Romantična komedija posnet po istoimenski knjižji uspešnici, ki jo je napisal Casey McQuinston. Alex, sin ameriške predsednice, se udeleži poroke princa Filipa, najstarejšega sina britanskega kralja. Na kraljevi dvor v Anglijo ga pospremi prijateljica Nora. Alex ne goji ravno simpatij oziroma bolje rečeno, kar sovraži Filipovega mlajšega brata, princa Henryja. Po manjšem prepiru, ki v tabloidih sproži pravi mali kaos, morata zdaj Alex in Henry v zrežirano premirje ter medije in svet prepričati, da sta v resnici zelo dobra prijatelja. Njun ledeni odnos se začne tudi v resnici topliti in trenja med njima zanetijo nekaj globljega, kot sta pričakovala...
During the trial of a man accused of his father's murder, a lone juror takes a stand against the guilty verdict handed down by the others as a result of their preconceptions and prejudices.
17-letna Geneviève in njena mati vodita butik z dežniki v obalnem mestecu Cherbourg v Normandiji. Guy je mladi avtomehanik, ki skrbi za bolno teto. Geneviève in Guy se zaljubita in načrtujeta poroko kljub neodobravanju njene matere. Preden Guyja pošljejo v alžirsko vojno, si zaobljubita večno ljubezen. A med njegovo odsotnostjo Geneviève podvomi v njegovo ljubezen. Dvoriti ji začne premožni pariški draguljar Roland. V zakon z njim jo prepričuje tudi mati. Geneviève popusti pritiskom in se poroči z Rolandom ter zapusti Cherbourg. Guy se vrne iz Alžirije in s pomočjo Madeleine sestavlja koščke razsutega življenja. Leta pozneje se Geneviève in Guy srečata na bencinski postaji, ki jo vodi Guy.
At the height of the Cold War, a troubled soldier forms a forbidden love triangle with a daring fighter pilot and his female comrade amid the dangerous surroundings of a Soviet Air Force Base.
On the heels of a professional and personal setback, Atlanta chef Emma travels to Hawaii, where she meets Ben, a reclusive surf instructor.
A secret fantasy blog might jeopardize the promising future of Laras, a talented student, when the blog is revealed to her entire school.
V tej novi pustolovščini se Asterix in Obelix odpravita na lov za mladim čarovnikom, ki je vreden recepta za čarobni napoj, Potem ko si vaški čarovnik Miraculix zlomi nogo, ko pade z drevesa.
After a year of long-distance, Raquel and Ares reunite on a steamy beach trip. Faced with fresh flirtations and insecurities, will their love prevail?
When a San Francisco exec wins a New Zealand inn, she ditches city life to remodel and flip the rustic property with help from a handsome contractor.
David loses his white collar job, his fiancée and his house after one night with con man Marcello. He tracks him down to exact revenge, but ends up becoming his disciple in order to win back everything.
Two small children and a ship's cook survive a shipwreck and find safety on an idyllic tropical island. Soon, however, the cook dies and the young boy and girl are left on their own. Days become years and Emmeline and Richard make a home for themselves surrounded by exotic creatures and nature's beauty. But will they ever see civilization again?
Ten minutes a day can change the course of your day. Ten minutes doing something completely new can change the course of a life. This is what Bianca will discover in the midst of an existential crisis. New meetings, the discovery of special bonds and listening to those who have always loved us. Sometimes it doesn't take much to start over and this film teaches us this, through a warm and passionate story of rebirth.
Elitna skupina priljubljenih deklet, imenovana "The Plastics", ki ji vlada spletkarska alfa kraljica Regina George in njeni služabnici Gretchen in Karen, sprejme medse novo študentko Cady Heron. Toda Cady naredi veliko napako in se zaljubi v Regininega bivšega fanta Aarona Samuelsa, zato postane Reginin plen in žrtev. Medtem ko jo Cady s pomočjo svojih izobčenih prijateljev Janis in Damiana skuša premagati, se mora naučiti, kako ostati zvesta sama sebi, ko krmari po najbolj grozoviti džungli od vseh: srednji šoli.
Emi je mlado, ambiciozno dekle, ki sanja o življenju zunaj svojega malega mesta. Ko se pojavi priložnost, da postane elitna spremljevalka v Dubaju, brez pomislekov zagrabi priložnost. Kmalu se povzpne na lestvici in tudi sama za arabske šejke začne novačiti poljske misice, zvezdnice, estradnice in manekenke. Vendar razkošen in mamljiv svet sčasoma pokaže svojo temno plat ... Scenarij za film je napisal Mitja Okorn.
Antonio is a 30 year old family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.
Political strategists in a northern Italian city push gay-rights campaigner Piero into the mayoral race, pairing him with uptight conservative toughie Adele. Piero and his partner, Remo, are the stable ones, while buttoned-up divorcee Adele nurses her bitterness.
Zloben fant in družabno dekle se spoprijateljita.
A young woman’s passion forms the basis of this erotic Spanish drama adapted from a popular novel by Antonio Gala. The night before Desideria’s marriage, her girl friends give her some valuable advice on sex. The marriage takes place, and while it is generally happy, her husband Ramiro suffers from sexual dysfunction and Desideria is frustrated. The two end up on holiday in Istanbul with two friends. Desideria falls madly in love with the sensual ambiance of the ancient, teeming city. She begins a passionate affair with a handsome Turkish guide, Yaman. Upon her return home, she learns that she is pregnant. Ramiro agrees to support the child, but unfortunately it dies in infancy and the grieving Desideria flees for Istanbul to find her lover. She finds him and they renew their torrid affair. Later she learns some distressing things about Yaman, but this does not stop her from becoming his sexual slave and a call girl for wealthy carpet sellers.
A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas.
Toni leads a normal life with his wife Paola but full of enthusiasm and passion. The chance meeting with the young and wealthy Chiara will rekindle in him the desire to redeem himself and to realize his secret dream: to become an artist. The paths of the three will intertwine in a dangerous love triangle that will change the course of their lives forever.