Stones co-founder Brian Jones, who was found in the bottom of his swimming pool weeks after being let go from the band.